Recipe of garlic tincture and scheme of its application
Fifty six million three hundred seventy two thousand four hundred sixty six
It is an ancient Tibetan recipe for purifying vessels, which was found by researchers in one of the treatises. According to him, this tool is able even to renew his youth, and it is based on garlic. It is proven that garlic can cure disease, since the body will get rid of plaques in blood vessels. To cure atherosclerosis, headaches, visual acuity, hearing, to reduce the likelihood of varicose veins. The course of purification of blood vessels garlic should be repeated after three to six years.
To prepare the tincture, take three hundred and fifty grams of peeled garlic. Grind it to make paste. Put it in a jar, close the lid and a dark cloth to advocated. This composition of the select two hundred grams of liquid, juicy part and pour it in a jar with a volume of half a liter. Pour two hundred milliliters of rubbing alcohol. Is it anything to take with you. Close the jar well and put in a place where it is cool. But not in the refrigerator. Cover the jar with another vessel, such as the hood and let the tincture is so worth it within ten days. Then press through a linen cloth. The resulting liquid is again put under the hood for three days.
Take three times a day for twenty-five drops as long as the infusion is finished completely. Take fifty milliliters of cold boiled milk, pour it into twenty-five drops of tincture and drink half an hour before a meal. Take the tincture with water. Water you need to drink three times as much.
Every time you leave home, bring a bottle of fifty milliliters of milk and a necessary number of drops of tincture. Keep cleansing of blood vessels garlic for three months.
You cannot take garlic tincture for people suffering from epilepsy and kidney disease. Pregnant tincture is also contraindicated.
Drink two to two and a half liters of water a day to facilitate the work of the liver, since all purification runs through it. Move more, drink coffee, strong tea, cocoa, do not use sharp spices and condiments. In any case can not take alcohol. This may give more complications. Use the medication no more than once in 3 years
Source: /users/1077
It is an ancient Tibetan recipe for purifying vessels, which was found by researchers in one of the treatises. According to him, this tool is able even to renew his youth, and it is based on garlic. It is proven that garlic can cure disease, since the body will get rid of plaques in blood vessels. To cure atherosclerosis, headaches, visual acuity, hearing, to reduce the likelihood of varicose veins. The course of purification of blood vessels garlic should be repeated after three to six years.
To prepare the tincture, take three hundred and fifty grams of peeled garlic. Grind it to make paste. Put it in a jar, close the lid and a dark cloth to advocated. This composition of the select two hundred grams of liquid, juicy part and pour it in a jar with a volume of half a liter. Pour two hundred milliliters of rubbing alcohol. Is it anything to take with you. Close the jar well and put in a place where it is cool. But not in the refrigerator. Cover the jar with another vessel, such as the hood and let the tincture is so worth it within ten days. Then press through a linen cloth. The resulting liquid is again put under the hood for three days.
Take three times a day for twenty-five drops as long as the infusion is finished completely. Take fifty milliliters of cold boiled milk, pour it into twenty-five drops of tincture and drink half an hour before a meal. Take the tincture with water. Water you need to drink three times as much.
Every time you leave home, bring a bottle of fifty milliliters of milk and a necessary number of drops of tincture. Keep cleansing of blood vessels garlic for three months.
You cannot take garlic tincture for people suffering from epilepsy and kidney disease. Pregnant tincture is also contraindicated.
Drink two to two and a half liters of water a day to facilitate the work of the liver, since all purification runs through it. Move more, drink coffee, strong tea, cocoa, do not use sharp spices and condiments. In any case can not take alcohol. This may give more complications. Use the medication no more than once in 3 years
Source: /users/1077
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