The tablet of the head
Why take aspirin and paracetamol is dangerous? Can the "Alka-Seltzer" cure a hangover, and why painkillers stop muscle growth?
1. Tablet "from the head»
In most cases, feeling slight discomfort or headache, we take some "Efferalgan" or "Coldrex" at night in the hope that in the morning wake up healthy and go to work or to the gym. Doing so completely wrong.
Let's start with the fact that these substances are even theoretically unable to cure the common cold, and will continue so that the negative effects of paracetamol and aspirin for a long time and are widely known, but because of the cheapness of these drugs continue to sell large volumes.
2. Paracetamol
Professionals say that today paracetamol would not get admission as a prescription drug, not to mention the free market. Even permissible daily dose (4 grams) can cause severe poisoning and liver toxicity.
Two-fold excess of this dose is fraught with acute liver failure, leading to a painful death, lasting several days. In other words, the seemingly harmless pills can seriously undermine the health or even kill.
3. Aspirin
The analgesic effect of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) lasts only a few hours, and the effect of blood thinners - a few days. This can lead to what might open and start bleeding prolonged scratch or wound in the mouth after a visit to the dentist.
Some of the "doctors" recommend aspirin as a preventive atherothrombosis, coronary heart disease, or even reduce the risk of cancer. But studies show that this recommendation is justified only for those who have suffered a stroke.
4. Preparations for cold
Most of the drugs for colds - "Coldrex", "Theraflu", "Fervex" - it's just paracetamol, a small dose of ascorbic acid, as well as a drug that eliminates the cold. As part there are no components that can cure or halt the disease.
Use of these drugs to alleviate the condition is bad, but in a number of conditions and the downright dangerous. But the traditional practice to take these drugs for the night doubly harmful, as paracetamol and the like adversely affect metabolism.
5. painkillers and hormonal levels
Any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac and others adversely affect the synthesis of one of the most important for muscle growth hormones - growth hormone.
Given that even a simple one tablet of aspirin can affect the body in a few days to talk about serious strength training at this time is impossible. And even more so can not drink "Coldrex" and go to the gym.
6. "Alka-Seltzer" and the removal of a hangover
The composition of the popular drug to combat hangover - a regular aspirin, baking soda and citric acid. Aspirin painkillers baking soda reduces the acidity in the stomach, which arose from alcohol, aspirin and citric acid.
"Alka-Seltzer" does not cure the hangover, and even more can not be used as a preventive tool to facilitate future state. If you and so "poisoned" your body with alcohol, it is not necessary to kill dangerous and outdated painkillers.
7. Secure painkillers
European experts often recommend ibuprofen ("Nurafen" "MIG400" "Advil" "Solpafleks" and others) as a replace outdated and dangerous aspirin and paracetamol. This substance removes the headache and high temperature.
But we must always remember that any painkillers can cause stomach bleeding or cause other damage to the body, and their use should be justified. Drink them "cold" or "from the head", certainly not worth it.