U.S. dealers seeking the closure of the auto shop Tesla because of its high sales

The Association of dealers of the state of Georgia requires local authorities to revoke the license Tesla to sell cars in the state.
In the claim it is reported that Tesla Motors sold in his shop (which in this state only) 173 cars at a time, as the rules state one store may not sell more than 150 vehicles per year. Rules are violated, then there must be a penalty of revocation of license.
"It's simple: all sellers must follow the rules," says the President of the auto dealers Association of Georgia bill Mori.
Automotive expert from Yahoo News Stephen lang is sure that the dealers are just trying to force Tesla to cooperate, to be forced to sell electric cars through their network, and this will naturally lead to increase in electric Tesla.Now Tesla Motors sell its electric cars directly to control the work with clients.
Source: zeleneet.com