NASA has created an anthropomorphic robot

Android Valkyrie

Humanoid robot created in the laboratory of NASA. At the head of the group involved in the creation of a prototype of the combat anthropomorphic robot R-5, informally called Valkarius, was Nikolaus Radford from the space center Lyndon Johnson.

The growth of the fearless android is slightly larger than the height of a tall man (190 cm). Weighs a robot with autonomous power 125 kg. The developers have equipped it with a large number of sensors, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and fast-replaceable limbs that have forty-four degrees of freedom. The four-fingered hands have seven, and the legs have six. It also has active optical systems.

Amazing robot "twisted" head and easily turns in the "waist"

The charge located on the back of the battery is enough for an hour of active work. It will take just a few minutes to replace your limbs. Due to the identity of the design of the hands, they can also be changed in places.



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