Recipes coffee body wraps for problem areas

Coffee grounds has on the skin deep complex action. Coffee wrap for weight loss – how effective is this procedure which recipes provide the best results?
Useful info Wrap slimming coffee is very popular. Coffee displays from the subcutaneous layers of excess moisture, accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates lipolysis (fat burning). Caffeine tones the skin and improves its elasticity. It helps to cope with cellulite. It should take into account the fact that the coffee particles provide the effect of peeling they clean off dead skin flakes. Coffee improves blood circulation in the treated area, normalizes lymph circulation, counteracts congestion. Treatment of obesity includes 10-12 procedures (doing them 1-3 times a week). After that it is recommended to take a break for 6 months.
Contraindications In some cases, coffee anti-cellulite body wrap slimming cannot be used. Contraindications include varicose veins, pregnancy, some gynecological problems, tumours, pathology of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. It is impossible to apply the procedure in the presence of skin diseases and wounds in the treated area, during fever and also Allergy to coffee and other components of the wraps. Before applying the composition on the wide area it is necessary to test on a small area of skin.
Rules of procedure For the procedure is ideal spits coffee grounds you can collect a few days of folding and sending in a jar in the fridge. It is desirable to make coffee in a cezve and not to brew in the Cup – more prolonged heat treatment to fully disclose all the benefits of the coffee.
Before the procedure wet the body, visiting a shower or soak in a warm bath. The problem areas treated with a scrub – you can use as a finished cosmetic product, and a homemade scrub. It may be cooked from the same coffee (just connect it with cream or with sour cream). Pomassirovti body (can use hard sponge or a massage MITT), rinse the scrub off the body.
The prepared composition, apply to body massage movements, then take plastic wrap and wrap the treated area (bottom-up). On top put on warm clothes. Duration of coffee-procedures – 1 hour. This time, you can devote as rest under a blanket and homework. At the expiration of this time remove the tape, take a shower and lubricate the skin cream.
Recipes coffee body wraps 1.Coffee grounds slightly dilute with hot water. When the mass will become comfortable temperature, apply it on the body.
2. Connect coffee grounds and clay in equal proportions. Add hot water or warm milk (a little). This recipe provides not only fat burning but also smoothness (helps with stretch marks).
3. Macerate in warm water kelp (powder). Mix coffee grounds with a swollen algae (1:1). If necessary, add a little more water.
4. Heat in a water bath 1/4 Cup honey, add 1/2 Cup of coffee grounds. Can add a lot of 3 drops of essential oil of citrus or a pinch of hot pepper.
Reviews Coffee wrap for weight loss good tones the skin, accelerates the burning of fat. Reviews talking about the high effectiveness of this procedure.
Source: updiet.info/