Scientists have discovered how cancer cells migrate
A group of biologists from British universities have discovered for the first time how cancer cells migrate in the human body.
According to the experts, this scientific breakthrough provides a better understanding of the disease would allow scientists to figure out ways of blocking tumor. This means that aggressive cancer that can quickly go from a primary tumor, in the future will be effectively isolated as soon as it is detected. Because most cancer deaths are not caused by primary tumor and secondary metastases in vital organs.
A team of researchers found that communication among cells is weakening, turning them into geopodosnovy weight, able to penetrate in different parts of the body. Also, scientists have discovered a chemical signal that promotes these changes. Inhibiting this signal, it is possible to block further movement of the cells. The study has proved effective in non-cancerous embryonic cells, but biologists believe that in the same way cells spread from a tumour and invade other parts of the body.
Professor Mayor: "it is likely that a similar mechanism operates during cancer invasion. Many of the cellular processes that occur in cancer, were first found in the same embryonic cells." British scientists have discovered that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is responsible for the weakening of connections between cells that allows them to move from the solid to the liquid state and flow between tissues in the body. Blocking LPA molecules using a simple injection has stopped the movement of the cells.
Mayor says: "This is a promising alternative in which cancer treatments might work in the future, if therapies can be directed at limiting the yield of tumors in tissues. Our findings are important for cancer biology. Previously we thought that the cell moves in the body either individually or as a group. What we have discovered is a hybrid state where cells have weakened its ties with the neighbouring, but still move together as a liquid. In addition, we can stop this movement. He added: "I stress that we are far from the treatment – but maybe we could introduce the inhibitor around the tumor, blocking the LPA. The tumor will be solid and will not move. This means that you stop its spread".
Source: nauka24news.ru/
According to the experts, this scientific breakthrough provides a better understanding of the disease would allow scientists to figure out ways of blocking tumor. This means that aggressive cancer that can quickly go from a primary tumor, in the future will be effectively isolated as soon as it is detected. Because most cancer deaths are not caused by primary tumor and secondary metastases in vital organs.
A team of researchers found that communication among cells is weakening, turning them into geopodosnovy weight, able to penetrate in different parts of the body. Also, scientists have discovered a chemical signal that promotes these changes. Inhibiting this signal, it is possible to block further movement of the cells. The study has proved effective in non-cancerous embryonic cells, but biologists believe that in the same way cells spread from a tumour and invade other parts of the body.

Professor Mayor: "it is likely that a similar mechanism operates during cancer invasion. Many of the cellular processes that occur in cancer, were first found in the same embryonic cells." British scientists have discovered that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is responsible for the weakening of connections between cells that allows them to move from the solid to the liquid state and flow between tissues in the body. Blocking LPA molecules using a simple injection has stopped the movement of the cells.
Mayor says: "This is a promising alternative in which cancer treatments might work in the future, if therapies can be directed at limiting the yield of tumors in tissues. Our findings are important for cancer biology. Previously we thought that the cell moves in the body either individually or as a group. What we have discovered is a hybrid state where cells have weakened its ties with the neighbouring, but still move together as a liquid. In addition, we can stop this movement. He added: "I stress that we are far from the treatment – but maybe we could introduce the inhibitor around the tumor, blocking the LPA. The tumor will be solid and will not move. This means that you stop its spread".
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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