Kazakhstan in 1992
In 1992, leaders of the country occupied by the reforms, the establishment of diplomatic relations and the first charity. Ordinary Kazakhstanis easier task - how to survive. Patch waiting for months, getting to realize that no matter what it is missing. Unemployment, inflation indexing - now about these economic terms, even children know
1. On 9 December 1991 on 16 January 1992 Karaganda miners strike. Began her Miners mine "Tentekskaya." Later they were joined by another 11 mines of Karaganda basin. Director General of "Karagandaugol" a month refuses to meet with the miners, following orders from above striking promises to increase wages by 2 times. People do not believe him, as well as other representatives of the local authorities. Strike stops a government commission, signed the protocol with the strikers: the miners go to work, and they raise the salary
2. In January, after the liberalization of Russia and Kazakhstan announces price. The countries are formally independent, but in fact still in the single currency area. Ruble is called "wooden" not provided real goods, it is rapidly depreciating. Free prices on a plan to transfer the authorities have a market economy and solve the problem of consumer deficit. From essential commodities the state reserves the right to set the price of bread and flour, to "social protection". Liberalisation leads to unrestrained price growth, price tags sometimes changed three times a day. Expensive utilities and public transport
3. By the time already removed restrictions on the size of wages, but wages for the price increases have not kept pace. There is a new problem - a shortage of cash. Salary accrue, but to get her people can not. As a result of the crisis on the enterprises began to appear different substitutes of money - coupons, coupons, issue of wages with food.
4. In order to ensure the country's businesses require cash settlements conduct all bank transfer. Employees whose salary exceeds 2000 rubles, 30% per month automatically transferred to the savings account, but they burn quickly. Annual inflation in the 92 th over 3,000 percent. In the same year appeared the first check books for population
5. On 7 January 1992 Kazakhstan has established its own Republican gold reserve and Diamond fund. January 27 at the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant smelted the first bar of gold higher test weight of 10 kg 5
6. In Kazakhstan Nauryz is not celebrated nationally from 1926 to 1988. The final date of March 22 gets official status of a public holiday in 1991 after the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR "On the national spring holiday - Nauryz", but it is widely begin to celebrate since 1992
7. On the areas of holiday festivities will begin with a dramatization of the Kazakh customs and refreshments
8. Spring 92 th currently says First Lady of Kazakhstan. Sara Nazarbayeva created a charity fund "Bobek" and intended to take the lead in children from orphanages and needy families. The fund once it becomes widely known. Social services, primarily engaged in the same, clearly inferior "Bobek" in scale
9. In the early stages, "Bobek" engaged in targeted assistance to the needy, and to the mid-90s appear Children's Villages "SOS Kinderdorf", Youth Houses and Houses of Hope
10. The Fund helps local authorities and sponsors - the first Kazakhstani businessmen. The most famous of them, Bulat Abilov, head of the firm "Butya" of which the country has yet to learn. "Butya" will be the first non-Russian company, sponsored the television program "Field of Dreams." The company as "roll" that its logo will be displayed even in a spaceship. But all this still lies ahead
11. In 1992, Kazakhstan has been actively working in the direction of foreign policy. In January the republic became a member of the OSCE. In March, at the 46th session of the UN General Assembly, Kazakhstan is a member of the organization. By year end, 108 countries recognize the independence of states, with 70 is set using diplomatic relations. In Alma-Ata open diplomatic missions in 19 countries. Republic is the international financial institutions - the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund
12. The Turkish Republic of the world's first enabled Kazakhstan to open a diplomatic representation and the first of the countries proposed an alternative to Kazakhstani secondary education. Adopted in 1992, the law provided for the creation of joint ventures in the field of education. The country opened the first Kazakh-Turkish high schools. The school can be reached only on a competitive basis, but the disadvantage is that enrolling in high school, the child loses a year - he goes exclusively to the study of languages: Turkish and English. In subsequent years, all school subjects are taught in both languages. 5 days a week, students live in a dormitory at the Lyceum - tuition and living Turkish side takes over. Most of the teaching staff - the Turks. Instead, student leaders at the supervisors school students - young graduates from Turkey
13. In 1992, Kazakhstan acquires its own armed forces. The State Committee of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan became the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Instead of the old tradition of celebrating the Day of Defender of the Fatherland on February 23, Kazakhstanis start to celebrate this holiday May 7 - the day when Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the establishment of the national armed forces
14. In early 1992, a competition was announced for the development of the state symbols of Kazakhstan anthem, emblem and flag. They sent about 750 projects anthem. After much discussion, it was decided to keep the music of the previous anthem. Four poets Muzaffar Alimbaev, Tumanbai Moldagaliyev, Kadir Myrzaliev and Zhadyra Daribaeva create words that will sound even the next 14 years:
Heat? en Namystan? a? Arman challah? pyz,
Azatty? Zholynda zhalyndap zhanyppyz.
That? dyrdy? tezіnen, toza? you?? zіnen
Aman-sau? alyppyz, aman, a sauna? alyppyz ...
15.Segodnyashny emblem of sovereign Kazakhstan is a result of creative search of two architects: Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Valikhanov and flag - designer and painter Shaken Niyazbekova
16. June 4, 1992 will be signed the first laws of the State Emblem and the State Flag of independent Kazakhstan, and on June 6 in the building of the Almaty Opera and Ballet Abai solemn ceremony devoted to the state symbols of the Republic
17. On the same day over the residence of the president and the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan will raise the national flag and coat of arms install
18. In June 1992, after the adoption of the Law "On the bodies of Internal Affairs," the police will be proudly referred to the police. Towards a new way of life with a touch of foreign, Kazakhstan will be a long time getting used to. The name change explained by the fact that for the first time in the history of the activities of internal affairs bodies regulated legal act of higher legal force. Before police set entirely new tasks to improve the work of law-enforcement bodies
19. On October 1, 1992 pensioners have a pension increase. For this decision of the government in the spring provided for the so-called indexing. Each pensioner is determined individually calculated ratio, which must then be multiplied by the average monthly salary according to the 92th year. The result is the new pension
20. recalculation takes six months. In October, the result of the work is not there. People get more money, but they will already be impairment inflation
21. During the first year of trade relations Kazakhstan and China natorguyut 369 million. 2 \ 3 sum - exports of the PRC. In Kazakhstan the first imported Chinese consumer goods: clothing and food. From Kazakhstan's neighbors take out secondary raw materials - ferrous and nonferrous metals
22. Until the end of the 90 scrap collection - this is not the pioneer tradition. For the population - it is almost the only source of income. The collection points are everything from aluminum saucepans to transformer boxes
23. Pioneer die with the collapse of the Union. A year students of inertia wear ties, on the periphery - even longer, but since 1992, the school gradually begin to come loose clothing. That clothing is best demonstrated the social status of the family: the majority of children are dressed very modestly, or parent, or are things
24. There are the first small business. Left to themselves, (parents are busy trying to feed his family) students begin to wash cars and sell newspapers
25. In the autumn on the basis of the Alma-Ata party school opens Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP). The building, which has only recently trained personnel for the Soviet planned economy, will now produce managers for the market economy. He headed the university Dr. Chan Young Bang, an American professor of Korean origin. With Nursultan Nazarbayev, he met in 1989 in Moscow, after which he was invited to Kazakhstan as an adviser to participate in the upcoming economic reforms in the country
26. In the first year in the master's scored only 115 people. The number of undergraduates increased markedly after having been connected to the grant programs funded by TACIS, USAID
27. In the 92 th begins mass emigration of ethnic Germans to Germany. Formally, people can leave the country back in 1986, after the adoption of the USSR law "On entry and exit." But in the Soviet period it decided a few. The deteriorating situation in the economy and turmoil in politics in the first year of independence - a compelling case for decision. In the 92 th country leaving more than 100 thousand people in the mid-90s it already about half a million
A source

1. On 9 December 1991 on 16 January 1992 Karaganda miners strike. Began her Miners mine "Tentekskaya." Later they were joined by another 11 mines of Karaganda basin. Director General of "Karagandaugol" a month refuses to meet with the miners, following orders from above striking promises to increase wages by 2 times. People do not believe him, as well as other representatives of the local authorities. Strike stops a government commission, signed the protocol with the strikers: the miners go to work, and they raise the salary

2. In January, after the liberalization of Russia and Kazakhstan announces price. The countries are formally independent, but in fact still in the single currency area. Ruble is called "wooden" not provided real goods, it is rapidly depreciating. Free prices on a plan to transfer the authorities have a market economy and solve the problem of consumer deficit. From essential commodities the state reserves the right to set the price of bread and flour, to "social protection". Liberalisation leads to unrestrained price growth, price tags sometimes changed three times a day. Expensive utilities and public transport

3. By the time already removed restrictions on the size of wages, but wages for the price increases have not kept pace. There is a new problem - a shortage of cash. Salary accrue, but to get her people can not. As a result of the crisis on the enterprises began to appear different substitutes of money - coupons, coupons, issue of wages with food.

4. In order to ensure the country's businesses require cash settlements conduct all bank transfer. Employees whose salary exceeds 2000 rubles, 30% per month automatically transferred to the savings account, but they burn quickly. Annual inflation in the 92 th over 3,000 percent. In the same year appeared the first check books for population

5. On 7 January 1992 Kazakhstan has established its own Republican gold reserve and Diamond fund. January 27 at the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant smelted the first bar of gold higher test weight of 10 kg 5

6. In Kazakhstan Nauryz is not celebrated nationally from 1926 to 1988. The final date of March 22 gets official status of a public holiday in 1991 after the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR "On the national spring holiday - Nauryz", but it is widely begin to celebrate since 1992

7. On the areas of holiday festivities will begin with a dramatization of the Kazakh customs and refreshments

8. Spring 92 th currently says First Lady of Kazakhstan. Sara Nazarbayeva created a charity fund "Bobek" and intended to take the lead in children from orphanages and needy families. The fund once it becomes widely known. Social services, primarily engaged in the same, clearly inferior "Bobek" in scale

9. In the early stages, "Bobek" engaged in targeted assistance to the needy, and to the mid-90s appear Children's Villages "SOS Kinderdorf", Youth Houses and Houses of Hope

10. The Fund helps local authorities and sponsors - the first Kazakhstani businessmen. The most famous of them, Bulat Abilov, head of the firm "Butya" of which the country has yet to learn. "Butya" will be the first non-Russian company, sponsored the television program "Field of Dreams." The company as "roll" that its logo will be displayed even in a spaceship. But all this still lies ahead

11. In 1992, Kazakhstan has been actively working in the direction of foreign policy. In January the republic became a member of the OSCE. In March, at the 46th session of the UN General Assembly, Kazakhstan is a member of the organization. By year end, 108 countries recognize the independence of states, with 70 is set using diplomatic relations. In Alma-Ata open diplomatic missions in 19 countries. Republic is the international financial institutions - the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund

12. The Turkish Republic of the world's first enabled Kazakhstan to open a diplomatic representation and the first of the countries proposed an alternative to Kazakhstani secondary education. Adopted in 1992, the law provided for the creation of joint ventures in the field of education. The country opened the first Kazakh-Turkish high schools. The school can be reached only on a competitive basis, but the disadvantage is that enrolling in high school, the child loses a year - he goes exclusively to the study of languages: Turkish and English. In subsequent years, all school subjects are taught in both languages. 5 days a week, students live in a dormitory at the Lyceum - tuition and living Turkish side takes over. Most of the teaching staff - the Turks. Instead, student leaders at the supervisors school students - young graduates from Turkey

13. In 1992, Kazakhstan acquires its own armed forces. The State Committee of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan became the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Instead of the old tradition of celebrating the Day of Defender of the Fatherland on February 23, Kazakhstanis start to celebrate this holiday May 7 - the day when Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the establishment of the national armed forces

14. In early 1992, a competition was announced for the development of the state symbols of Kazakhstan anthem, emblem and flag. They sent about 750 projects anthem. After much discussion, it was decided to keep the music of the previous anthem. Four poets Muzaffar Alimbaev, Tumanbai Moldagaliyev, Kadir Myrzaliev and Zhadyra Daribaeva create words that will sound even the next 14 years:
Heat? en Namystan? a? Arman challah? pyz,
Azatty? Zholynda zhalyndap zhanyppyz.
That? dyrdy? tezіnen, toza? you?? zіnen
Aman-sau? alyppyz, aman, a sauna? alyppyz ...

15.Segodnyashny emblem of sovereign Kazakhstan is a result of creative search of two architects: Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Valikhanov and flag - designer and painter Shaken Niyazbekova

16. June 4, 1992 will be signed the first laws of the State Emblem and the State Flag of independent Kazakhstan, and on June 6 in the building of the Almaty Opera and Ballet Abai solemn ceremony devoted to the state symbols of the Republic

17. On the same day over the residence of the president and the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan will raise the national flag and coat of arms install

18. In June 1992, after the adoption of the Law "On the bodies of Internal Affairs," the police will be proudly referred to the police. Towards a new way of life with a touch of foreign, Kazakhstan will be a long time getting used to. The name change explained by the fact that for the first time in the history of the activities of internal affairs bodies regulated legal act of higher legal force. Before police set entirely new tasks to improve the work of law-enforcement bodies

19. On October 1, 1992 pensioners have a pension increase. For this decision of the government in the spring provided for the so-called indexing. Each pensioner is determined individually calculated ratio, which must then be multiplied by the average monthly salary according to the 92th year. The result is the new pension

20. recalculation takes six months. In October, the result of the work is not there. People get more money, but they will already be impairment inflation

21. During the first year of trade relations Kazakhstan and China natorguyut 369 million. 2 \ 3 sum - exports of the PRC. In Kazakhstan the first imported Chinese consumer goods: clothing and food. From Kazakhstan's neighbors take out secondary raw materials - ferrous and nonferrous metals

22. Until the end of the 90 scrap collection - this is not the pioneer tradition. For the population - it is almost the only source of income. The collection points are everything from aluminum saucepans to transformer boxes

23. Pioneer die with the collapse of the Union. A year students of inertia wear ties, on the periphery - even longer, but since 1992, the school gradually begin to come loose clothing. That clothing is best demonstrated the social status of the family: the majority of children are dressed very modestly, or parent, or are things

24. There are the first small business. Left to themselves, (parents are busy trying to feed his family) students begin to wash cars and sell newspapers

25. In the autumn on the basis of the Alma-Ata party school opens Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP). The building, which has only recently trained personnel for the Soviet planned economy, will now produce managers for the market economy. He headed the university Dr. Chan Young Bang, an American professor of Korean origin. With Nursultan Nazarbayev, he met in 1989 in Moscow, after which he was invited to Kazakhstan as an adviser to participate in the upcoming economic reforms in the country

26. In the first year in the master's scored only 115 people. The number of undergraduates increased markedly after having been connected to the grant programs funded by TACIS, USAID

27. In the 92 th begins mass emigration of ethnic Germans to Germany. Formally, people can leave the country back in 1986, after the adoption of the USSR law "On entry and exit." But in the Soviet period it decided a few. The deteriorating situation in the economy and turmoil in politics in the first year of independence - a compelling case for decision. In the 92 th country leaving more than 100 thousand people in the mid-90s it already about half a million
A source