10 excellent books with less than 300 pages to read in one breath
Sixty six million five hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred sixty one
1. "35 kilos of hope" by Anna gavalda This is a poetic parable about the main thing: the choice of life, the power of love and devotion. About family. That dreams can and must come true. It is necessary only very to want. And to try very hard. Solving their "baby" problems, thirteen-year-old hero looks for a way out — and finds him, so much so that adults have something boys have to learn.
2. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Truman Capote's Eccentric, full of life Holly is attracted to his world of rich people, the bright lights sparkling diamond necklace. Guided in his actions only by the voice of the heart, combining a childish innocence with bewitching charm of a real woman, she embodies the very essence of new York- the city where dreams are at arm's length, separated by sparkling glass captivating views of storefronts.
3. "Postcards from the world" Franco Arminio a Few dozen stories in the first person, depicting the death of the narrator. “I'm one of those who at the death was in order.” Or: “the burial boards such as I, is depicted with a long handlebar moustache. I don't even remember how I died.”
4. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Richard Bach Incredibly, none of the books by Richard Bach there is no Preface or afterword with his biography. And why? All we need to know about Seagull Richard Bach, we know from his books…
5. "The cat unvarnished" Terry Pratchett in the Beginning was the word, and the word was cat. This unshakable truth proclaimed to the peoples of the feline God through his obedient disciple of Terry Pratchett. So, before you the gospel of the feline breeds. You will learn all about cats. What cats are made of, their internal structure, the laws that they are and do not act, what they eat and what you drink. Well, that was evident, the book has wonderful pictures of the English graphic artist gray of Jolliffe. Be with you cat's blessing! Meow!
6. "The plumber, his cat, wife and other details," Glory Se He little fortress, whose male loneliness smells like hamster (living under the bath), and enjoys almost impregnable sad women (light kiss on). The only Baltic plumber who plays in the academic theater. Writes a blog in "LiveJournal", able to roast meat and grow on the window bow. Who is himself the glory of the Se? Or his character? Yes, and Thank Se?
7. "1900. The legend" Alessandro Baricco in Front of you is a poignant story of the musician, never coming down from ship to shore, is one of the most famous works of the Italian writer. The book served as the basis for a widely known film of the same name.
8. "The old man and the sea" Ernest Hemingway True masterpiece of Hemingway. The story is dedicated to the "tragic stoicism": before the cruelty of the world people, even losing, must maintain the courage and dignity. The image of a fierce battle with a monstrous fish, and then devouring her sharks contrasts with reflections on the past, about the world.
9. "How I became an idiot" Martin Page in your hands the debut novel of Martin's Page thirty years ruler of the souls and minds of today's young French people. This "journey to stupidity" raises issues common to young intellectuals of his generation who can not fit into the "right" life. "The mind makes its possessor unhappy, lonely and poor, — the hero of the novel, then as an imitation of the mind brings immortality, reprinted on newsprint and the admiration of the public that believes everything he reads".
10."Spend the winter" Shane Jones This book was initially published in a small edition of 500 copies in a small publishing house, dealing with the issue arthouses literature. And unexpectedly produced a literary sensation. Critics, who wrote dozens of rave reviews on instantly became a cult novel by Shane Jones "spend the winter", compare it with the works of Italo Calvino, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Neil Gaiman. Each copy of the first edition was sold at a fantastic price — $ 250! The first success was followed by wide publication in the United States and a bustling international popularity. The rights to the novel "spend the winter" acquired almost all European countries. So what attracts this poetic and sad tale for adults and intellectuals, and the ordinary readers?..
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