Treatment of tuberculosis folk remedies
Tuberculosis is a serious disease that requires medical treatment and monitoring by a doctor. But folk remedies also are quite effective maintaining properties.
Tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease that can be applied to patients of any age. The most common routes of infection are airborne dust and airborne. Much less common contact route of infection – in cases of a large allocation of an infected person mycobacteria. Usually the source of infection the person becomes sick with an open form of tuberculosis. Is it possible to cure tuberculosis folk remedies? Dried MedvedkaThis popular method of treatment of this disease is considered the most effective.
The mole cricket is a large insect that lives in the land and floodplains. The peoples of Asia and Africa since ancient times gladly eat it. The mole cricket is considered a delicacy by them, in addition, they claim that this treat boosts the immune system, cures TB and prevents the occurrence of cancer problems.
Chinese healers believe that the cricket loses its medicinal properties in result of heat treatment, so preparing a medicinal agent used in its dried form. For one course of treatment requires about 40g of the product, rubbed in a mortar. The resulting powder should be mixed with the cooled cereal, honey or sweet syrup. Taking medicine before meals in the amount of 3st. L. Usually the effect of this treatment becomes noticeable after a few days: feeling the patient improves, he has the strength and appetite, it gains weight.
Why the cricket is so effective in the fight against tuberculosis? It turns out that the white cells of her blood, dissolve waxy shell of the causative agent of tuberculosis – Koch's Bacillus – regardless of the location in the body. Often the initial stages of the disease only one course of such treatment. LardWhen using this tool there is a high probability of complete cure, but this method is not affordable for all. The method requires daily slaughtering pigs. She should cut the suet and melt it on the fire, add equal quantity of milk and boil for few minutes. The treatment begins with the use of 1/8 Cup of solution a day, by the end of the course, the number of used drugs should be one a glass a day. The treatment lasts for 8 weeks.
Another recipe using suet involves the use of tools as a snack with tea. On a grater grate should be 400 g of suet and 5 green apples, place in a saucepan and simmer on low heat. At this time, a Cup of sugar grind white with 12 egg yolks and add 400g of grated dark chocolate. Remove the bacon from heat, drain and mix with the egg-chocolate mass. When the mixture has cooled, it needs to be spread on bread and eat during tea time. Horseradishgrated horseradish roots and put them in a glass jar, not tamping, and pour the whey from cow's milk. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 4 days. The drug is consumed half an hour before meals half a Cup. The treatment lasts until recovery. GarlicGrind in a meat grinder 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic, mix with 0.5 l of clover or Linden honey and leave to infuse for a week. The tool was adopted for 1H. L. on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 months. Badger fat, walnuts and honeyTo prepare the tools you will need equal quantity of honey, fat badger and walnut. Walnuts grind in a meat grinder and mix with melted fat and honey. The tool has to be taken 5-6 times a day for 1H. L., dissolving and swallowing until complete healing. In addition, in the morning half an hour before a meal eat a teaspoon of honey and 2cm from the leaf of aloe to chew and spit out the skin. Tincture aloe with herbs and honey1.5 kg of lime honey melt in an enamel container, add one Cup finely chopped aloe leaf, and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes. At this time, pour into separate containers with two cups of water 10 grams of lime blossom and 25 grams of birch buds and cook for three minutes. Herbal wrap and leave for 20 minutes, then drain and squeeze, add them to the mixture of honey with aloe, mix well and pour into a dark half-liter bottles, each of which adding 50ml of olive oil. Medicine to take for 1H. L. three times a day, shaking before use. Shilajit
Dissolve 2G of the drug in 10ст. L. water and take 1C. L. after 3 hours after dinner with milk or tea. You can also use the tool in a solid – to do this, divide 2R into 10 equal parts. The course lasts 10 days, followed by 10 days interval and the rate at repeated as necessary. Ointment of propolis Melt in a clean enamelware 100g of butter, bring it to a boil and allow to cool to 50 degrees. Then add in the oil, 10 g of propolis, heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly, and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture was hot filtered through cheesecloth. The tool should be taken with warm milk for 1H. L. an hour before a meal. The course is 2 months with breaks for a few weeks. Eggs, lemon, honey, cacao, aloe Vera and brandy 10 eggs a good wash and put on the bottom of glassware intact, not broken. Grate 20 lemons and put them on top of eggs, then 2 days to put in a warm place. In a separate bowl, mix 1.2 kg of honey, 200 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of brandy and 2 tablespoons cocoa. The weight should be slightly warm and pour it into the bowl of lemons and eggs, not stirring. After 2 weeks the eggs should be carefully removed, and the remaining mass to strain and take 1st. L. half an hour before meals. The finished mixture is stored in refrigerator. The diet in tuberculosis Is a serious disease causes disturbances in the stomach and liver, therefore, overloading those organs with lots of food, especially fat, is able to provoke various disorders. Daily allowance of fat for the patient, TB patient, is about 120 g, and the share of the plant accounts for only 20%. For example, 400 ml of milk, 50-80 g butter, 100 g cream or sour cream and only 20 g of any vegetable oil.
Shouldn't be also carbohydrates. You can eat every day for 200g of black and white bread, about 70g of cereals, 200 g onions, beets, carrots and other vegetables, 300 g of potatoes, 100-200g sugar or jam.
Proteins enhance resistance to infection, so the patient's body needs about 120g a day, and in acute – up to 150g. This amount you can get by eating for the day, 150g cottage cheese, 50g of cheese, 120g of meat or fish, 2 eggs.
Moreover, tuberculosis should increase the consumed amount of salt up to 20-25g per day. It helps about hemoptysis and pulmonary bleeding.
Eat 4-5 times a day.
Source: natural-medicine.ru

Tuberculosis is an acute infectious disease that can be applied to patients of any age. The most common routes of infection are airborne dust and airborne. Much less common contact route of infection – in cases of a large allocation of an infected person mycobacteria. Usually the source of infection the person becomes sick with an open form of tuberculosis. Is it possible to cure tuberculosis folk remedies? Dried MedvedkaThis popular method of treatment of this disease is considered the most effective.
The mole cricket is a large insect that lives in the land and floodplains. The peoples of Asia and Africa since ancient times gladly eat it. The mole cricket is considered a delicacy by them, in addition, they claim that this treat boosts the immune system, cures TB and prevents the occurrence of cancer problems.
Chinese healers believe that the cricket loses its medicinal properties in result of heat treatment, so preparing a medicinal agent used in its dried form. For one course of treatment requires about 40g of the product, rubbed in a mortar. The resulting powder should be mixed with the cooled cereal, honey or sweet syrup. Taking medicine before meals in the amount of 3st. L. Usually the effect of this treatment becomes noticeable after a few days: feeling the patient improves, he has the strength and appetite, it gains weight.
Why the cricket is so effective in the fight against tuberculosis? It turns out that the white cells of her blood, dissolve waxy shell of the causative agent of tuberculosis – Koch's Bacillus – regardless of the location in the body. Often the initial stages of the disease only one course of such treatment. LardWhen using this tool there is a high probability of complete cure, but this method is not affordable for all. The method requires daily slaughtering pigs. She should cut the suet and melt it on the fire, add equal quantity of milk and boil for few minutes. The treatment begins with the use of 1/8 Cup of solution a day, by the end of the course, the number of used drugs should be one a glass a day. The treatment lasts for 8 weeks.
Another recipe using suet involves the use of tools as a snack with tea. On a grater grate should be 400 g of suet and 5 green apples, place in a saucepan and simmer on low heat. At this time, a Cup of sugar grind white with 12 egg yolks and add 400g of grated dark chocolate. Remove the bacon from heat, drain and mix with the egg-chocolate mass. When the mixture has cooled, it needs to be spread on bread and eat during tea time. Horseradishgrated horseradish roots and put them in a glass jar, not tamping, and pour the whey from cow's milk. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 4 days. The drug is consumed half an hour before meals half a Cup. The treatment lasts until recovery. GarlicGrind in a meat grinder 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic, mix with 0.5 l of clover or Linden honey and leave to infuse for a week. The tool was adopted for 1H. L. on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 months. Badger fat, walnuts and honeyTo prepare the tools you will need equal quantity of honey, fat badger and walnut. Walnuts grind in a meat grinder and mix with melted fat and honey. The tool has to be taken 5-6 times a day for 1H. L., dissolving and swallowing until complete healing. In addition, in the morning half an hour before a meal eat a teaspoon of honey and 2cm from the leaf of aloe to chew and spit out the skin. Tincture aloe with herbs and honey1.5 kg of lime honey melt in an enamel container, add one Cup finely chopped aloe leaf, and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes. At this time, pour into separate containers with two cups of water 10 grams of lime blossom and 25 grams of birch buds and cook for three minutes. Herbal wrap and leave for 20 minutes, then drain and squeeze, add them to the mixture of honey with aloe, mix well and pour into a dark half-liter bottles, each of which adding 50ml of olive oil. Medicine to take for 1H. L. three times a day, shaking before use. Shilajit
Dissolve 2G of the drug in 10ст. L. water and take 1C. L. after 3 hours after dinner with milk or tea. You can also use the tool in a solid – to do this, divide 2R into 10 equal parts. The course lasts 10 days, followed by 10 days interval and the rate at repeated as necessary. Ointment of propolis Melt in a clean enamelware 100g of butter, bring it to a boil and allow to cool to 50 degrees. Then add in the oil, 10 g of propolis, heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly, and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture was hot filtered through cheesecloth. The tool should be taken with warm milk for 1H. L. an hour before a meal. The course is 2 months with breaks for a few weeks. Eggs, lemon, honey, cacao, aloe Vera and brandy 10 eggs a good wash and put on the bottom of glassware intact, not broken. Grate 20 lemons and put them on top of eggs, then 2 days to put in a warm place. In a separate bowl, mix 1.2 kg of honey, 200 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of brandy and 2 tablespoons cocoa. The weight should be slightly warm and pour it into the bowl of lemons and eggs, not stirring. After 2 weeks the eggs should be carefully removed, and the remaining mass to strain and take 1st. L. half an hour before meals. The finished mixture is stored in refrigerator. The diet in tuberculosis Is a serious disease causes disturbances in the stomach and liver, therefore, overloading those organs with lots of food, especially fat, is able to provoke various disorders. Daily allowance of fat for the patient, TB patient, is about 120 g, and the share of the plant accounts for only 20%. For example, 400 ml of milk, 50-80 g butter, 100 g cream or sour cream and only 20 g of any vegetable oil.
Shouldn't be also carbohydrates. You can eat every day for 200g of black and white bread, about 70g of cereals, 200 g onions, beets, carrots and other vegetables, 300 g of potatoes, 100-200g sugar or jam.
Proteins enhance resistance to infection, so the patient's body needs about 120g a day, and in acute – up to 150g. This amount you can get by eating for the day, 150g cottage cheese, 50g of cheese, 120g of meat or fish, 2 eggs.
Moreover, tuberculosis should increase the consumed amount of salt up to 20-25g per day. It helps about hemoptysis and pulmonary bleeding.
Eat 4-5 times a day.
Source: natural-medicine.ru