8 natural remedies to help cure the bone in the leg. The pain is already gone!
With this problem, unfortunately, most women face. Doctors claim that with the fair sex there is congenital weakness musculo-ligamentous apparatus
The foot is not withstand the load and deforms. The appearance of hallux valgus toe provoked not only uncomfortable shoes. The causes of the disease and are overweight, prolonged walking, heredity and flat
. To date, the most effective tool from the disease is surgery. But to prevent and stop the progression of the disease, you can use folk remedies. We will tell you about the most effective ways to combat this disease.
bone treatment on his leg at home Madder dyeing
A decoction of the root of this herb should be taken when the first signs of the disease. Pour one teaspoon of the root of the madder hot glass of water. Put the broth to boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, then let it cool. Strain the drink, use it 2 times a day for 100 g. Dandelion and iodine
Grind 100 g dandelion flowers or buy them at the pharmacy. Pour flowers with iodine so that it is completely covered it. Use the tool after you thoroughly steam out legs. Apply the mixture on the affected area in a grid. Making such a procedure is recommended at night for two weeks. Mustard, fresh-water sponge, machine oil and turpentine
Treatment of madder decoction is recommended to combine with the application of the ointment prepared in the home. Mix one tablespoon of dry mustard, the same number of concoctions and engine oil and two tablespoons of turpentine. The smell of the ointment is not a pleasant one, but the result will make you wonder! Burdock and turpentine
An excellent remedy for this disease is a poultice of burdock and turpentine. You have to be extremely careful, performing this procedure, because the turpentine can leave burns on the skin. Brush the outside of the burdock leaves a small amount of turpentine. Wrap them part of the leg to the knee. Top Wrap the leg with a plastic bag and Tuck woolen cloth. Make a compress should be every day for three months.
Iodine and salt
To ease the pain, use a special bath. Solution in a liter of water 2 tablespoons of salt and add 10 drops of iodine. Spend this procedure 2 times a day. vinegar, egg, lard and turpentine
Ointment of these ingredients help prevent the development of bone in the foot. Take the white egg and place it in a glass. Pour vinegar essence it so that the egg is completely covered with liquid. Put the glass in a dark place for 2 weeks, wait for complete dissolution of the shell. Throw leftovers shell eggs, add a mixture of 10 grams of turpentine and 1 tablespoon of lard. Thoroughly mix things up. You get an excellent ointment. Apply it should be on the affected area every other day, alternating with the procedure applying iodine grid.
An effective means of disturbing the bones will compress of propolis. Softening in the hands of a small piece of propolis and apply it at night to the sick place and secure on the foot with the help of a bandage. For the procedure, you can also use propolis tincture. Do these packs every night for two weeks. Iodine and aspirin
Dissolve 5 aspirin tablets in 10 mg of iodine. Obtaining funds lubricate the affected areas before bed. Spend three days following the procedure, and then make a two-week break.
Before embarking on self-medication, you should consult with your doctor. Remember that these methods are not an alternative to professional help. Such folk remedies can only remove the symptoms of pain and stop the development of an unpleasant illness.
If you think our article useful, tell me about these treatments on the bone leg friends!
The foot is not withstand the load and deforms. The appearance of hallux valgus toe provoked not only uncomfortable shoes. The causes of the disease and are overweight, prolonged walking, heredity and flat
. To date, the most effective tool from the disease is surgery. But to prevent and stop the progression of the disease, you can use folk remedies. We will tell you about the most effective ways to combat this disease.

bone treatment on his leg at home Madder dyeing
A decoction of the root of this herb should be taken when the first signs of the disease. Pour one teaspoon of the root of the madder hot glass of water. Put the broth to boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, then let it cool. Strain the drink, use it 2 times a day for 100 g. Dandelion and iodine
Grind 100 g dandelion flowers or buy them at the pharmacy. Pour flowers with iodine so that it is completely covered it. Use the tool after you thoroughly steam out legs. Apply the mixture on the affected area in a grid. Making such a procedure is recommended at night for two weeks. Mustard, fresh-water sponge, machine oil and turpentine
Treatment of madder decoction is recommended to combine with the application of the ointment prepared in the home. Mix one tablespoon of dry mustard, the same number of concoctions and engine oil and two tablespoons of turpentine. The smell of the ointment is not a pleasant one, but the result will make you wonder! Burdock and turpentine
An excellent remedy for this disease is a poultice of burdock and turpentine. You have to be extremely careful, performing this procedure, because the turpentine can leave burns on the skin. Brush the outside of the burdock leaves a small amount of turpentine. Wrap them part of the leg to the knee. Top Wrap the leg with a plastic bag and Tuck woolen cloth. Make a compress should be every day for three months.
Iodine and salt
To ease the pain, use a special bath. Solution in a liter of water 2 tablespoons of salt and add 10 drops of iodine. Spend this procedure 2 times a day. vinegar, egg, lard and turpentine
Ointment of these ingredients help prevent the development of bone in the foot. Take the white egg and place it in a glass. Pour vinegar essence it so that the egg is completely covered with liquid. Put the glass in a dark place for 2 weeks, wait for complete dissolution of the shell. Throw leftovers shell eggs, add a mixture of 10 grams of turpentine and 1 tablespoon of lard. Thoroughly mix things up. You get an excellent ointment. Apply it should be on the affected area every other day, alternating with the procedure applying iodine grid.
An effective means of disturbing the bones will compress of propolis. Softening in the hands of a small piece of propolis and apply it at night to the sick place and secure on the foot with the help of a bandage. For the procedure, you can also use propolis tincture. Do these packs every night for two weeks. Iodine and aspirin
Dissolve 5 aspirin tablets in 10 mg of iodine. Obtaining funds lubricate the affected areas before bed. Spend three days following the procedure, and then make a two-week break.
Before embarking on self-medication, you should consult with your doctor. Remember that these methods are not an alternative to professional help. Such folk remedies can only remove the symptoms of pain and stop the development of an unpleasant illness.
If you think our article useful, tell me about these treatments on the bone leg friends!
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