It is proven that men are more emotional than women
Scientists from Britain denied male callousness on the background of the opposite sex. The study showed that men are more emotional in comparison with women. The experiment involved 15 volunteers, men and furthermore the same number of women. The subjects were asked to view several images on a variety of topics.
While the volunteers look at pictures, the experts recorded all documented physiological responses that arise from them. This was used special electrodes that were attached to the fingers of the respondents. In the end, the experts were able to determine that men reacted more strongly to different images than women. The latter showed emotion only when I watched a touching picture, the rest of the theme caused a sensitive response only for men.
After the experiment, participants were also be surveyed to assess their emotions. Here the result was as expected: men have shown that they seem to react to image is not particularly emotional, although the readings showed quite the opposite.
The experiment, the experts commented: "Gender stereotypes in our time about the emotional invulnerable women and men are reinforced by the media. Society makes it easier, and also to exaggerate the differences between women and men, and in addition focus on the evidence which reinforce existing gender stereotypes."
Source: globalscience.ru