6 most immoral scientific experiments
Seventy two million two hundred sixty four thousand three hundred sixty five
© RodneyPike
In modern society, scientists associated with highly moral people. Indeed, among many scientists, humanists and altruists, caring only about yourself. However all rules there are exceptions, and scientists are not left behind. In some cases, science has been willing to sacrifice whatever principle of morality for the sake of achieving the result. In this article we consider six experiments, where they were harshly violated moral principles, which in turn has not prevented to use some of these scientific discoveries for the benefit of all.
If we reflect on the morality of science, when are its benefits? Discoveries are made for humans, but in order to find a cure, to study the features of development and behavior, requires the involvement of living beings. Sometimes scientists in the quest to achieve the goal of crossing boundaries in the society.
Vaccination deadly zabolevaniya today some mothers have difficulty deciding on a vaccination of the child, fearing all sorts of complications. What to say about the eighteenth century when this procedure was only known in the East by means of traditional medicine, with the probability of death.
Edward Jenner gave the vaccine to the Western society. But his experiment of vaccination was on the verge of good and evil. For unclear reasons, the doctor chose the subjects eight-year-old boy and infected him with the virus of vaccinia. Then it was not full confidence that this kind of virus in all cases is not dangerous to humans. After a successful result, Jenner inoculated the boy a real deadly smallpox. The doctor realized that the child's death tragically affect his career, but luckily for them both, and for all other people, the experiment was a success.
Prostitution for naukowych William masters and psychologist Virginia Johnson studied sexuality in the Medical school of the University of Washington. They understood that the interviewing method and the study of relations of animals do not give tangible results, and decided that the best way to study physiology is to directly observe human sex.
The researchers organized the sessions of Masturbation and intercourse, almost 700 men and women. Initially, the participants of the experiments were prostitutes. Later attracted members of other social groups. In many cases the subjects did not know with whom they will be paired. In experiments took part both young and older people with a different sexual orientation.
Innovative techniques came as a shock to majority of the scientific community. However, the works of masters and Johnson laid the Foundation of modern sexology.
Broken Villamartin Seligman conducted experiments on animals. A few dogs were electrocuted, the action of the dog And depended on the cessation of unpleasant sensations have both, but dog B had nothing to change. This was repeated several times. Then the animals were placed in individual cages where they received electric shocks. They had a partition through which it was easy to jump over and get rid of the "punishment". However, jumping only the Second dog wasn't trying to escape, but only whimpered and endured the blows all the more power.
This phenomenon is called "learned helplessness". It helped to understand the mechanism of formation of depression in people. If the individual is accustomed to the fact that his actions are not dependent on the elimination of stressful situation, he does not try to influence it.
The revival of mertvetsova Luigi Galvani due to their experiences known in the history of physiology. He discovered a property of the muscles respond to electricity. It was discovered accidentally during the dissection of a frog, limbs which moved from the shocks. However, his grandson went ahead and showed the audience a movement of a dead man. The corpse was breathing, making faces, opened eyes. This so shocked the observers that one of the assistants could not recover themselves for several days.
Antilopidae, detenyshei Harlow as the result of their experiments has scarred the psyche of a dozen monkeys. He selected young mothers and coolly watching their behavior. He replaced the biological mother of two devices: a metal structure with a pacifier and the other wrapped in soft cloth. The second cub hugged and caressed, but if it had to be removed, fell into despair. The study found that tactile contact is much more important than food. However, the monkeys could not subsequently communicate with peers and showed signs of autism, and many grown-up females killed their young.
Paradoxically, these studies helped in raising human children, refuting the previously dominant view that the abundance of affection spoils a child.
The observation of slow Smertin for decades, while in America the racism was normal, doctors examined syphilis on the black part of the population. The subjects had not reported the illness they treat, and what to do with them. Scientists wanted to study all stages of the disease, so many of the subjects died, not waiting for help. The medics saw to it that the patients did not receive treatment at other hospitals. Victims of doctors infected their wives and children. Even after world war II and receiving a penicillin experiment did not stop and ended only in 1972.
Source: /users/1617
© RodneyPike
In modern society, scientists associated with highly moral people. Indeed, among many scientists, humanists and altruists, caring only about yourself. However all rules there are exceptions, and scientists are not left behind. In some cases, science has been willing to sacrifice whatever principle of morality for the sake of achieving the result. In this article we consider six experiments, where they were harshly violated moral principles, which in turn has not prevented to use some of these scientific discoveries for the benefit of all.
If we reflect on the morality of science, when are its benefits? Discoveries are made for humans, but in order to find a cure, to study the features of development and behavior, requires the involvement of living beings. Sometimes scientists in the quest to achieve the goal of crossing boundaries in the society.
Vaccination deadly zabolevaniya today some mothers have difficulty deciding on a vaccination of the child, fearing all sorts of complications. What to say about the eighteenth century when this procedure was only known in the East by means of traditional medicine, with the probability of death.
Edward Jenner gave the vaccine to the Western society. But his experiment of vaccination was on the verge of good and evil. For unclear reasons, the doctor chose the subjects eight-year-old boy and infected him with the virus of vaccinia. Then it was not full confidence that this kind of virus in all cases is not dangerous to humans. After a successful result, Jenner inoculated the boy a real deadly smallpox. The doctor realized that the child's death tragically affect his career, but luckily for them both, and for all other people, the experiment was a success.
Prostitution for naukowych William masters and psychologist Virginia Johnson studied sexuality in the Medical school of the University of Washington. They understood that the interviewing method and the study of relations of animals do not give tangible results, and decided that the best way to study physiology is to directly observe human sex.
The researchers organized the sessions of Masturbation and intercourse, almost 700 men and women. Initially, the participants of the experiments were prostitutes. Later attracted members of other social groups. In many cases the subjects did not know with whom they will be paired. In experiments took part both young and older people with a different sexual orientation.
Innovative techniques came as a shock to majority of the scientific community. However, the works of masters and Johnson laid the Foundation of modern sexology.
Broken Villamartin Seligman conducted experiments on animals. A few dogs were electrocuted, the action of the dog And depended on the cessation of unpleasant sensations have both, but dog B had nothing to change. This was repeated several times. Then the animals were placed in individual cages where they received electric shocks. They had a partition through which it was easy to jump over and get rid of the "punishment". However, jumping only the Second dog wasn't trying to escape, but only whimpered and endured the blows all the more power.
This phenomenon is called "learned helplessness". It helped to understand the mechanism of formation of depression in people. If the individual is accustomed to the fact that his actions are not dependent on the elimination of stressful situation, he does not try to influence it.
The revival of mertvetsova Luigi Galvani due to their experiences known in the history of physiology. He discovered a property of the muscles respond to electricity. It was discovered accidentally during the dissection of a frog, limbs which moved from the shocks. However, his grandson went ahead and showed the audience a movement of a dead man. The corpse was breathing, making faces, opened eyes. This so shocked the observers that one of the assistants could not recover themselves for several days.
Antilopidae, detenyshei Harlow as the result of their experiments has scarred the psyche of a dozen monkeys. He selected young mothers and coolly watching their behavior. He replaced the biological mother of two devices: a metal structure with a pacifier and the other wrapped in soft cloth. The second cub hugged and caressed, but if it had to be removed, fell into despair. The study found that tactile contact is much more important than food. However, the monkeys could not subsequently communicate with peers and showed signs of autism, and many grown-up females killed their young.
Paradoxically, these studies helped in raising human children, refuting the previously dominant view that the abundance of affection spoils a child.
The observation of slow Smertin for decades, while in America the racism was normal, doctors examined syphilis on the black part of the population. The subjects had not reported the illness they treat, and what to do with them. Scientists wanted to study all stages of the disease, so many of the subjects died, not waiting for help. The medics saw to it that the patients did not receive treatment at other hospitals. Victims of doctors infected their wives and children. Even after world war II and receiving a penicillin experiment did not stop and ended only in 1972.
Source: /users/1617