Vitiligo— treatments and causes

What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is the complete absence or significant reduction in the tissues of the function of such cells as melanocytes. Visually this is reflected in the presence on the skin (or eye) of a person individual sections, which are significantly lighter than the base color.
The skin of patients with this disease looks like the skin has already regenerated after the burn. The presence of bright "Islands" (or vitiligo) known for a long time. In ancient times scientists and doctors described her symptoms. In some countries there is even a "vitiligo Day", which falls on June 25. Please pay attention to Philips distributors in Russia, who will advise you on the Philips EPIQ.
Unfortunately, creams and other beauty tricks, if and mask the symptoms of the disease, its treatment is in no way affected. They give only a temporary aesthetic result.
But recently, scientists developed the modern method to combat such pigmentation is phototherapy. Using phototherapy complex, you can achieve amazing results. This system is known not only for their high percentage of recovery in vitiligo patients, but the almost complete absence of contraindications in its use.
An effective and safe method for the treatment of vitiligo scientists and doctors recognized and the method of restoring the normal skin color by the introduction of cultured melanocytes. These melanocytes grown from their cells, obtained from skin areas of normal pigmentation in humans, the patient of vitiligo.
It is not necessary to give up the medicine is not in place, the latest technologies have become part of life. The above ways of getting rid of vitiligo are already used in conventional medical practice, and in fact has repeatedly proven its effectiveness.
Source: globalscience.ru