The greenhouse effect and modern ways of solving problems

Speaking about the greenhouse effect, just seems to be a large greenhouse, caressing sun rays penetrating through the glass, bright green beds and high enough temperature inside, when the street is still ruled by winter. Yes, it is true, most clearly, this process can be compared with what is happening in the greenhouse. Just as the glass presented of greenhouse gases, which many in the atmosphere, they flow and retain heat in the lower air layers, providing plant growth and people's lives. Today, increasingly, the greenhouse effect called the environmental term, which became a disaster. Thus, nature is crying out for help, and if nothing is done, humanity will remain only 300 years to the inevitable end of the world. It is important to understand that the greenhouse effect on Earth was always, without it is impossible the normal existence of living organisms and plants, and a comfortable climate, we owe it to him. The problem is that harmful human activities have reached such proportions that can not pass without a trace, without affecting the global, irreversible changes in ecology. And in order to survive, the population of our Planet needs a global solidarity in addressing this serious matter.
The essence of the greenhouse effect, its causes and consequences
The life of mankind, the burning of millions of tons of fuel, increased energy consumption, the increase in the fleet, a significant increase in the amount of waste of production and so forth, leads to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere. Statistics show that over the past two hundred years, carbon dioxide in the air has become 25% more for the entire geological history, this has not happened. Thus, above the Ground formed a kind of gas cap, which holds back the heat radiation, restoring him back and leading to climate imbalance. With the increase in the average temperature at the Earth's surface, rises and rainfall. Remember that the glass in the Conservatory or greenhouse is always a condensate, in the natural world-it is similar. Accurately calculate all of the disastrous consequences of this is impossible, but one thing is clear, people are playing a dangerous game with nature, an urgent need to think again, to prevent an ecological disaster.
The reasons causing the worsening of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, include:
economic activity, which changes the gas composition and dust content causes the lower air layers of the Earth;
the burning of carbonaceous fuels, coal, oil and gas;
— exhaust gases of automobile engines;
— operation of thermal power plants;
agriculture is associated with excessive decay and excess fertilizers, and the significant increase in livestock;
— the extraction of natural resources;
— release waste of life and industrial production;
— deforestation.
Surprisingly, but the fact that the air has ceased to be a renewable natural resource, which remained until the beginning of intensive human activity.
The consequences of the greenhouse effect
The most dangerous consequence of the greenhouse effect is considered global warming, which leads to the violation of thermal balance of the Planet as a whole. Today each of us felt an average increase in temperature by itself, the phenomenal heat in the summer months and a sudden thaw in the middle of winter, it's a frightening phenomenon, as the consequence of global pollution. And drought, acid rain, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters, have become a scary norm. These scholars show is far from comforting predictions, every year the temperature rises almost one degree, and even more. In this regard, intensify tropical storms, grow the boundaries of drylands and deserts, begins a rapid melting of the glaciers disappear and the permafrost area and greatly reduced the territory of the taiga. This means that sharply reduced harvests, inhabited area will flood with water, many animals can't adapt to rapidly changing conditions, the rise of the Global sea level and changes of water-salt balance. Scary, but the current generation may be witnessing the most rapid warming on the Planet Earth. But, as world practice shows, for some parts of global warming and carries a positive effect, giving the opportunity to develop agriculture and cattle breeding, this tiny benefit is lost against the backdrop of massive negative impacts. Around the greenhouse effect raging debate, research and testing, people are looking for ways to reduce its harmful effects.
Modern ways of solving problems
The way out of this situation only one: to find new fuels, or radically change the technology of using existing variations of fuel resources. Coal and oil when burned emit 60% more carbon dioxide, potent greenhouse gas than any other fuel to produce one unit of energy.
What you need to do to run away from the threat of the greenhouse effect:
— to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, especially coal, oil and natural gas;
— use special filters and catalysts for removal of carbon dioxide from all emissions;
— raise the energy efficiency of power plants through the use of hidden ecological reserves;
— increase the use of alternative energy sources, wind, solar and so on;
— to stop cutting down of green plantings and to establish purposeful landscaping;
— to end the overall pollution of the Planet.
There is active discussion of such measures to reduce the anthropogenic impact, as the regular removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, through the use of high-tech devices to liquefy and pump it into the oceans, thus closer to natural circulation. Solutions to problems is the main thing, to take it all together, the population, the government and the younger generation, and spend huge, but a useful, the work of purification of mother Earth. It is time to stop consumer attitude and start to invest time and effort in your future, bright lives of future generations, it's time to give nature something that we're taking it regularly. No doubt that ingenious and enterprising humanity will cope with this very complex and demanding task.
Source: world-eco.org
Source: /users/4
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