Seven cars that are costly to its creators
VW Type 166 and Ferdinand Purchasability "Swimways is one of the most successful reconnaissance car of WWII. But the Type 166 is hardly brought its Creator a lot of joy. For developing the model of Professor Porsche was awarded the title of oberfuhrer SS. After the war, this circumstance became the formal reason for the arrest of Porsche by French troops. In prison, he spent six months, seriously undermining health.
GAS M20 "Victory" and Andrew Liparteliani "Victory" as a rule, exclusively remember with love and nostalgia. Few remember that one of the main developers of the model Andrei Lipgart "twenty" has not been without cost. Problems with the quality of the machines early release angered Stalin, who demanded "to investigate and punish the perpetrators." Guilty has become one of the most talented Soviet engineers. Liphart was removed as Director of the Gas and sent to the Urals as an ordinary engineer. Thank you for not felling...
Edsel and Roy Brownwood when young, the promising, the Ford designer Roy brown presented to senior management the "Blue oval" appearance of the new "Edsel", the hall erupted with applause. But it so happened that the launch of the new brand was for Ford to be a disaster. And unlucky designer under the guise sent into exile to gain some sense of the European branch of the company.
Ford Pinto and Lee Akokan the account of one of the most successful automotive managers are not only of victory. At Iacocca was his Waterloo. Compact Ford Pinto would be just a mediocre car, if I had no habits to break out the torch. "The blue oval" the story of "Pinto" cost mnogomillionnyj lawsuits and costly reviews, and myself If his presidential Cabinet.
DeLorean DMC-12 and John Disorientate at all times. Former Vice-President of General Motors set out to show Detroit how to actually build cars. In fact, John only angered the industrial and political elite of the USA. Against the DeLorean was even fabricated a case of drug smuggling! The court acquitted him, but to end the life of a former millionaire and handsome playboy received claims and invoices. And his car became world famous only thanks to Hollywood.
Maybach and Olivier Bulekova the Germans only decided to resume the production of cars once megapenthini brand Maybach, it seemed, a win-win deal. But by the French designer Olivier boulay sedan completely lost amid debuted around the same time the Rolls-Royce Phantom. The Boole away from sin fused in Mitsubishi, and the revival of the Maybach entered the marketing textbooks as an example of a resounding failure.
Subaru Tribeca and Andreas Seatingcapacity hired pesrpective (as it seemed) European designer to keep deflating the style and image of Subaru. Who would have thought that the post of chief stylist Andreas Zapatinas are empty in all serious? After a series of questionable concepts followed by idiosyncratic Subaru Tribeca crossover, and soon Andreas had to vacate the office. Since in the world of automotive design about the the Greeks did not hear anything.
Source: /users/1080
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