Broccoli helps in the fight against autism

A new study has provided a basis to suggest that broccoli may help in the treatment of autism. Chemical substance that gives this vegetable plant specific bitter taste, have changed the behaviour of young people with autism.
Significant improvements were noted after four weeks after taking an experimental drug, as well as towards the end of the study. Some of those who ate one capsule therapeutic agent per day, became more relaxed and sociable. Patients were no longer afraid to look in the eyes of researchers and to shake their hand. In other words, was the close contact that is usually uncharacteristic of autism.
The discovery, made by specialists of Massachusetts General hospital and Johns Hopkins University, gave hope for the creation of pills from autism. Existing drugs simply control symptoms (aggression, hyperactivity or insomnia), but does not affect its root cause.
This small study can bring great results. Scientists believe that the correction of the symptoms of autism occur at the cellular level. However, experts say that it is too early to say about the healing properties of broccoli for people with autism.
Autism every child is manifested in different ways, but all as a rule, are the routine, repetitive actions and difficulties with social interaction and communication.
All about sulforaphane, a substance produced by the body after eating broccoli. Another source of sulforaphane is Brussels sprout and cauliflower, according to previous studies, protect against cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
The study involved 44 people aged 13 to 27 years with varying degrees of autism, from moderate to severe. Each of them took either a capsule with sulforaphane or placebo daily for 18 months. Then the psychologists assessed their behavior.
The results of the study showed that sulforaphane has changed the behavior of the majority of autistic people in 4 weeks since starting the medication, and by the end of the study, the patients became less irritable. The subjects felt a surge of energy and motivation, they have a desire to contact other people and less to perform monotonous operations. Such changes could not remain unnoticed both for researchers and the parents of these children.
This is the first time a statistically significant improvement obtained in the scale of social response resulting from the use of drugs for the treatment of autism, — quotes the words of researcher, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, the Daily Mail newspaper.
It is reported that the capsule that took the research participants, completely safe for health. However, two of the volunteers in the experiment was recorded seizures. However, the researchers attributed them to symptoms of disease and not to the side effects from the use of encapsulated sulforaphane.
The patients treated with sulforaphane had also gained weight. Scientists attribute this to the improvement of their overall health.
People suffering from autism, often have various disorders in the body's cells, including DNA damage. Researchers believe that sulforaphane restores these "breakdowns" and protects the body in future.
At the same time sulforaphane capsules can not help everyone – they provided the action about two-thirds of the cases. Moreover, the effect disappeared after the end of treatment.
The scientists patented their discovery, I want to conduct a more extensive study involving different groups of people, including children. Unfortunately, they can't tell you how much you need to eat broccoli to get the desired effect.

Sulforaphane has a complex chemical composition. In broccoli and other vegetables it is found in an inactive form, known as glucoraphanin. When damage to plants (e.g. during cutting or chewing), he transformirovalsya in sulforaphane.
Different types of broccoli contain different amount of glucoraphanin. Different people have the conversion of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane is different. Currently, the team of researchers is trying to create a drug that could take into account all these factors.
The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.
Previously, it was found that autism begins before birth with defects of the cerebral cortex.
Source: hi-news.ru
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