How to make the aisles between the beds did not grow grass
Advice from Igor Liadov
In the photo You can see the garden from the garden strawberries under black film. It is convenient, the weed disappears. A film of moisture remains, the spring will heat up more quickly, therefore early fruiting, etc. Around the beds You see a lawn that I mow with a trimmer. But there are places hard to reach or not easy to podstrigli, it's between the two beds. We call them passes. Many struggle with grass, tearing it by hand (hands) or all kinds of garden tools. It takes a lot of time, effort. Suggest one way of mulching the walkways to forget about them. This method is used by many gardeners.
The stele in the passage of the Newspapers, magazines or cardboard.With the newspaper in several layers, covered sawdust. Who bought (2 bags of 10 rubles)2-3 cm Thick Spread with a rake.2-3 cm thick Spread with a rake.Now this plot of land (two beds and an aisle between them) we will not take time to weed the grass. You can be engaged in more important matters.
Good Luck To You!!!

istchnik: hitrostigizni.mirtesen.ru
Source: /users/1077
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