The short pixel could be the shortest cat in the world.
This tiny cat named Pixel may soon get into the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest cat in the world! Owner of the animal Tiffany Kjeldergaard from Portrero, California, claims that the growth of her cat breed Munchkin is 12 centimeters, while the usual height at the withers for these breeds is 15 centimeters. At the moment, the shortest cat in the world is the cat Kai, whose height is 13.6 cm. For comparison, the growth of the average cat is 20-25 centimeters.
So far, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records have not measured a cat with short legs, but if the words of her mistress are confirmed, and the growth of her pet is really 12 centimeters, then soon the Pixel will bear the proud title of the shortest cat in the world.
Owner Pixel assures that the cats of the breed Munchkin are so cute that they will not leave indifferent even those who do not harbor weaknesses to our smaller brothers.
The Munchkin is a relatively new breed that was officially recognized by the International Cat Association in 1995. Representatives of this breed differ from their counterparts by very short paws, which appeared due to a genetic mutation.
When the first offspring of the Munchkin breed was born, disputes and heated discussions immediately arose. Critics have voiced concerns about potential health problems in the breed. But Tiffany refutes those concerns.
People who don’t understand genetics claim that this appearance of the Munchkin is a genetic defect or mutation. This is a very unfair statement to these cats. For them, this appearance is as natural as the height of many people, someone tall and someone short, one has blue eyes and the other is brown.
However, as Tiffany herself admitted, keeping such tiny cats can cause a lot of problems.
“If you have a Munchkin cat in your home, it’s best not to leave the doors open or close the refrigerator door too quickly because you might not notice your pet sticking his head in the fridge and pinching it.”
“You have to move around very slowly so you don’t accidentally step on a cat.”
Mistress Pixel is now waiting for confirmation from the Guinness Book of Records so the Pixel can enter there. If this happens, Pixel will continue the family tradition: her mother named Fizz set the previous record in 2012, whose height at the withers was 15 centimeters.
Source: 4tololo.ru
So far, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records have not measured a cat with short legs, but if the words of her mistress are confirmed, and the growth of her pet is really 12 centimeters, then soon the Pixel will bear the proud title of the shortest cat in the world.
Owner Pixel assures that the cats of the breed Munchkin are so cute that they will not leave indifferent even those who do not harbor weaknesses to our smaller brothers.
The Munchkin is a relatively new breed that was officially recognized by the International Cat Association in 1995. Representatives of this breed differ from their counterparts by very short paws, which appeared due to a genetic mutation.
When the first offspring of the Munchkin breed was born, disputes and heated discussions immediately arose. Critics have voiced concerns about potential health problems in the breed. But Tiffany refutes those concerns.
People who don’t understand genetics claim that this appearance of the Munchkin is a genetic defect or mutation. This is a very unfair statement to these cats. For them, this appearance is as natural as the height of many people, someone tall and someone short, one has blue eyes and the other is brown.
However, as Tiffany herself admitted, keeping such tiny cats can cause a lot of problems.
“If you have a Munchkin cat in your home, it’s best not to leave the doors open or close the refrigerator door too quickly because you might not notice your pet sticking his head in the fridge and pinching it.”
“You have to move around very slowly so you don’t accidentally step on a cat.”
Mistress Pixel is now waiting for confirmation from the Guinness Book of Records so the Pixel can enter there. If this happens, Pixel will continue the family tradition: her mother named Fizz set the previous record in 2012, whose height at the withers was 15 centimeters.
Source: 4tololo.ru