Clever ways to use regular aspirin

Aspirin was invented and implemented in mass production even 120 years ago, doctor Felix Hoffmann and still amazed by its properties, while aspirin treat not only headaches that we all know, but also widely used in everyday life, not for its intended purpose as stated. More on that below.
1. Recall that if the water that is in a vase with flowers, a dissolved aspirin tablet, the flowers last longer to preserve the beauty and delight of others, but it's a trick known to many.
2. If to continue the theme of flora, and the influence of aspirin, invented medicine can improve the soil structure. And if more, then the infected fungus low acid soil can “heal” with aspirin. Enough to dissolve the tablet in a liter of water and watered her “problem” patch.
3. To try to start the car with the dead battery, which is important at low temperatures, it is necessary to throw into it half a pill to "Bank" with distilled water. Due to the reaction of aspirin with an electrolyte there will be a brief battery life, which might be just enough to start the car.
4. Using aspirin to remove sweat stains.
White salt stains should be soaked in liquid (2 tablets in half a glass of water). Soaked in a solution of clothes, three hours should be faded with the help of powders.
5. A paste consisting of crushed medications moistened with water, treat acne.
Aspirin reduces redness for 2-3 minutes. If it does not need to repeat the procedure. After the itching subsides, the place of use of aspirin is washed with soap solution.
6. Hard calluses on the heels, also called “corns”, just as easily removed by aspirin.
You need to crush 5-6 tablets in a very fine powder and mix them with lemon juice. Require half a teaspoon. To form a paste, you need to add some water. After the mixture is cooked, smear her toes and wrapped the feet of the rag wipes. Then put on the foot a plastic bag. After 5-10 minutes, you can unwind the feet and to treat problem areas with a pumice stone.
7. If you are bitten by a wasp will also help aspirin. In this case, the bitten place wetted with water and three aspirin.
8. We all know that water with a high chlorine content, for example in the pool is bad for colored hair. If you like to change the color of their hair, after swimming, clean the hair with a solution of aspirin (6 tablets in a glass of water) and after 15 minutes rinse with your favorite shampoo.
Source: /users/1077