Louis Pasteur hide the results of experiments that contradict his theory

One of the most famous in the history of scientific confrontations occurred between those who believe that micro-organisms are formed by the decay of organic matter, and those who believe that they are only transferred from one surface to another air stream. From 1850 to 1870, the famous French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur encountered in the confrontation with supporters of education microbes out of nothing, especially with Felix Puche.
The two camps are continuously conducted experiments to confirm his theory and refuting opponents. As is known, Pasteur won. Modern science has adopted the theory that mikrorganizmy transferred by air, and the science of the appearance of the products of their decay has been sent to the dump ideas and deprecated. Few people know that Pasteur palter and won unfairly.
It seems that some experiments Pasteur proved that organic foods do produce life. Of course, after a few years, these experiments have been declared invalid, but at that time they only proved the correctness of the opponents. Therefore, these results Pasteur kept secret.
Historian John Waller writes: "In fact, because of his feud with Puche, Pasteur announced in his diaries as" successful "all the experiments, which were carried out to prove his theory, and all others as" failed ".
When the ideological opponents of the Pasteur performed experiments that confirm their theory, Pasteur publicly repeated them. One time, he simply refused to conduct an experiment and how any of his comments. On another occasion he stayed so long with comments that opponents are furious. Waller says, "It is noteworthy that Pasteur announced some experiments carried out carelessly, while he and his team conducted the same experiments, trying to get a great result." As recent research records Pasteur Geysonom Gerald (Gerald Geyson), the Pasteur team spent the week checking Bastian conclusions and trying to confirm their beliefs about the spread of germs in the air ».
Pasteur separated from his aides and his mentor, explaining that they are not scrupulously carried out experiments at the same time he conducted experiments in the same careless, blinded by their beliefs. He was lucky that he was more convincing. Moreover, the evidence was not so much scientific as religious. In his notes he constantly asserts that the mystery of the creation of life from non Only God knows the Creator. The ability to create human nature or of living matter without God has abandoned them unconditionally without scientific justification.
Source: www.mindhobby.com
via factroom.ru
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