Absolute energy independence through renewable energy
The Polish town of Kisielice with a population of 2,300 people was able to fully switch to renewable energy. In this regard, the city has received from the European Commission award ManagEnergy Award 2014 in the category "self-Sufficiency". This achievement is outstanding for Poland, given the fact that this country is 90% dependent on hard coal in the total volume of electricity produced.
The small town of Kisielice is located in an open area in the middle of farmland. This allows efficient use of two existing wind farm with 48 turbines, whose performance is 82 MW. Thus is the construction of a third wind farm with a capacity of 24 MW. In addition, the municipality has announced a tender for the purchase and installation of solar panels, previously used in the region. For each public building planned to mount sets of three solar panels 10 kW.
But that's not all. Thanks to tax revenues and financial support by the grants in the town was built, Central heating system, taking into account the possibility of self-sufficiency. Boiler capacity of 6 MW, supplying 85% of the citizens can run on biomass, which is produced from straw. Plus, the built power plant on biogas, which also use the silage harvested in local fields. It is capable of producing 1 MW of electricity and 1 MW heat. Finally, it is worth noting the transition to energy efficient lighting.
The project independence the town was originally take into account local opportunities, including the availability of agricultural waste that would otherwise just disappear. Now they bring local people selling raw materials for the production of biomass, additional income. The owners of the fields, which were constructed wind turbines, also does not remain in the loser – for every turbine they are compensated, which is about 5000 euros per year. It is possible that the example of Kisielice will be able to attract foreign investment and in other sparsely populated rural areas, which is suitable for wind turbines.
Source: alternativenergy.ru
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