Wounded American special forces would be put to sleep
Eighty eight million three hundred thirty eight thousand four hundred nine
In the case of serious injury of the special forces of the United States in a combat zone will be temporarily put to sleep. In this state they will be to move to a safe place.
The us military special operations forces (SOCOM) has allocated $ 550 thousand for financing a fundamentally new drug for the needs of power structures. A drug designed by Australian scientists, not only protects from blood loss, but also prevents irreversible brain damage.
According to experts, the new drug could be the first step in treating the wounded on the battlefield. To develop a new medicine the Department of Tropical medicine and health at the University of James cook spent seven years, writes the Daily Mail newspaper.
The drug should be applied during the "platinum 10 minutes" after being wounded – the so-called in medicine, the time of the effectiveness of the assistance provided. According to doctors, the Golden hour does not save the seriously wounded in a serious battle.
In the course of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 87 percent of the deaths among the allies occurred within the first 30 minutes, before they got to the hospital. Almost a quarter of them, about a thousand people could have been saved if they had time to complete medical care — say scientists.
According to them, in a serious loss of blood and traumatic brain injury to the modern means of effectively treat one or the other. It turns out the double-edged sword. But if to solve both problems, we can save many lives, they said.
Help the wounded on the field of battle is in two stages. The first injection, which is done immediately after the injury, rescues the wounded from bleeding and brain damage. The second dose will stabilize the soldier's condition and prolongs the time during which it is possible to help save a life.
The liquid is introduced into the blood or bone marrow. It relieves inflammation, prevents blood clotting disorder and reduces power consumption.
Researchers say the new drug could also be used by civilians in peacetime.
Source: hi-news.ru
In the case of serious injury of the special forces of the United States in a combat zone will be temporarily put to sleep. In this state they will be to move to a safe place.
The us military special operations forces (SOCOM) has allocated $ 550 thousand for financing a fundamentally new drug for the needs of power structures. A drug designed by Australian scientists, not only protects from blood loss, but also prevents irreversible brain damage.
According to experts, the new drug could be the first step in treating the wounded on the battlefield. To develop a new medicine the Department of Tropical medicine and health at the University of James cook spent seven years, writes the Daily Mail newspaper.
The drug should be applied during the "platinum 10 minutes" after being wounded – the so-called in medicine, the time of the effectiveness of the assistance provided. According to doctors, the Golden hour does not save the seriously wounded in a serious battle.
In the course of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 87 percent of the deaths among the allies occurred within the first 30 minutes, before they got to the hospital. Almost a quarter of them, about a thousand people could have been saved if they had time to complete medical care — say scientists.
According to them, in a serious loss of blood and traumatic brain injury to the modern means of effectively treat one or the other. It turns out the double-edged sword. But if to solve both problems, we can save many lives, they said.
Help the wounded on the field of battle is in two stages. The first injection, which is done immediately after the injury, rescues the wounded from bleeding and brain damage. The second dose will stabilize the soldier's condition and prolongs the time during which it is possible to help save a life.
The liquid is introduced into the blood or bone marrow. It relieves inflammation, prevents blood clotting disorder and reduces power consumption.
Researchers say the new drug could also be used by civilians in peacetime.
Source: hi-news.ru
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