What is particularly dangerous conditioning
According to the doctor-the therapist Belosljudova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, often the danger lies not in the microclimate of the premises, which occurs when the air conditioner, and the temperature contrast. "Imagine the excited man enters the room with a 40-degree heat and immediately falls into a wave of cold air. Of course, tempered by a healthy body is what is called a trifle, but if the person is weakened after suffering cold and sweaty from the heat, here's the air and can play a fatal role. I would have warned against the use of conditioning people suffering from acute and chronic diseases," advises the doctor.
We are talking primarily about diseases of the respiratory tract such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, acute and chronic bronchitis. In addition, the temperature drop can be dangerous for chronic otitis media — inflammation of the middle ear. According to the L. M. if a person suffers chronic lung disease and is constantly in a too cool area, the deterioration is difficult to avoid.
In addition, the contrast of temperatures and dry air can cause dermatitis, as our skin is extremely sensitive to temperature and humidity. It is not necessarily located near the air conditioner, really blown. Too dry air can also cause pharyngitis, can cause dryness of the nasopharynx.
But when it osteochondrosis flow of cold air from air conditioning can cause exacerbation of the disease. "To my advice sometimes treated people, says the doctor, suffering from pain in the back or neck. Sometimes this is because their workplace is located near a window or air conditioner. Blame can be a simple draft. But these patients I usually recommend even in the intense heat not to sit near the air conditioner, and certainly not to turn it on at full power."
Safety rules
All this does not mean that the air conditioning should be abandoned. On the contrary, its use has its advantages. In addition to comfort and then Wellness and better health, it also poses another major advantage (of course, in that case, if the function is designed by the manufacturer). Modern air conditioners, flowing air through itself can clean it and even ionize, and thus, in large Metropolitan areas, the atmosphere is filled with gases and harmful emissions are to some extent protect our body.
And yet when using the climate control systems you need to remember a few simple rules. First, as rightly said Lyudmila, — never sit under a stream of air from the working unit. It is this fact manifested in the incorrect location of air conditioning in the office (on the desktop), is the main reason for the prevalence of the myth that the flu and "it" are inseparable.
The second rule: the difference between the temperature outside and temperature indoors should not exceed 5 degrees. This will allow your body to easily adapt in the case that you periodically leave the building. Compliance with this rule will guarantee that in a small room you are guaranteed not to freeze up and not catch cold. By the way, if the air conditioner is working on heating, it also should not be included on the maximum temperature, limit yourself to the same 5 degrees.
Another important rule the third: never leave the air conditioning in the apartment are included on the night. Better to let it run for some time before going to sleep, and then disconnect. As in a dream, to catch a cold easier.
The rule of the quadruple will need when choosing the air conditioner. The fact that his power should correspond to the amount of space that the device mode is not permanent.
The fifth rule is universal — do not overuse! Of course, the air conditioner easy to get used to. However, we must remember: our body is so perfect that all it systems are able to adapt to any environmental conditions. Moreover, for man is a vital necessity. This means that, creating the notorious comfort, we deprive your body of the ability to adapt, and therefore does not give immunity "to harden".
Therefore, use air conditioning only when really need it. Because whatever you say, but the heat still bones ache!
Source: globalscience.ru

We are talking primarily about diseases of the respiratory tract such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, acute and chronic bronchitis. In addition, the temperature drop can be dangerous for chronic otitis media — inflammation of the middle ear. According to the L. M. if a person suffers chronic lung disease and is constantly in a too cool area, the deterioration is difficult to avoid.
In addition, the contrast of temperatures and dry air can cause dermatitis, as our skin is extremely sensitive to temperature and humidity. It is not necessarily located near the air conditioner, really blown. Too dry air can also cause pharyngitis, can cause dryness of the nasopharynx.
But when it osteochondrosis flow of cold air from air conditioning can cause exacerbation of the disease. "To my advice sometimes treated people, says the doctor, suffering from pain in the back or neck. Sometimes this is because their workplace is located near a window or air conditioner. Blame can be a simple draft. But these patients I usually recommend even in the intense heat not to sit near the air conditioner, and certainly not to turn it on at full power."
Safety rules
All this does not mean that the air conditioning should be abandoned. On the contrary, its use has its advantages. In addition to comfort and then Wellness and better health, it also poses another major advantage (of course, in that case, if the function is designed by the manufacturer). Modern air conditioners, flowing air through itself can clean it and even ionize, and thus, in large Metropolitan areas, the atmosphere is filled with gases and harmful emissions are to some extent protect our body.
And yet when using the climate control systems you need to remember a few simple rules. First, as rightly said Lyudmila, — never sit under a stream of air from the working unit. It is this fact manifested in the incorrect location of air conditioning in the office (on the desktop), is the main reason for the prevalence of the myth that the flu and "it" are inseparable.
The second rule: the difference between the temperature outside and temperature indoors should not exceed 5 degrees. This will allow your body to easily adapt in the case that you periodically leave the building. Compliance with this rule will guarantee that in a small room you are guaranteed not to freeze up and not catch cold. By the way, if the air conditioner is working on heating, it also should not be included on the maximum temperature, limit yourself to the same 5 degrees.
Another important rule the third: never leave the air conditioning in the apartment are included on the night. Better to let it run for some time before going to sleep, and then disconnect. As in a dream, to catch a cold easier.
The rule of the quadruple will need when choosing the air conditioner. The fact that his power should correspond to the amount of space that the device mode is not permanent.
The fifth rule is universal — do not overuse! Of course, the air conditioner easy to get used to. However, we must remember: our body is so perfect that all it systems are able to adapt to any environmental conditions. Moreover, for man is a vital necessity. This means that, creating the notorious comfort, we deprive your body of the ability to adapt, and therefore does not give immunity "to harden".
Therefore, use air conditioning only when really need it. Because whatever you say, but the heat still bones ache!
Source: globalscience.ru