How many gigabytes is estimated people (+video)
Twenty four million five hundred thirty four thousand three hundred nine
The "weight" of a person in gigabytes
In our computer age, the modern human life is impossible to imagine without a computer that is a source of various information, a means to earn money, etc. All clearly, the more GB have this gadget, the faster computer. And in how many gigabytes appreciate human memory? How much information is stored inside any one of us? Not so much, as it turned out, as at first glance. Veritasium-a science and education channel, performing calculation source code human genetic information it was estimated at 1.5 GB.
The human body are forty trillion cells, containing 1.5 GB of code each. It turns out that keeping capable people an incredible amount of information — about sixty zettabytes.
However, 99.9% of it, we "distribute" people, and only the remaining part that makes you unique. And its share accounts for quite a bit less than one megabyte, i.e. roughly the same as a memory medium of a mobile phone.
Here we find that the genome is 1.5 GB, the whole body sixty zettabytes, and only one megabyte accounts for the uniqueness of man.
Source: planetologia.ru/
The "weight" of a person in gigabytes
In our computer age, the modern human life is impossible to imagine without a computer that is a source of various information, a means to earn money, etc. All clearly, the more GB have this gadget, the faster computer. And in how many gigabytes appreciate human memory? How much information is stored inside any one of us? Not so much, as it turned out, as at first glance. Veritasium-a science and education channel, performing calculation source code human genetic information it was estimated at 1.5 GB.
The human body are forty trillion cells, containing 1.5 GB of code each. It turns out that keeping capable people an incredible amount of information — about sixty zettabytes.
However, 99.9% of it, we "distribute" people, and only the remaining part that makes you unique. And its share accounts for quite a bit less than one megabyte, i.e. roughly the same as a memory medium of a mobile phone.
Here we find that the genome is 1.5 GB, the whole body sixty zettabytes, and only one megabyte accounts for the uniqueness of man.
Source: planetologia.ru/