Unexpected products that may contain animal products
Here are just a few things and foods that contain animal-based substances:
1. Beer brand "Guinness" contains fish glue - a substance that is extracted from the swimming bladders of sturgeon fish. It is added to beer barrels to eliminate turbidity and cleanse the drink of residues of yeast and solid particles.
2. The composition of some perfumes, especially those with the aroma of vanilla, includes a beaver stream, which is produced in sebaceous bags near the anus of the beaver. Another beaver stream is used in the production of gelatin, pudding, soft drinks and ice cream.
3. Synthetic materials from which food packages are made contain chemicals (slip additives) derived from stearic acid, which is present in animal fats. These substances, in fact, do not allow polymers in the production process to adhere to the metal and to each other. Bike tyres can also contain similar elements.
4. In the process of refining both white and brown sugar, bone charcoal is often used - a granular substance that is obtained from animal bones by burning them. The substance gives the sugar a white color.
5. Traditionally, for the manufacture of some condoms, manufacturers use casein - a milk protein that serves as a lubricant or, more simply, a lubricant. However, some brands (such as GLYDE) specifically produce condoms for vegans.
6. Guanin nail polish (or “pearl essence”) is part of nail polish and lipstick and gives pearl shine to decorative cosmetics. Guanine is one of the 4 nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA. It is obtained from fish scales (mainly from herring scales).
7. Colored pencils and crayons In the production of colored pencils, animal fats are often used. For example, paraffin is their basic ingredient. Who would have thought that the byproducts of mammals are present in accessories for children's creativity.
8. Dry confectionery mixtures for cupcakes and pies contain beef fat. It is sometimes called butter or shortening, a cooking fat that is added to dough for crumbness.
9. When the red cochineal beetle is dried and crushed, carmine powder is obtained, which is added as a dye to candy, ice cream and yogurt. Previously, this ingredient was disguised as an “artificial dye”. But since 2011, the Food and Drug Administration has required manufacturers to include carmine on the label.
Edible shellock is used to glaze candy and tablets (with the exception of M&Ms), and is obtained from the secretions of female insect worms of the species Kerria lacca.
10. Many companies add omega-3 fatty acids to orange juice, which are obtained from fish. In a broad sense, such ingredients are nutraceuticals – dietary supplements designed to improve health.
11. L-cysteine bagels are an amino acid that is present in bakery products and allows you to extend the shelf life of products. It is obtained from bird feathers, human and pig hair. Theoretically, companies can produce synthetic cysteine, but it will require additional costs. Therefore, many manufacturers get this substance from animals and use it to make bagels and much more.
12. Pork hemoglobin is used in some cigarette filters. Pig blood protein has recently been shown to make filters significantly more effective at blocking toxic chemicals and protecting smokers’ lungs from them. To date, there is nothing to replace pork hemoglobin.
Source: mixstuff.ru
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