Haiku of the favorite children's poems

Leonid Kaganov rewrote nursery rhymes Japanese maner.Hayku - a genre of traditional Japanese lyric poetry known since the XIV century. His goal - aptly and accurately portray the nature and man in their indissoluble unity.
This format and based his writer Leonid Kaganov, who wrote haiku poems based on Soviet and schitalok for children. Website publish poems that take you to your childhood and Japan.
Son gray goat lived with an old woman.
The bamboo grove left to graze.
Variability of everything in this world is eternal only horns and legs.
At the hour when the beam of the rising sun
Its light illuminates the foot of Fuji,
What do you dream of, the battleship "Mikasa»?
We lived at the old woman
Two puffer fish.
One white, the other gray - two funny fish.

Brothers and Enike Benike
Lacquered sushi.
Whatever teshilos child,
just not drank sake.
Elderly woman
Sow peas on the side of Mount Fuji.
The greedy man is like a cow's meat,
Drum distant Turkey, salted cucumber fruit.
All told.
Out of the mist
The month with the face of the samurai.
He drew his sword from his pocket a kimono.

Rice cakes baked Samurai.
Who to treat?
Samurai, the Samurai, who want - you choose.
The son of the bull moves uneven gait.
Breathe deeply - the fall is inevitable,
Ends mat.
Gathered commoners - who led?
C loud speech steps forward
Mouser Shishelov-San.
Chichichi-chan, clever wood monkey,
It helps the seller of bricks,
Pulls the rope.
Girl and boy walking together in the garden of stones.
Tilly-til-rice soup,
The future husband and wife.

Stripped brave warrior distant country Belarus
I was going to participate in the battle.
But, seeing guns Pearl Harbor, he has lost the spirit of combat.
Strict etiquette of the Samurai:
Who decides to call names a dirty word - that he is so called.
Equanimity teaches Zen wisdom:
Hurtful words that you say, I am referring to,
The translating.
Carefully Look at the grass - There was a green grasshopper-like fruit of the cucumber.
Ah yes, the frog.
Tell us about your travels, finch-fawn-san - Did distant river?
Peel any hot sake?

HHI-no-san-si-th - careless walking hare.
Hit by the nunchaku hunting.
Splashy Pants, oh-oh.
At the time of the autumn typhoons and tsunami threatening
We have a deal - we mow bamboo
For ikebana.
Playful summer fly
He sat down on the saucer cherry fruit, cooked in sweet syrup.
That ended a haiku.
Author: Leonid Kaganov
Illustrations: Natasha Tushkanutaya
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