Causes and first symptoms of stomach ulcers
The pathogenesis of the disease
Under the ulcer doctors mean inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes. Most often this term refers to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as this disease affects the stomach and the duodenum in 95% of cases.
Ulcer of the stomach is extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. The first and its main symptom is a gnawing pain in about half an hour after a meal. Sometimes ulcers and stool is black – opened the bleeding in the affected area of the stomach. Causes there are many. The key, of course, are non-Smoking and irregular drinking.
It is necessary to highlight the abuse of harmful food (especially fats and carbon dioxide, increasing the acidity of the stomach and often leads to heartburn), nervous strain and infection of the digestive organs of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. The main danger of the ulcer is the perforation of her.
When perforation of the stomach wall becomes thinner maximum ulcer in the affected region, which could be the rupture with extremely dangerous for the human consequences. It is therefore important to know the causes and first symptoms of ulcers: the sooner you learn about it, the easier it will be to cure.
Treatment adviosry cessation of Smoking and alcohol to cure ulcers. Nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the acid-alkaline balance in the stomach, prompting the progression of the disease. Protein diet. Tissue repair occurs at the expense of proteins and amino acids that can only be obtained from animal foods and from dairy products. This is not to eat very spicy and oily.
A complete rejection of fast food and carbonated drinks. In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of acidic fruits and their juices (most of which is made of a blended method by mixing sugar and citric acid). Caffeinated beverages is also strictly prohibited. If possible, maintain good mood, avoid stress and anxiety.
A healthy nervous system is key to a healthy body. Proven that the saying “healthy body, healthy mind” has the opposite effect. If an excessive start disease may require surgical intervention. Most often this removes the affected part of the stomach, after which the edges are stapled. The volume of the stomach because of this seriously reduced, which of the products and substances necessary to consume intravenously. If you don't want such development of events is to detect the disease in its very early for you is very important.
Source: globalscience.ru
Under the ulcer doctors mean inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes. Most often this term refers to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as this disease affects the stomach and the duodenum in 95% of cases.
Ulcer of the stomach is extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. The first and its main symptom is a gnawing pain in about half an hour after a meal. Sometimes ulcers and stool is black – opened the bleeding in the affected area of the stomach. Causes there are many. The key, of course, are non-Smoking and irregular drinking.
It is necessary to highlight the abuse of harmful food (especially fats and carbon dioxide, increasing the acidity of the stomach and often leads to heartburn), nervous strain and infection of the digestive organs of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. The main danger of the ulcer is the perforation of her.
When perforation of the stomach wall becomes thinner maximum ulcer in the affected region, which could be the rupture with extremely dangerous for the human consequences. It is therefore important to know the causes and first symptoms of ulcers: the sooner you learn about it, the easier it will be to cure.

Treatment adviosry cessation of Smoking and alcohol to cure ulcers. Nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the acid-alkaline balance in the stomach, prompting the progression of the disease. Protein diet. Tissue repair occurs at the expense of proteins and amino acids that can only be obtained from animal foods and from dairy products. This is not to eat very spicy and oily.
A complete rejection of fast food and carbonated drinks. In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of acidic fruits and their juices (most of which is made of a blended method by mixing sugar and citric acid). Caffeinated beverages is also strictly prohibited. If possible, maintain good mood, avoid stress and anxiety.
A healthy nervous system is key to a healthy body. Proven that the saying “healthy body, healthy mind” has the opposite effect. If an excessive start disease may require surgical intervention. Most often this removes the affected part of the stomach, after which the edges are stapled. The volume of the stomach because of this seriously reduced, which of the products and substances necessary to consume intravenously. If you don't want such development of events is to detect the disease in its very early for you is very important.
Source: globalscience.ru
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