Bestsellers on parenting for reading parents

1. "After three late"
Author: Masaru Ibuka
Masaru Ibuka considers that young children have the ability to learn anything. The author offers clear and simple teaching techniques that promote early child development.

2. "Children from heaven"
Author: John Gray
John gray will talk to the reader about the positive education, which makes children successful, able to cope with any difficulties in life

3. "Rules for parents"
Author: Richard Templar
Richard Templar believes that the secret to a good moms and dad is to follow certain rules. These 100 rules he offers to the reader.

4. "Conversation with parents"
Author: Donald Woods, Psychotherapist
McDonald's woods, Psychotherapist talks about such things, about which to talk is not accepted, but which exist. For example, about sibling rivalry. The desire to be the perfect mother and why the child needs more ordinary, imperfect.

5. "Communicate with your child. How?"
Author: Y. B. Gippenreiter
The book includes completely new material on the "layers" of our emotional life, self-assessment and its critical role in the life of a child and an adult.
6. "We continue to communicate with the child. So?"
Author: Y. B. Gippenreiter
In the second book of Julia Gippenreiter discussed numerous issues of concern to parents: "How to educate? How to teach discipline? How to punish? How to make it good to learn?" published
Source: http:// rdlove.ru