10 fascinating books that do not give sleep

keep the reader in constant pressure and at the same time tell a really decent story - art, which has not every writer. But there are also books on light volume can inspire so that the whole world fades into the background.
< Website I have collected books that can give you a night (or a day) incredible experience and leave a pleasant aftertaste.

Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon "If you are looking at the same time the pleasure of reading and food for the mind, it does not pass by a small novel Daniel Keyes. He will tell you what it is - from a simple guy, janitor at the bakery, whose IQ is less than 60, to become a genius, most intelligent person on the planet. Can we thus overcome their fears and cope with loneliness? Keyes gives his answer to this question.

Sergei Dovlatov "suitcase" "suitcase" Dovlatov eyeballs stuffed with witty stories, notebooks in which to preserve the history of the life of the writer. They fall in love a long time. Perhaps the secret Dovlatova that he did not invent a special "book" of the situation, but simply says that he watched, and calls a spade a spade. Well, in the humor, of course.

Robert A. Heinlein "Orphans of the Sky" Back in space there is a giant freight ships, whose inhabitants have long forgotten about the world outside of the ship, divided into two camps and fight with each other. The novel, which brought fame to the author, does not let you go just like that. In the end, is it really so different from the passengers of the ship, we, the inhabitants of the digital world?

Anna Gavalda "35 kilos of hope" This poetic parable about a little thing: choosing a way of life, the power of love and devotion. About family. History thirteen boy who once had to collect all their forces and make a step towards adulthood, proves once again - a dream come true. In the end, no matter how much we had a kilo, we always look forward to something.

Narine Abgaryan "come in large numbers" tragicomic story of a proud and young girls who came to the crazy '90s from a small mountainous republic to conquer Moscow. Each "come in large numbers" its Moscow. "My book - a small piece of that, the back," come in large numbers "of life, which perhaps do not realize the big cities».

Neil Gaiman "never" Imagine that under the streets of your city is a world of which most people are not even aware. It is inhabited by saints and monsters, it becomes a real word power, danger lurks at every turn, it's dark and dirty, but ... very interesting. The door to a world outside of London opens Neil Gaiman. Just go down there and be gone all night.

Ray Bradbury "451 ° F" 451 ° Fahrenheit - the temperature at which paper ignites and burns. The world of the future where books are burned, flooded with information trash people and treat any dissent electroshock terrible. It is terrible, because it is true, because a lot has been fulfilled. But while there are love, beauty and the pursuit of truth, we have a chance.

Stephen King's "The Dead Zone" Even if you believe that King - not your author that horror - not your format that you are interested in the experiences of the hero and internal strife, this book is still the king of horror take a worthy place in your library. After all, there is no blood and maniacs - only rigid psychological confrontation with oneself. Chills and cold sweats are guaranteed.

Ian McEwan "On the Beach" This is a short, very chamber and poignant story of newlyweds whose drama - the result of reticence, reluctance to refer to each other and to be heard, the lack of inner freedom. Strange problem with which they are confronted, so can be easily solved with a simple conversation loving people. But - and here the question arises - who love you?

Francoise Sagan "A vague smile," If thrillers, science fiction and other kinds of fascinating reading material is clearly not for you, if you want the lyrics, unhurried, stringy and music, then a short beautiful novel Sagan - just what the doctor ordered. Of course, it is absolutely women's prose, and perhaps it will interest the reader, man. But among the romance novels the book Sagan - a pleasant exception: it has all the qualities of a good literature. And, yes, they are read quickly and easily.
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10 books to read in one night
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