The turpentine treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism and not only
Many people know a miracle cure — turpentine. However, few people knows what are the curative effect of this substance and how to use it properly.
So, what is turpentine and how in everyday life are treated with turpentine? Turpentine is nothing like the resin of pine trees. This product in many properties and nutrient content, reminiscent of essential oil. However, it is considered less pure and can have toxic effects on the human body. Despite this, the healing action of turpentine is invaluable for the modern man.
It should be noted that in medicine is used only well cleaned, prepared with turpentine oil (turpentine), which looks like a bright transparent liquid, has the pungent odor and poisonous taste. The product is soluble only in alcohol and easy to come into connection with oxygen, acquiring a yellow tint.
For medical purposes, turpentine is used as injection, rubbing and internal doses. As the turpentine refers to caustic substances, its use must adhere to all safety precautions. Self-treatment with turpentine requires supervision by a competent physician.
Treatment of skipidarom traditional medicine successfully apply ointments containing turpentine. They help to cope with consequences of traumas, sprains and bruises, and have powerful anti-inflammatory effect in rheumatoid arthritis.
Broad popular bath with turpentine, which helps to cure myositis, neuralgia, gout, sciatica, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis helps the liniment of turpentine.
Unique anthelmintic effect has a mixture of 10 drops of turpentine in one tablespoon of honey every morning and evening.
Purified turpentine oil gives exceptional curative effect in neuralgia of various origins, joint and muscle pains. Excellent antimicrobial and deodorizing the result you get when you use the turpentine inhalations. Such inhalation allow to cope with inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi.
Treatment turpentine has a beneficial effect on the body the following rules:
1. In order to make the healing turpentine bath is sufficient to add 2-3 tbsp of funds for the bath. If you are using a basin, add less turpentine respectively.
As a rule, treatment with turpentine is recommended for weeks. Re-treatment is administered every 3-4 months. Properly cooked turpentine baths have a positive effect on the endocrine system, they boost the metabolism. Also, warm baths with turpentine are involved in the fight against hypertension and have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
People who dream to be slim, you need to regularly take baths with turpentine, as they are considered the best among the baths for weight loss.
2. Rubbing with turpentine are excellent in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A particularly positive effect on the body has treatment turpentine joints, rheumatism and arthritis. However, too frequent and copious rubbing can lead to skin diseases. Therefore, the amount of turpentine for rubbing selected exclusively individually, starting with the minimum.
3. Inside the turpentine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Inside turpentine taken with high caution, only in diluted form, in the ratio of 1:10. Not more than 1 hour per one time.
Like any natural substance, turpentine, there are contraindications, especially if it is made of cedar resin. It should be remembered that in some people it can cause insomnia, anxious and breathless. When severe poisoning can cause convulsions, hallucinations, and respiratory disorders.
So as the turpentine is excreted by the kidneys, then, in the case of ingestion, you should monitor your urine. And nephritis or nephrosis, it is better to abandon it.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru
So, what is turpentine and how in everyday life are treated with turpentine? Turpentine is nothing like the resin of pine trees. This product in many properties and nutrient content, reminiscent of essential oil. However, it is considered less pure and can have toxic effects on the human body. Despite this, the healing action of turpentine is invaluable for the modern man.

It should be noted that in medicine is used only well cleaned, prepared with turpentine oil (turpentine), which looks like a bright transparent liquid, has the pungent odor and poisonous taste. The product is soluble only in alcohol and easy to come into connection with oxygen, acquiring a yellow tint.
For medical purposes, turpentine is used as injection, rubbing and internal doses. As the turpentine refers to caustic substances, its use must adhere to all safety precautions. Self-treatment with turpentine requires supervision by a competent physician.
Treatment of skipidarom traditional medicine successfully apply ointments containing turpentine. They help to cope with consequences of traumas, sprains and bruises, and have powerful anti-inflammatory effect in rheumatoid arthritis.
Broad popular bath with turpentine, which helps to cure myositis, neuralgia, gout, sciatica, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis helps the liniment of turpentine.
Unique anthelmintic effect has a mixture of 10 drops of turpentine in one tablespoon of honey every morning and evening.
Purified turpentine oil gives exceptional curative effect in neuralgia of various origins, joint and muscle pains. Excellent antimicrobial and deodorizing the result you get when you use the turpentine inhalations. Such inhalation allow to cope with inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi.
Treatment turpentine has a beneficial effect on the body the following rules:
1. In order to make the healing turpentine bath is sufficient to add 2-3 tbsp of funds for the bath. If you are using a basin, add less turpentine respectively.
As a rule, treatment with turpentine is recommended for weeks. Re-treatment is administered every 3-4 months. Properly cooked turpentine baths have a positive effect on the endocrine system, they boost the metabolism. Also, warm baths with turpentine are involved in the fight against hypertension and have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
People who dream to be slim, you need to regularly take baths with turpentine, as they are considered the best among the baths for weight loss.
2. Rubbing with turpentine are excellent in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A particularly positive effect on the body has treatment turpentine joints, rheumatism and arthritis. However, too frequent and copious rubbing can lead to skin diseases. Therefore, the amount of turpentine for rubbing selected exclusively individually, starting with the minimum.
3. Inside the turpentine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Inside turpentine taken with high caution, only in diluted form, in the ratio of 1:10. Not more than 1 hour per one time.
Like any natural substance, turpentine, there are contraindications, especially if it is made of cedar resin. It should be remembered that in some people it can cause insomnia, anxious and breathless. When severe poisoning can cause convulsions, hallucinations, and respiratory disorders.
So as the turpentine is excreted by the kidneys, then, in the case of ingestion, you should monitor your urine. And nephritis or nephrosis, it is better to abandon it.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru