The biggest helicopters
B-12 miles. Maximum take-off weight was 105 tons giant. NATO classification unit called Homer, also referred to as simply the Mi-12. This is the largest helicopter ever built was developed in the USSR in the 1960s. The first flight took place in 1968, and in 1969 held the record for the load capacity for vehicles of this class, not beaten so far - to a height of 2255 meters was raised 44,205 pounds. The design of the Mi-12 is quite unusual - two rotors are at the ends of a large wing. Main rotor diameter is 35 meters. As a result, the distance between the extreme points of the blades was as much as 67 meters, which is more wingspan 747! During the rise of the car into the air replied 4 hp motor for 6500 The maximum speed of the helicopter - 260 km / h. The fuselage is made in the form of a giant semi-monocoque. In the front part is a two-storey cabin for 6 people. In the tail of the ladder to enter engineering and loading cargo. In the center of the fuselage is a huge cargo bay with dimensions of 28, 15 * 4 * 4 4 4 meters. Total two prototypes were constructed such aircraft. The Mi-12 has received several awards, even the Americans, because he excelled there existing analogues in size by half, and four times by weight. Practical application of the helicopter is not specified - it was too big and difficult to maneuver. In addition, despite the record capacity, its original purpose (transportation components of strategic missiles in remote places) is no longer required. New tasks successfully solved by other models. As a result, cell phones have become museum pieces.
Mi-26. The design of the B-12 was found to be unsatisfactory for current needs, Bureau Mile given the task to design a new transport helicopter. Its first flight was in 1977. The machine was much more compact than its predecessor, the maximum take-off weight was 56 tons. The maximum speed of the machine - 295 km / h. Today it is the largest serial transport helicopter. There were built more than 270 such machines. Nicknames Mi-26 was «Halo» NATO and informal we "Flying Cow". It uses a single-rotor design with two engines. Ball screw having eight blades and a diameter of 32 meters. In transport and assault helicopter variant can accommodate more than 100 people. It is possible to use in the ambulance version (up to 50 stretcher cases), it is possible freight on external sling. Helicopter scale was used during the war in Afghanistan, as well as the elimination of the Chernobyl accident. The Mi-26 was involved in the Chechen war, while he participated in the largest helicopter crash in world history - in 2002 as a result of the crash knocked the militants killed 127 people car. On the basis of the Mi-26 is designed for more than 15 modifications. Helicopter act as a fire, as the ambulance, fighter against submarines and tankers. Mi-26 successfully serve in other countries - Kazakhstan, India, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Peru.
Mi-6. The establishment of this and the next machine set the stage for larger follow developments Bureau Mile - B-12 and Mi-26. In the second half of the 1950s in the Soviet Union were adopted missiles "Moon", to transport them took a heavy transport helicopter. They became turbine Mi-6, rose into the air in 1957. Load capacity unit was 44 tons, this was achieved by using two engines for 5500 hp In The crew consisted of 5 people. The diameter of the screw is the same 35 meters, the same will be used later in the B-12. At that time, the helicopter, nicknamed «Hook», was the largest in the world, putting to the same number of records and speed. The maximum speed of the helicopter - 304 km / h. For its time, it was a very successful model, as evidenced by the construction of 860 units in the period from 1960 to 1981. Used them mainly the Soviet Air Force and civilian "Aeroflot". Today, such a machine is still in operation in a number of allied countries and the Soviet successor. The helicopter has been used for more than 40 years, the number of cars veteran gradually reduced. But despite their age, the Mi-6 remains a remarkable model, one of the largest production helicopters.
Mi-10. This unit is a worthy member of the family referred to their colleagues. The helicopter, with a total weight of 38 tons, is in fact a highly specialized variant of the Mi-6, he was called a flying crane. Adopt such a device enrolled in 1963, the main goal was the same - shipping cruise and ballistic missiles MI6 was borrowed power plant and the control circuit, but the fuselage was a new. Wide version of its predecessor has been replaced by a more narrow and low. Transportation of passengers is no longer a goal, although there could still stir 28 people. Vacant seat could be used for additional fuel tanks. The fuselage also had a remarkable 4 landing gear, widely spaced and with increased length. There are two schemes applied load securing - hydraulic grips (for containers with missiles) or on the loading platform between the chassis. There were built about 55 of these helicopters, because of design features they are not widely used, but the bulk of the functions could perform the Mi-6. Was created as a modification with shorter legs, especially for construction and installation work, use the Mi-6 as well as the direction finder and jammer. The maximum speed of the helicopter is quite small - 190 km / h.
Sikorsky CH-53E. The fifth largest helicopter was built in the United States being the largest of the created in America. Model CH-53E Super Stallion is increased created earlier CH-53, it was added to the design third engine. The maximum weight of the machine in flight is 33340 kg. Initially, this heavy helicopter developed for the US Marine Corps, but was also used in the Navy, Navy and allied countries. Rotor is about 24 meters in diameter, and provide power to the motor 3 hp 4380 The crew of five pilots and helicopter can carry up to 55 people. The maximum speed of the machine - 315 km / h. The first flight took place in 1974, just bought a fleet of 177 vehicles. The helicopter is equipped with night vision, infrared surveillance, machine guns. Today, CH-53E is also used in the Japanese navy. It is noteworthy that such a model helicopter accident rate is 2 times higher than the average. There are plans to enter into a series of model CH-53K with more powerful engines and a takeoff weight of up to 38,420 kg, which will overtake the Mi-10.
Boeing MH-47E. This model is a variant of the popular helicopter CH-47 Chinook, which was also developed in the United States. The family began to develop as early as the 1950s and in the early 1960s became widespread. Total to date was built in 1000 Bole Chinooks, models based on them made so far. So there was one of the most successful series of military heavy-lift helicopters. Here there is a long and spacious fuselage, which is equipped with two engines of 5000 hp and screws 18 meters. Helicopters of this type are widely used for transportation of heavy military vehicles and artillery, supply of remote objects. The main consumers are the British Air Force and the US Army, but the CH-47 helicopters were sold in more than 20 countries, they have been used and civilian operators. In contrast to the traditional model of the CH-47 has a takeoff weight of up to 22680 kg, model MH-47E / G can lift up to 24,495 kg. In the carriage 3 person can transport up to 44 or 24 wounded Marines. The maximum speed of the helicopter is 295 km / h.
Hughes XH-17. This is the first model unit Hughes, that their appearance is somewhat similar to the Mi-10. Here, too, there are 4 feet long chassis that help to transport large oversized cargoes under the fuselage. A twin screw has a diameter of 40, 8 meters, which is a record. The device has a maximum weight in flight at 22,680 kg. This prototype began to build in the late '40s for cargo weighing more than 15 tons. In 1952, the first flight, but the survey found that the design is rather bulky and can not be widely used. Moreover, the helicopter could be used in a small range - only 64 km. Helicopter parts were borrowed from the aircraft - the front wheels of the B-25, the rear wheels from the C-54, a fuel tank on the B-29, and the cabin of Waco CG-15. The design of the helicopter tail rotor meant small compared to the core. Maximum speed was 145 km / h, the crew had 3 people. Hughes has been developed even enlarged model H-28, which is the maximum rise in the air up to 47 tons, but the project did not completed due to the failure of its predecessor, leaving only a wooden mock-up.
Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe. This version also has a helicopter design "air valve", like its predecessor XH-17. CH-54 was intended to transport large loads below the fuselage. The first flight of the machine took place in 1962. Unusually for a helicopter rotor diameter of 22 meters. The cabin has a window to the rear of the machine, which enables them to obtain useful information. CH-54 was a very efficient design that is compatible with loads of different configurations. Maximum take-off weight of 21,320 kg here, lift is two engines rated at 4,800 hp The maximum speed of the helicopter - 240 km / h. The helicopter was originally planned for use in the army. Capabilities of the machine is widely used in Vietnam, in particular for the removal of downed aircraft. Firefighting and logging industry was developed civil model called the S-64 Skycrane. Total 105 was constructed such helicopters, although they are not currently used by the military, civil but still perform the function. Since the 1990s, the US Army CH-54 fully handed over his duties to the CH-47.
Source: www.molomo.ru

Mi-26. The design of the B-12 was found to be unsatisfactory for current needs, Bureau Mile given the task to design a new transport helicopter. Its first flight was in 1977. The machine was much more compact than its predecessor, the maximum take-off weight was 56 tons. The maximum speed of the machine - 295 km / h. Today it is the largest serial transport helicopter. There were built more than 270 such machines. Nicknames Mi-26 was «Halo» NATO and informal we "Flying Cow". It uses a single-rotor design with two engines. Ball screw having eight blades and a diameter of 32 meters. In transport and assault helicopter variant can accommodate more than 100 people. It is possible to use in the ambulance version (up to 50 stretcher cases), it is possible freight on external sling. Helicopter scale was used during the war in Afghanistan, as well as the elimination of the Chernobyl accident. The Mi-26 was involved in the Chechen war, while he participated in the largest helicopter crash in world history - in 2002 as a result of the crash knocked the militants killed 127 people car. On the basis of the Mi-26 is designed for more than 15 modifications. Helicopter act as a fire, as the ambulance, fighter against submarines and tankers. Mi-26 successfully serve in other countries - Kazakhstan, India, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Peru.

Mi-6. The establishment of this and the next machine set the stage for larger follow developments Bureau Mile - B-12 and Mi-26. In the second half of the 1950s in the Soviet Union were adopted missiles "Moon", to transport them took a heavy transport helicopter. They became turbine Mi-6, rose into the air in 1957. Load capacity unit was 44 tons, this was achieved by using two engines for 5500 hp In The crew consisted of 5 people. The diameter of the screw is the same 35 meters, the same will be used later in the B-12. At that time, the helicopter, nicknamed «Hook», was the largest in the world, putting to the same number of records and speed. The maximum speed of the helicopter - 304 km / h. For its time, it was a very successful model, as evidenced by the construction of 860 units in the period from 1960 to 1981. Used them mainly the Soviet Air Force and civilian "Aeroflot". Today, such a machine is still in operation in a number of allied countries and the Soviet successor. The helicopter has been used for more than 40 years, the number of cars veteran gradually reduced. But despite their age, the Mi-6 remains a remarkable model, one of the largest production helicopters.

Mi-10. This unit is a worthy member of the family referred to their colleagues. The helicopter, with a total weight of 38 tons, is in fact a highly specialized variant of the Mi-6, he was called a flying crane. Adopt such a device enrolled in 1963, the main goal was the same - shipping cruise and ballistic missiles MI6 was borrowed power plant and the control circuit, but the fuselage was a new. Wide version of its predecessor has been replaced by a more narrow and low. Transportation of passengers is no longer a goal, although there could still stir 28 people. Vacant seat could be used for additional fuel tanks. The fuselage also had a remarkable 4 landing gear, widely spaced and with increased length. There are two schemes applied load securing - hydraulic grips (for containers with missiles) or on the loading platform between the chassis. There were built about 55 of these helicopters, because of design features they are not widely used, but the bulk of the functions could perform the Mi-6. Was created as a modification with shorter legs, especially for construction and installation work, use the Mi-6 as well as the direction finder and jammer. The maximum speed of the helicopter is quite small - 190 km / h.

Sikorsky CH-53E. The fifth largest helicopter was built in the United States being the largest of the created in America. Model CH-53E Super Stallion is increased created earlier CH-53, it was added to the design third engine. The maximum weight of the machine in flight is 33340 kg. Initially, this heavy helicopter developed for the US Marine Corps, but was also used in the Navy, Navy and allied countries. Rotor is about 24 meters in diameter, and provide power to the motor 3 hp 4380 The crew of five pilots and helicopter can carry up to 55 people. The maximum speed of the machine - 315 km / h. The first flight took place in 1974, just bought a fleet of 177 vehicles. The helicopter is equipped with night vision, infrared surveillance, machine guns. Today, CH-53E is also used in the Japanese navy. It is noteworthy that such a model helicopter accident rate is 2 times higher than the average. There are plans to enter into a series of model CH-53K with more powerful engines and a takeoff weight of up to 38,420 kg, which will overtake the Mi-10.

Boeing MH-47E. This model is a variant of the popular helicopter CH-47 Chinook, which was also developed in the United States. The family began to develop as early as the 1950s and in the early 1960s became widespread. Total to date was built in 1000 Bole Chinooks, models based on them made so far. So there was one of the most successful series of military heavy-lift helicopters. Here there is a long and spacious fuselage, which is equipped with two engines of 5000 hp and screws 18 meters. Helicopters of this type are widely used for transportation of heavy military vehicles and artillery, supply of remote objects. The main consumers are the British Air Force and the US Army, but the CH-47 helicopters were sold in more than 20 countries, they have been used and civilian operators. In contrast to the traditional model of the CH-47 has a takeoff weight of up to 22680 kg, model MH-47E / G can lift up to 24,495 kg. In the carriage 3 person can transport up to 44 or 24 wounded Marines. The maximum speed of the helicopter is 295 km / h.

Hughes XH-17. This is the first model unit Hughes, that their appearance is somewhat similar to the Mi-10. Here, too, there are 4 feet long chassis that help to transport large oversized cargoes under the fuselage. A twin screw has a diameter of 40, 8 meters, which is a record. The device has a maximum weight in flight at 22,680 kg. This prototype began to build in the late '40s for cargo weighing more than 15 tons. In 1952, the first flight, but the survey found that the design is rather bulky and can not be widely used. Moreover, the helicopter could be used in a small range - only 64 km. Helicopter parts were borrowed from the aircraft - the front wheels of the B-25, the rear wheels from the C-54, a fuel tank on the B-29, and the cabin of Waco CG-15. The design of the helicopter tail rotor meant small compared to the core. Maximum speed was 145 km / h, the crew had 3 people. Hughes has been developed even enlarged model H-28, which is the maximum rise in the air up to 47 tons, but the project did not completed due to the failure of its predecessor, leaving only a wooden mock-up.

Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe. This version also has a helicopter design "air valve", like its predecessor XH-17. CH-54 was intended to transport large loads below the fuselage. The first flight of the machine took place in 1962. Unusually for a helicopter rotor diameter of 22 meters. The cabin has a window to the rear of the machine, which enables them to obtain useful information. CH-54 was a very efficient design that is compatible with loads of different configurations. Maximum take-off weight of 21,320 kg here, lift is two engines rated at 4,800 hp The maximum speed of the helicopter - 240 km / h. The helicopter was originally planned for use in the army. Capabilities of the machine is widely used in Vietnam, in particular for the removal of downed aircraft. Firefighting and logging industry was developed civil model called the S-64 Skycrane. Total 105 was constructed such helicopters, although they are not currently used by the military, civil but still perform the function. Since the 1990s, the US Army CH-54 fully handed over his duties to the CH-47.

Source: www.molomo.ru