Teachings of police special forces in Kurgan
The author writes: "In December 2010, failed again to get in the Kurgan region, where barely alive back in August. This time, police commandos were planned minimum hiking on a background of heavy tactical exercises daily and marksmanship. Yielding to the entreaties of a few, I went to the city of Kurgan. Early in the morning the staff OMSN Kurgan region have started to shrink already familiar to me outside the building recreation. Generally speaking, there was no alarm, the people came to the pre-designated time. But if you need to - alarm the entire squad is ready for use in 30-40 minutes after the signal. This is a very good indicator. They gathered quickly, and this time, the necessary things and loaded several vehicles convoy moved through the city to the venue of tactical exercises. Along the way, the men received weapons and ammunition. A few hours later, in full accordance with the plan arrived at the training center of the protected area of the FSB Border Troops. "The first thing in the armory were placed" trunks "and ammunition to the stand hung lesson plans and schedules on duty and staff located in the barracks. However, the phrase about the staff of a drop does not reflect the meaning of the event: in fact the people enthusiastically rushed to occupy the same bed under the blankets blue soldiers.
1. 50,929,726
2. 37,364,913
3. The choice was a bunk bed at the battery aisle bed and bunk beds elite. Immediately showered from all sides nostalgic jokes-jokes. All served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation strongly supported and developed a flood of memories. Those employees immediately brightened. With such enlightened individuals here and all went to a nearby forest to the first tactical training field output. Winter 2010-2011 campaign, has begun. In the world of glazed
4. It should be noted - the whole night on the eve of abundant snow was falling, the morning was replaced by reason rain. The world around me was covered with thick ice glazing amazing. Besides the beauty of ice and rain brought tangible inconvenience. For example, attempts to break from the road into the woods immediately met with palpable pain in the shins. Ice crust weight of the person, of course, did not hold, but regularly "cut" legs even through thick pants.
6. A short jog regularly led to a painful left foot injury. The impression as if you run through the woods, completely laid by the fragile veneer. Falls through the ice crust and leg as if locked in a deep hole. Dёrneshsya forward - knee break. No running, only a leisurely walk from the lifts up high kicks. In fairness, I note: it became difficult not only to people, even the wild forest animals prefers to run on the groomed trail.
7. But no matter how hard it was, and the police worked through the planned ambush and protivozasadnye action in the dark. In practice, it turned out that in the snowy forest after sunset moving human figure can be more or less accurately discern a range of 20 meters, and aimed fire from small arms to 10 meters is possible, that is, almost at point blank range. If you stand still and do not move, if necessary, allow to approach enemy to yourself can be just a couple of meters. And effectiveness of attack from a distance. Chunked, several times repeated the action in a group, in an ambush, and then moved on to practical training with lighting sector clash flares. In this case, the men who prepared an ambush and advance disguise, received a significant advantage. Rocket quite clearly represents a group of imaginary enemy, advancing along the road. At the same time the shooters had plenty of time to choose goals and confident aiming.
8. parry such an ambush could be trying as much as possible to get close to the enemy and tie firefight or lie down immediately, which will have to escape and immediately after the extinction of the rocket crawl, choosing a reliable shelter. "War" were blanks, all the men were in the "armor", but without helmets. Camouflage in this lesson is not used, but showed what almost any suit.
9. A very interesting thing to observe with your own eyes: a man in a white camouflage suit motion nice noticeable on the background of dark woods and bushes. A man without a camouflage noticeable when driving in snow. But the fighter in white camouflage trousers on, but without a camouflage robe - almost unnoticeable on any background. A trifle, but it can be expensive. Long winter evenings
10. After the training races and firing a weapon was returned to the "Munitions", people dressed and raced out to dinner. Supper and drinking a hot tea, all in a hurry in the so-called "Lenkomnatu" which began its work a traditional circle of lovers of pure firearms. A typical evening in a field output, as expected, has been organized as follows: at the tables, all participants took their seats together a nice hike with his arms.
11. The television was shown some fascinating feature film and begins Cleaning of weapons. What look? For example, I remember the "fireman" Alexei Balabanov half with themed jokes, rhymes and various kinds of service "byvalschiny." Before hanging up the assembled "circle members" oruduvali ramrod torn rags, squirting gun oil and polished enshrined for each barrel to shine. Also, we try to look more American fighters. We learn from experience. And then the police will be renamed, and the experience then and there. Before the first hammering most Sophisticated police expressed concerns are not unfounded - say, at night in the barracks necessarily come running Tigers. Will begin after midnight growl clamor. A serious matter, such tigers can not be lower. But humanism and without in any way. In the end, we decided to give the Tigers life. And consider this difficult courageous decision to act friendly, to strengthen cultural ties with the representatives of international financial and environmental organizations gathered in St. Petersburg in order to discuss the issue of protection of Tigers. With that and slept. For the uninitiated, "kill the tiger" - it is such an army tradition. If the rebound is detected in the barracks "Tiger" (snoring soldier), the brave "tiger hunter" (specially appointed to this position senior conscripts) should "kill the tiger" (hit the pillow) and "skinned" (to steal a blanket). While everyone was asleep, tiger, of course, is full of nabilas barracks. But nothing can be done. Moreover, rest and sleep a rest every night guarding changing every hour employees of the group. At the shooting range
12. The rise in the division happened at 7 am, at a pace contingent dressed raced wash-collected, then followed nazhoristy breakfast in an army canteen, instructing and loading in trucks armed.
17. Army "Ural" went on a shooting range. Employees have been instructed on the procedure for the production of ammunition and shooting, everyone was again clearly instructed the command of the detachment commanders and their units.
21. They were shooting from machine guns, submachine guns, pistols. Apart from doing our own calculations Artful snipers. Gunners were targeting new trunks, trained in high-speed output of the position and the opening of accurate fire. Hard it was. But the Gunners are not discouraged. Prilazhivaya to the trunks boxes with ribbons, purring under his breath, "I want to tape is not ended ..."
22. It was possible to see how the fire from PC handheld. Clamped butt elbow, grasping at and gently fry behaving barrel left. The main thing - is widely racstavit legs and gently bring fountains of snow directly under the goal. Then there is no salvation. But this spectacular exercise is good for shooting and epics. In the battle, of course, everyone is trying to shoot the prone position and properly sheltered.
24. From the first AK just some shooting at a range of + 50-100-200 meters. In the second part of the exercise to reflect an imaginary attack on the city building. We had to take cover as thoroughly as possible in the room for a short time to show the edge of the window opening, a few single shots to hit the target under the windows.
25. Again, take cover, change the position and produce a series of single shots at a target. The targets were set at a range of around 30-40 meters and nestled in the folds of the terrain.
27. Exercise increasingly complex, the men worked in twos, shot from the bottom of the room, not to unmask himself and changed at the end of each short position after the turn. The "armor" and a helmet is not an easy task.
29. Every day in the practical shooting exercises were introduced more and more "aggravating" elements. Change position rush and climb, work in pairs, cover companion, imitation weapons failure, change shops. We shoot with mechanical and collimator sights. Latest in the capable hands of chance, even small targets do not leave. Very comfortable sights, greatly save time on sighting!
30. The test in the individually ordered from some craftsman muzzle brake - flash suppressor. Wonder product significantly changed the sound of automatic gunfire and was said participants in the test drive, reduced tossing the barrel of the weapon.
31. Conducted and night shooting. Automaton shops were filled with tracer bullets through one. Head of the class shot in the air flares at the same moment the soldiers opened fire from their positions. Shot quickly, accurately, and in the dark - and more beautiful. The rocket burned pretty quickly in the night sky, the shots stopped, and with each new missile tracers again bright strings of contracts to the target. The new missile - carrying fire for other purposes. Ricochet bullets soared over beautiful distant darkening forest. Fascinating picture. Korotkostvolisty - fire!
32. submachine Yarigina (AEs) and Stechkin (APS) has made a special impression. "Yarygin" in the hands of a fighter with the call sign "Ninja" hit the 3 difference of distance between small-size (the size of a human head) of the target row in just 3.2 seconds. However, removing weapons from the hip holster and cocked.
35. A "Stechkin" with fixed rigid holster-butt in the automatic fire done holes in the target even under my leadership. Of the repertoire of firearms that gun was awakened in me the most diverse feelings. Very good machine!
36. "pistoletchikov" shooting at targets and the so-called "Popper" from the time-tested PM. Apparently, the most trouble-free, these guns "Makarov". PYA certainly looks visually appealing and PM, the cartridge from PYA powerful, but when fired several times gave the gun malfunctions. Warp chuck. On the training course, the delay plёvaya. Just something and Nadd - to distort the shutter or neatly hand in these cartridge arm. And in this battle flourishes may result in failure.
38. ask the opinion of professional shooters: not all trust this gun, preferring PM or APS. But if the TL is still operating normally - then he quickly, precisely and powerfully. Melee
39. Shooting - this is very useful for training skills, but in a fight rarely act as a training site. Because a lot of practice in the organization protivozasadnyh action when driving in convoy. Three cars, armored UAZ, UAZ and unarmored "Gazelle" with the police moved on urban development. Four militiamen imitated group of militants were preparing an ambush. Place selected independently, no one about anything not warned.
40. The objective of the core group would not only survive under sudden fire, but also to "punish" the organizers of the ambush. Perfected action speed exit from the transport position to open fire rounds and scope of the "militants" who had committed an armed attack on the convoy.
41. They were shooting blanks, a lot of running, took a comfortable position for firing, drastically reduces the distance from the attackers, trying to knock down fire and destroy simulated enemy. We act following real combat experience gained in missions in the Caucasus. They recalled and analyzed the situation in which the fighters detachment were wounded and killed. This is just like that, on a live thread, systematized experience already paid for with blood. In some cases - his own.
43. Trained by day and night, in the pitch darkness. Educational tasks performed on the conscience of the soldiers, soundly. Separately, trained drivers, deciding on a course of training in any situation, how they act behind the wheel. Practice shooting through loopholes armored UAZ. Features winter photoshoot
44. fulfills not only the fire suppression, but also aim shooting from awkward positions. With proper skill, and can be a vehicle to eliminate loopholes of militants attacked.
45. One day, when everything, as usual, put forward at the shooting range, a small group of soldiers went to the forest and me. On the so-called "Photo hunting." That is naschelkat swift deer using telephoto, of course, would be desirable. At the same time tried to arouse the vigilance of the basic structure. Say, Moscow photographer and invigorates acquainted with wildlife Zauralye.
46. In fact, of course, we just wildlife and acquaintances. Do not forget to organize the "unplanned" ambush on the convoy, is directed at the shooting range. A pair of snipers, machine gunner and a photographer - and that's all "militants". Chose a section of road with a sharp turn, pushed across a dry log, sat behind snowdrifts, who agreed when and where fires.
47. The column was met by concerted fire, we managed to catch a minibus in a position as soon as the door opened salon - all outputs could be killed with one shot. When driving in road transport is very difficult to understand where to shoot column. But it is necessary not just to understand, but also to have time to get out of the car, do not hesitated to take a stand for shooting, look around and take action to destroy the attacking.
49. Along the way take away from the train by firing their wounded. It all ended pretty rough debriefing and another pair of reinforcement training. Do Vogue?
50. Separate the day was devoted to granatometaniyu (hand grenades), firing from grenade launchers and various exercises to clean up the premises. Granatomёtchiki fired from his "grenade launcher" practical, inert ammunition FOG-25IN and grenade VOG-25. At the armed special forces are not only the usual "grenade launcher" GP-25 "Bonfire" and SE-30 "Obuvka" but also six-40mm grenade RG-6 / 6G30. They say terrible thing in the melee.
53. Apart from all practiced elite, jet granatomёtchiki. Among them was the infamous Dr. Specialty. The RPG-7 ran the next, "the pill" and, raising a whole blizzard sent it into the goal.
55. Regarding the forced "special effect": in a combat situation behind granatomёtchika can lay a tarp to dust or snow is not given a firing position. Otherwise, raised a storm of reactive jet may unmask and turn into well-known troubles.
57. But shocked, of course, is not it. He shook the fighter "Ninja", traditionally accidentally got the first grenade into the growth figure in the range of 150-200 meters. Similarly, the range was not known to anyone. But the good eye was rescued. From growth figures remained virtually nothing. That is to say nothing at all! Nikolay, Igor, Chariton hive-Jacob. Go grenade!
58. whiled away the evening at the former town KP soldiers missile. Abandoned command post is well suited to the requirements of the commandos. Quiet, no one around, and concrete walls. In the hall, the corridors and rooms of the target brought on supports, place them at different heights. None of the men did not know which of the dark corners lurking "goal." Inside one came first, flashing his barrel-attached lights. Login - immediately after the grenade explosion.
62. As an army grenades were firecrackers and non-lethal weapons. Among the latter were singletons hand grenade Light and sound "Torch-On" (fragments do not give, fireproof) and multi-stage sound and light grenade "Torch". The essence of these grenades to disorient, deafen, blind and frighten the person who provides armed resistance to police officers. Non-lethal grenades, fragmentation does not have.
68. Can be combined with smoke and gas grenades, because of the staff of the special mission forces of exercises performed in masks and after firing smoke grenade DG-40.
via bigpicture.ru

1. 50,929,726
2. 37,364,913
3. The choice was a bunk bed at the battery aisle bed and bunk beds elite. Immediately showered from all sides nostalgic jokes-jokes. All served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation strongly supported and developed a flood of memories. Those employees immediately brightened. With such enlightened individuals here and all went to a nearby forest to the first tactical training field output. Winter 2010-2011 campaign, has begun. In the world of glazed

4. It should be noted - the whole night on the eve of abundant snow was falling, the morning was replaced by reason rain. The world around me was covered with thick ice glazing amazing. Besides the beauty of ice and rain brought tangible inconvenience. For example, attempts to break from the road into the woods immediately met with palpable pain in the shins. Ice crust weight of the person, of course, did not hold, but regularly "cut" legs even through thick pants.


6. A short jog regularly led to a painful left foot injury. The impression as if you run through the woods, completely laid by the fragile veneer. Falls through the ice crust and leg as if locked in a deep hole. Dёrneshsya forward - knee break. No running, only a leisurely walk from the lifts up high kicks. In fairness, I note: it became difficult not only to people, even the wild forest animals prefers to run on the groomed trail.

7. But no matter how hard it was, and the police worked through the planned ambush and protivozasadnye action in the dark. In practice, it turned out that in the snowy forest after sunset moving human figure can be more or less accurately discern a range of 20 meters, and aimed fire from small arms to 10 meters is possible, that is, almost at point blank range. If you stand still and do not move, if necessary, allow to approach enemy to yourself can be just a couple of meters. And effectiveness of attack from a distance. Chunked, several times repeated the action in a group, in an ambush, and then moved on to practical training with lighting sector clash flares. In this case, the men who prepared an ambush and advance disguise, received a significant advantage. Rocket quite clearly represents a group of imaginary enemy, advancing along the road. At the same time the shooters had plenty of time to choose goals and confident aiming.

8. parry such an ambush could be trying as much as possible to get close to the enemy and tie firefight or lie down immediately, which will have to escape and immediately after the extinction of the rocket crawl, choosing a reliable shelter. "War" were blanks, all the men were in the "armor", but without helmets. Camouflage in this lesson is not used, but showed what almost any suit.

9. A very interesting thing to observe with your own eyes: a man in a white camouflage suit motion nice noticeable on the background of dark woods and bushes. A man without a camouflage noticeable when driving in snow. But the fighter in white camouflage trousers on, but without a camouflage robe - almost unnoticeable on any background. A trifle, but it can be expensive. Long winter evenings

10. After the training races and firing a weapon was returned to the "Munitions", people dressed and raced out to dinner. Supper and drinking a hot tea, all in a hurry in the so-called "Lenkomnatu" which began its work a traditional circle of lovers of pure firearms. A typical evening in a field output, as expected, has been organized as follows: at the tables, all participants took their seats together a nice hike with his arms.

11. The television was shown some fascinating feature film and begins Cleaning of weapons. What look? For example, I remember the "fireman" Alexei Balabanov half with themed jokes, rhymes and various kinds of service "byvalschiny." Before hanging up the assembled "circle members" oruduvali ramrod torn rags, squirting gun oil and polished enshrined for each barrel to shine. Also, we try to look more American fighters. We learn from experience. And then the police will be renamed, and the experience then and there. Before the first hammering most Sophisticated police expressed concerns are not unfounded - say, at night in the barracks necessarily come running Tigers. Will begin after midnight growl clamor. A serious matter, such tigers can not be lower. But humanism and without in any way. In the end, we decided to give the Tigers life. And consider this difficult courageous decision to act friendly, to strengthen cultural ties with the representatives of international financial and environmental organizations gathered in St. Petersburg in order to discuss the issue of protection of Tigers. With that and slept. For the uninitiated, "kill the tiger" - it is such an army tradition. If the rebound is detected in the barracks "Tiger" (snoring soldier), the brave "tiger hunter" (specially appointed to this position senior conscripts) should "kill the tiger" (hit the pillow) and "skinned" (to steal a blanket). While everyone was asleep, tiger, of course, is full of nabilas barracks. But nothing can be done. Moreover, rest and sleep a rest every night guarding changing every hour employees of the group. At the shooting range

12. The rise in the division happened at 7 am, at a pace contingent dressed raced wash-collected, then followed nazhoristy breakfast in an army canteen, instructing and loading in trucks armed.





17. Army "Ural" went on a shooting range. Employees have been instructed on the procedure for the production of ammunition and shooting, everyone was again clearly instructed the command of the detachment commanders and their units.




21. They were shooting from machine guns, submachine guns, pistols. Apart from doing our own calculations Artful snipers. Gunners were targeting new trunks, trained in high-speed output of the position and the opening of accurate fire. Hard it was. But the Gunners are not discouraged. Prilazhivaya to the trunks boxes with ribbons, purring under his breath, "I want to tape is not ended ..."

22. It was possible to see how the fire from PC handheld. Clamped butt elbow, grasping at and gently fry behaving barrel left. The main thing - is widely racstavit legs and gently bring fountains of snow directly under the goal. Then there is no salvation. But this spectacular exercise is good for shooting and epics. In the battle, of course, everyone is trying to shoot the prone position and properly sheltered.


24. From the first AK just some shooting at a range of + 50-100-200 meters. In the second part of the exercise to reflect an imaginary attack on the city building. We had to take cover as thoroughly as possible in the room for a short time to show the edge of the window opening, a few single shots to hit the target under the windows.

25. Again, take cover, change the position and produce a series of single shots at a target. The targets were set at a range of around 30-40 meters and nestled in the folds of the terrain.


27. Exercise increasingly complex, the men worked in twos, shot from the bottom of the room, not to unmask himself and changed at the end of each short position after the turn. The "armor" and a helmet is not an easy task.


29. Every day in the practical shooting exercises were introduced more and more "aggravating" elements. Change position rush and climb, work in pairs, cover companion, imitation weapons failure, change shops. We shoot with mechanical and collimator sights. Latest in the capable hands of chance, even small targets do not leave. Very comfortable sights, greatly save time on sighting!

30. The test in the individually ordered from some craftsman muzzle brake - flash suppressor. Wonder product significantly changed the sound of automatic gunfire and was said participants in the test drive, reduced tossing the barrel of the weapon.

31. Conducted and night shooting. Automaton shops were filled with tracer bullets through one. Head of the class shot in the air flares at the same moment the soldiers opened fire from their positions. Shot quickly, accurately, and in the dark - and more beautiful. The rocket burned pretty quickly in the night sky, the shots stopped, and with each new missile tracers again bright strings of contracts to the target. The new missile - carrying fire for other purposes. Ricochet bullets soared over beautiful distant darkening forest. Fascinating picture. Korotkostvolisty - fire!

32. submachine Yarigina (AEs) and Stechkin (APS) has made a special impression. "Yarygin" in the hands of a fighter with the call sign "Ninja" hit the 3 difference of distance between small-size (the size of a human head) of the target row in just 3.2 seconds. However, removing weapons from the hip holster and cocked.



35. A "Stechkin" with fixed rigid holster-butt in the automatic fire done holes in the target even under my leadership. Of the repertoire of firearms that gun was awakened in me the most diverse feelings. Very good machine!

36. "pistoletchikov" shooting at targets and the so-called "Popper" from the time-tested PM. Apparently, the most trouble-free, these guns "Makarov". PYA certainly looks visually appealing and PM, the cartridge from PYA powerful, but when fired several times gave the gun malfunctions. Warp chuck. On the training course, the delay plёvaya. Just something and Nadd - to distort the shutter or neatly hand in these cartridge arm. And in this battle flourishes may result in failure.


38. ask the opinion of professional shooters: not all trust this gun, preferring PM or APS. But if the TL is still operating normally - then he quickly, precisely and powerfully. Melee

39. Shooting - this is very useful for training skills, but in a fight rarely act as a training site. Because a lot of practice in the organization protivozasadnyh action when driving in convoy. Three cars, armored UAZ, UAZ and unarmored "Gazelle" with the police moved on urban development. Four militiamen imitated group of militants were preparing an ambush. Place selected independently, no one about anything not warned.

40. The objective of the core group would not only survive under sudden fire, but also to "punish" the organizers of the ambush. Perfected action speed exit from the transport position to open fire rounds and scope of the "militants" who had committed an armed attack on the convoy.

41. They were shooting blanks, a lot of running, took a comfortable position for firing, drastically reduces the distance from the attackers, trying to knock down fire and destroy simulated enemy. We act following real combat experience gained in missions in the Caucasus. They recalled and analyzed the situation in which the fighters detachment were wounded and killed. This is just like that, on a live thread, systematized experience already paid for with blood. In some cases - his own.


43. Trained by day and night, in the pitch darkness. Educational tasks performed on the conscience of the soldiers, soundly. Separately, trained drivers, deciding on a course of training in any situation, how they act behind the wheel. Practice shooting through loopholes armored UAZ. Features winter photoshoot

44. fulfills not only the fire suppression, but also aim shooting from awkward positions. With proper skill, and can be a vehicle to eliminate loopholes of militants attacked.

45. One day, when everything, as usual, put forward at the shooting range, a small group of soldiers went to the forest and me. On the so-called "Photo hunting." That is naschelkat swift deer using telephoto, of course, would be desirable. At the same time tried to arouse the vigilance of the basic structure. Say, Moscow photographer and invigorates acquainted with wildlife Zauralye.

46. In fact, of course, we just wildlife and acquaintances. Do not forget to organize the "unplanned" ambush on the convoy, is directed at the shooting range. A pair of snipers, machine gunner and a photographer - and that's all "militants". Chose a section of road with a sharp turn, pushed across a dry log, sat behind snowdrifts, who agreed when and where fires.

47. The column was met by concerted fire, we managed to catch a minibus in a position as soon as the door opened salon - all outputs could be killed with one shot. When driving in road transport is very difficult to understand where to shoot column. But it is necessary not just to understand, but also to have time to get out of the car, do not hesitated to take a stand for shooting, look around and take action to destroy the attacking.


49. Along the way take away from the train by firing their wounded. It all ended pretty rough debriefing and another pair of reinforcement training. Do Vogue?

50. Separate the day was devoted to granatometaniyu (hand grenades), firing from grenade launchers and various exercises to clean up the premises. Granatomёtchiki fired from his "grenade launcher" practical, inert ammunition FOG-25IN and grenade VOG-25. At the armed special forces are not only the usual "grenade launcher" GP-25 "Bonfire" and SE-30 "Obuvka" but also six-40mm grenade RG-6 / 6G30. They say terrible thing in the melee.



53. Apart from all practiced elite, jet granatomёtchiki. Among them was the infamous Dr. Specialty. The RPG-7 ran the next, "the pill" and, raising a whole blizzard sent it into the goal.


55. Regarding the forced "special effect": in a combat situation behind granatomёtchika can lay a tarp to dust or snow is not given a firing position. Otherwise, raised a storm of reactive jet may unmask and turn into well-known troubles.


57. But shocked, of course, is not it. He shook the fighter "Ninja", traditionally accidentally got the first grenade into the growth figure in the range of 150-200 meters. Similarly, the range was not known to anyone. But the good eye was rescued. From growth figures remained virtually nothing. That is to say nothing at all! Nikolay, Igor, Chariton hive-Jacob. Go grenade!

58. whiled away the evening at the former town KP soldiers missile. Abandoned command post is well suited to the requirements of the commandos. Quiet, no one around, and concrete walls. In the hall, the corridors and rooms of the target brought on supports, place them at different heights. None of the men did not know which of the dark corners lurking "goal." Inside one came first, flashing his barrel-attached lights. Login - immediately after the grenade explosion.




62. As an army grenades were firecrackers and non-lethal weapons. Among the latter were singletons hand grenade Light and sound "Torch-On" (fragments do not give, fireproof) and multi-stage sound and light grenade "Torch". The essence of these grenades to disorient, deafen, blind and frighten the person who provides armed resistance to police officers. Non-lethal grenades, fragmentation does not have.






68. Can be combined with smoke and gas grenades, because of the staff of the special mission forces of exercises performed in masks and after firing smoke grenade DG-40.
via bigpicture.ru