Pocket helicopter with camera
We want to present You a new fun gadget for smartphones Pocketcopter . This little device – pocket-sized helicopter with a camera in the shape of a pen that allows you to take pictures or shoot video that will be transmitted from up to 10 meters in HD format. You can just carry it in your pocket and at the right time by connecting to your smartphone, to capture what is happening around from a height. Pocketcopter is controlled through the touch screen of your smartphone. The connection is via Wi-Fi (analogue remote control GoPro) or Bluetooth. Due to the fact that the blades rotate in the opposite direction relative to each other, it achieves the best stabilization. If pocket helicopter loses communication with your smartphone, it automatically and slowly fly to the ground. The creators of a flying camera have successfully completed the fundraising for the project and soon we'll see it.
Source: www.readandpost.ru

Source: www.readandpost.ru
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