How superfast Internet will change the world in 2025
Thirty million two hundred sixty nine thousand three hundred ninety eight
What technological innovations will be introduced in the next ten years? Holographic rooms, virtual surgery, 3D-printed clothes, virtual sex and more. American researchers shared the forecast for 2025.
In 2025, when ultra high speed Internet will become a common occurrence, the real and virtual worlds will merge together. In the report, Killer Apps in the Gigabit Age, excerpts of which leads the newspaper the Daily Mail, the researchers of the Pew Research center and the University of Elanskogo told, what threatens the development of ultra-fast connection to global network. All were interviewed 1464 expert. They all agreed that the key will be the virtual environment.
"There will be a 360-degree virtual overlay on the real space will appear massive open online courses with complete presence", says David Weinberger of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Experts also believe that the virtual environment will be used by people for sexual purposes. This will contribute to the proliferation of home holographic platforms-type Holodeck from "Star trek".
"Games, movies, shopping, and (of course) adult entertainment will take in an immersive environment," predicts analyst at Primitive Spark Catherine Campbell.
Experts say that by 2025, people of many professions will replace the hologram.
"There is no doubt that holographic image, real time, will take on the duties of doctors, surgeons and colleagues," says Dutch futurist Marcel Bulling.
The need to go to the office anymore.
The workplace of tomorrow will change a lot. The number of business trips will decrease competition in the labor market will increase. For jobs have to compete with the "cloud" migrants who go to work in the suit hologram.
The kids will be spending even less time in school.
The school day will be divided into several training sessions. Classes will be held at home, and some in nearby educational institutions in large and small groups with different teachers — explains the researcher from Salesforce.com J. P., Rangaswamy.
In his view, technological advances will change our attitude to clothes – we will daily 3D print new stuff, and old send for recycling.
Wearing that every day is printed on a 3D printer for a particular client, will also become commonplace.
We will otherwise follow the health.
Daily menu will be developed individually for each individual based on its genetic characteristics, place of residence and occupation, — says Judith Donath of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
According to the chief economist at Google, Hal Varian, continuous monitoring will have a positive impact on our health:
Much cheaper and easier to monitor their health outside the hospital. Buy a system of health monitoring can be as simple as a home surveillance system. Plus, the alarm system will also learn to stay healthy. Robotic and remote surgery will become commonplace.
Source: hi-news.ru
What technological innovations will be introduced in the next ten years? Holographic rooms, virtual surgery, 3D-printed clothes, virtual sex and more. American researchers shared the forecast for 2025.
In 2025, when ultra high speed Internet will become a common occurrence, the real and virtual worlds will merge together. In the report, Killer Apps in the Gigabit Age, excerpts of which leads the newspaper the Daily Mail, the researchers of the Pew Research center and the University of Elanskogo told, what threatens the development of ultra-fast connection to global network. All were interviewed 1464 expert. They all agreed that the key will be the virtual environment.
"There will be a 360-degree virtual overlay on the real space will appear massive open online courses with complete presence", says David Weinberger of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Experts also believe that the virtual environment will be used by people for sexual purposes. This will contribute to the proliferation of home holographic platforms-type Holodeck from "Star trek".
"Games, movies, shopping, and (of course) adult entertainment will take in an immersive environment," predicts analyst at Primitive Spark Catherine Campbell.
Experts say that by 2025, people of many professions will replace the hologram.
"There is no doubt that holographic image, real time, will take on the duties of doctors, surgeons and colleagues," says Dutch futurist Marcel Bulling.
The need to go to the office anymore.
The workplace of tomorrow will change a lot. The number of business trips will decrease competition in the labor market will increase. For jobs have to compete with the "cloud" migrants who go to work in the suit hologram.
The kids will be spending even less time in school.
The school day will be divided into several training sessions. Classes will be held at home, and some in nearby educational institutions in large and small groups with different teachers — explains the researcher from Salesforce.com J. P., Rangaswamy.
In his view, technological advances will change our attitude to clothes – we will daily 3D print new stuff, and old send for recycling.
Wearing that every day is printed on a 3D printer for a particular client, will also become commonplace.
We will otherwise follow the health.
Daily menu will be developed individually for each individual based on its genetic characteristics, place of residence and occupation, — says Judith Donath of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
According to the chief economist at Google, Hal Varian, continuous monitoring will have a positive impact on our health:
Much cheaper and easier to monitor their health outside the hospital. Buy a system of health monitoring can be as simple as a home surveillance system. Plus, the alarm system will also learn to stay healthy. Robotic and remote surgery will become commonplace.
Source: hi-news.ru