Services that allow you to "spy" on the competitors
Today we will discuss the services and approaches that will allow us to understand the main sources of traffic of your competitors and their volumes, even if they have the website closed down all the counters.
First, the analysis of competitors is important when you define business strategies for development — it is necessary not to forget anything and to spy on the major players. Maybe you're missing something important.
1) Similar Web
Generally speaking, it is my favorite tool for the analysis of competitors ' sites. The free version gives quite a large amount of information. Yes, you will learn about a competitor of everything, but learn the basic things, namely, where he takes the most traffic and how much .
It looks as follows:
Taken as example Ozon.ru We learn that he had 17 million unique visitors a month, which is about 560 thousand per day. Visitors spend a lot of time on the website and an average of 4.6 pages look. In Ozone use JIRA for task management, know this is not very useful but interesting =)
Incidentally, if you evaluate a media project, this information will help you calculate the approximate income of the portal from the placement of the banners. Take the number of banners on the website, multiplied by the CPM advertising cost (media platforms is about 300r.), multiplied by the number of visits and number of pages viewed by users. Get maximum income portal, take into account that not all volume is sold, so you need to enter a k-factor = percentage of impressions sold, and that generally speaking media portals earn not only banners, but also with special projects and all sorts of other tools.
We digress, but go ahead.
The next screen gives us to understand that Ozone is buying a lot of traffic in the network teaser Traforet. Personally, I have this network tried, for my taste of course a lot of traffic, but there is no sense, in addition, the transitions are very expensive. At the minimum purchase price is 3 rubles, which is much more expensive than others teaser networks, but it is obvious that the Ozone conditions of purchase more. Another source for Ozone — clickunder Utarget, and then there is already a normal source — Yandex.Market, then the CPA network cityads for affiliates and retargeting system Easily Retail. Already this information is, generally speaking, can cause a lot to think about and to change their advertising channels.
The rest of the information in the free account is not so interesting, at least it will fail or how to use it. So consider the paid version. I must admit that it just gives an almost magic power, but is very decent.
We can get all search queries and organic traffic, all requests contextual ads and even see how these ads look, what keywords they are responsible. PS the screenshot is already the big brother of the Ozone — Amazon.
In addition, we can see all the creatives and banners.
Importantly, the paid account is the ability to see all subdomains, all landing pages, all affiliate partners. That is buying a paid account, you can safely copy the whole advertising strategy of a competitor and modify it. At this point I will finish the overview of Similar Web, whose afraid of his greatness.
2) SemRush. Recently this service was in General a clone of the Similar Web. For the price, watch for free you can much more.
There are all those chips that are in the paid account, Similar Web, the abbreviated demo access. Obviously, it is very convenient. You can learn a lot about their competitors using SemRush, but with the caveat that he sees almost only the major sites. Maybe I was just so lucky and SimilarWeb seen those sites that have not seen SemRush. In SimilarWeb is also impossible to find really quite small sites. But if you know about your competitors, don't be lazy and watch both services, it is always helpful.
3), the display of contextual advertising Advse
Quite interesting Russian service. It allows you to understand the keywords that your competitors use in contextual advertising of Yandex and Google. Information is useful, but you should use it carefully.
It is understood that, Yes, you will receive a funny money — 30 rubles per one competitor, their search queries. But this does not mean that you can copy them yourself advertising campaign have to work for a long time. Will need to break into groups to write a beautiful ad. There is no guarantee that generally speaking all these keywords are effective. To use this information, but in my opinion, only for reference, for example if you want to collect non-targeted searches, and to expand the campaign cheap about thematic queries to twist teasers Yan.
4) Spy teasers - Advancets
Information is useful if you are working on a campaign landing page, with the help of this service you can view and simulate all the teasers on the desired category from any of the known grid. Very handy if you are doing arbitrage.
5) If all else fails
If you absolutely need to know, how are things with your former classmate, but his site is small and therefore invisible all the previous methods, it is likely he's not. But if you still want to know how it is, it often helps the following method.
If the site is counter the lyre, then click on it
I see that statistics is closed by the password and the place in the ranking. Click on the place in the ranking. Get on the list of sites that are nearby in the rankings, click to the closest outdoor, get an approximate idea about the amount of traffic to the desired website with a small margin of error.
source: spark.ru
Source: /users/1077
First, the analysis of competitors is important when you define business strategies for development — it is necessary not to forget anything and to spy on the major players. Maybe you're missing something important.
1) Similar Web

Generally speaking, it is my favorite tool for the analysis of competitors ' sites. The free version gives quite a large amount of information. Yes, you will learn about a competitor of everything, but learn the basic things, namely, where he takes the most traffic and how much .
It looks as follows:

Taken as example Ozon.ru We learn that he had 17 million unique visitors a month, which is about 560 thousand per day. Visitors spend a lot of time on the website and an average of 4.6 pages look. In Ozone use JIRA for task management, know this is not very useful but interesting =)
Incidentally, if you evaluate a media project, this information will help you calculate the approximate income of the portal from the placement of the banners. Take the number of banners on the website, multiplied by the CPM advertising cost (media platforms is about 300r.), multiplied by the number of visits and number of pages viewed by users. Get maximum income portal, take into account that not all volume is sold, so you need to enter a k-factor = percentage of impressions sold, and that generally speaking media portals earn not only banners, but also with special projects and all sorts of other tools.
We digress, but go ahead.

The next screen gives us to understand that Ozone is buying a lot of traffic in the network teaser Traforet. Personally, I have this network tried, for my taste of course a lot of traffic, but there is no sense, in addition, the transitions are very expensive. At the minimum purchase price is 3 rubles, which is much more expensive than others teaser networks, but it is obvious that the Ozone conditions of purchase more. Another source for Ozone — clickunder Utarget, and then there is already a normal source — Yandex.Market, then the CPA network cityads for affiliates and retargeting system Easily Retail. Already this information is, generally speaking, can cause a lot to think about and to change their advertising channels.
The rest of the information in the free account is not so interesting, at least it will fail or how to use it. So consider the paid version. I must admit that it just gives an almost magic power, but is very decent.

We can get all search queries and organic traffic, all requests contextual ads and even see how these ads look, what keywords they are responsible. PS the screenshot is already the big brother of the Ozone — Amazon.

In addition, we can see all the creatives and banners.
Importantly, the paid account is the ability to see all subdomains, all landing pages, all affiliate partners. That is buying a paid account, you can safely copy the whole advertising strategy of a competitor and modify it. At this point I will finish the overview of Similar Web, whose afraid of his greatness.
2) SemRush. Recently this service was in General a clone of the Similar Web. For the price, watch for free you can much more.

There are all those chips that are in the paid account, Similar Web, the abbreviated demo access. Obviously, it is very convenient. You can learn a lot about their competitors using SemRush, but with the caveat that he sees almost only the major sites. Maybe I was just so lucky and SimilarWeb seen those sites that have not seen SemRush. In SimilarWeb is also impossible to find really quite small sites. But if you know about your competitors, don't be lazy and watch both services, it is always helpful.
3), the display of contextual advertising Advse
Quite interesting Russian service. It allows you to understand the keywords that your competitors use in contextual advertising of Yandex and Google. Information is useful, but you should use it carefully.

It is understood that, Yes, you will receive a funny money — 30 rubles per one competitor, their search queries. But this does not mean that you can copy them yourself advertising campaign have to work for a long time. Will need to break into groups to write a beautiful ad. There is no guarantee that generally speaking all these keywords are effective. To use this information, but in my opinion, only for reference, for example if you want to collect non-targeted searches, and to expand the campaign cheap about thematic queries to twist teasers Yan.
4) Spy teasers - Advancets

Information is useful if you are working on a campaign landing page, with the help of this service you can view and simulate all the teasers on the desired category from any of the known grid. Very handy if you are doing arbitrage.
5) If all else fails
If you absolutely need to know, how are things with your former classmate, but his site is small and therefore invisible all the previous methods, it is likely he's not. But if you still want to know how it is, it often helps the following method.
If the site is counter the lyre, then click on it

I see that statistics is closed by the password and the place in the ranking. Click on the place in the ranking. Get on the list of sites that are nearby in the rankings, click to the closest outdoor, get an approximate idea about the amount of traffic to the desired website with a small margin of error.
source: spark.ru
Source: /users/1077
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