The government will cover part of the cost of Kazakhstani people RES
Set personal green power plants will cost the people of Kazakhstan are cheaper. The state has already allocated more than 70 million tenge has already been allocated by the government for the acquisition of 32 units of renewable energy.
According to the draft law "About support of use of renewable energy sources" the government subsidizes half their value. There are about 70 settlements where centralized energy supply is not economically feasible.
In the first stage four units are designed for 8 regions — Almaty, Atyrau, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Mangistau and South Kazakhstan regions. Their average price is estimated at 4 million tenge. The consumer himself has to pay this amount.
— Person household, i.e. a physical person who acquires the funds for its installation of renewable energy 5 kW produced in Kazakhstan. Payment happens after it commissioned. And then with the district administrations statement that the Commission will consider and decide on the allocation of funds, — said the Director of the Department of renewable energy Ministry of environment and water resources of Kazakhstan Aynur of Ospanov.
Source: greenevolution.ru