The Voynich manuscript—the most mysterious book in the world, remains a mystery for 500 years

The Voynich manuscript can be rightfully called the most mysterious manuscript in the world, which, despite the efforts of the greatest cryptographers of our time, still remains a mystery. 234 pages, inscribed with strange words that consist of letters, images of plants that are found on our planet, star maps, strange drawings of naked women... While remain vain all the efforts of scientists to understand what tells this mysterious manuscript.

And what is this manuscript? Discovered this mysterious book was in 1912 by the American collector Wilfrid M. Voynich in the Italian town of Frascati, in the Villa Mondragone. Between the pages was found the letter from the rector of the University of Prague, which dates back to 1665 or 1666 year. The letter contained a request to one well-known scientist to participate in cracking the cipher, which is written in the book. Judging by the text of the letter, this manuscript was bought by the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II of Bohemia (who ruled from 1576 on, 1612) for 600 ducats, (about 3.5 kg. of gold). Also in the letter it was suggested that the author of this manuscript could be a Franciscan friar and mystic of the XIII century Roger bacon, was interested in the science and cryptography.

Currently the Voynich manuscript is in storage at the Library of rare books and manuscripts Beinecke at Yale University.
The originality of the mysterious Voynich manuscript that he has written a unique alphabetical letter, which is not similar to any of the existing alpha systems. To date this work remains a mystery. In 1912, Voynich made from this manuscript photocopied and handed over to specialists in ancient languages, botanists and astronomers, but to decipher its contents, no one has. During the Second world war deciphering of the manuscript was engaged in the American and British cryptanalysts, however, and they could not read a word.
Source: /users/60
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