How to get rid of vascular stars on your feet

Among the various disorders associated with the human vascular system, there is such a phenomenon as the appearance of vascular stars. Unfortunately, such stars that appear often on the legs (and not only) are known to many people.

There are various methods of treating vascular stars. You can recall the ozone therapy method, sclerotherapy, laser and photocoagulation, as well as other methods. Naturally, each of the mentioned methods has both its positive and negative aspects, which should be considered when choosing a specific method of treatment.

But today we will talk about the method of treating vascular stars, which has been preserved for us by traditional medicine. It should be said that among the undoubted advantages of the means that traditional medicine uses for the treatment of vascular stars is their safety for the human body. And although it usually takes a longer time to use folk methods, safety is still much more important.

The main reason for the appearance of vascular stars is the low permeability of capillaries, their poor elasticity, and as a result, the insufficient degree of performance of their functions. This phenomenon causes an increase in pressure in the veins and the walls of these vessels are deformed, so you and the stars.

Among other reasons for which vascular stars can occur, it should be noted:

Frequent and prolonged standing on the legs, which in itself strongly loads the vessels of the lower extremities.

Diseases of the skin, blood vessels, various hormonal disorders, for example, disorders of the thyroid gland and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs.

Also, a similar phenomenon can be caused by problems with the liver, ovaries, overweight, smoking.

Vascular stars may also occur during pregnancy.

Since the traditional medical science has not yet developed a completely safe and optimally effective means of treating such problems, it is necessary to turn to wisdom, folk medicine. And in this case, the expression: who seeks, he will find, fully corresponds to reality. Below I list some folk remedies from vascular stars.

The following method gives excellent results: take equal parts of the ground leaves of lemongrass, pearlberry, currants and St. John's wort. One tablespoon of this collection, pour a glass of boiling water. In the morning before meals and at night, you need to drink half a glass of this infusion.

It is very useful to use green tomatoes for the treatment of vascular stars. But what we need is green tomatoes. The fact is that they have acid in them, which is already ripe fruit is absent. So, treatment of vascular stars with red tomatoes will not give the proper effect. Do not think that green tomatoes should be taken inside. They are cut and applied with pulp to the places where the stars appeared. Hold such a lotion should not be more than two to three minutes, otherwise there may be negative phenomena on the skin in the form of redness. After the procedure, it will not be superfluous to apply a moisturizer to the skin.

If you lubricate the vascular stars on the skin with apple cider vinegar, you can achieve very impressive results. Such treatment should be carried out for a month. Although the positive effect can occur much earlier.

Also to get rid of such problems with veins, chamomile compresses and a series can help. To do this, 1 tspoon of any herb pour a glass of boiling water, boil 5 minutes, let the broth cool a little, moisten it with gauze and wrap problem areas. Keep until dry, do 2-3 times a day.

In addition, various baths are used. We take half a glass of chamomile and calendula flowers in equal parts, pour this mixture with boiling water - about a liter. Strain the resulting broth as it cools. In this infusion, you should keep your legs for 15-20 minutes, adding warm water if necessary. This infusion is also suitable for compresses.

Very good results are given by the treatment of vascular stars, with the help of a bath of needles. To prepare a bath, a glass of any coniferous needles we pour one and a half liters of boiling water. Again filter after ten minutes and lower in the resulting infusion of the legs.

In the same way, a bath of oak bark and chamomile is used. Half a glass of chamomile flowers, poured with one liter of boiling water. Leave the infusion, he needs to brew for two hours. Then, three spoons of oak bark pour half a liter of boiling water and let it brew. As a result, both decoctions should be mixed and used the resulting mixture for a bath for 30 minutes.

As you can see, the treatment of vascular stars with folk remedies is quite simple, but very effective.


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