The secret of Japanese women exercises, Makko-Ho

Japanese exercises, Makko-Ho was born in 1933. To date, she has acquired immense popularity in Japan recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and has more than 200 offices not only at home but also abroad.
Exercises, Makko-Ho is a complex consisting of four basic exercises that straighten the spine, restore mobility of the joints of the feet, stimulate blood circulation, improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system and stop the aging process. These exercises are similar to yoga. But unlike her, adopting the posture for a certain period of time, the Makko-Ho stretching exercises are repeated multiple times to achieve the flexibility of joints.
The founder of the Makko-Ho is a Japanese Nagai Wataru Sensei. To medicine and sport, he had no relationship. This is a talented merchant who worked very hard and for 42 years amassed a considerable fortune. And about his health, he did not care and one morning, in one of the usual working days, it dumped a stroke. The doctors saved his life, but declared that the disease is incurable. So 42года he was left without work and without hope for the future. But one day it dawned on me! And he decided that when reading the sutras, he could not just sit and do nothing, and to adopt certain postures and do the exercises. So over time, his unruly body back to its former state, was flexible, and health – strong.
Exercises, Makko-Ho is not just exercise, it's perseverance, patience and a willingness to overcome difficulties! And even if you are performing exercises, you will not become super-flexible, your muscles will become toned, ligaments – elastic, and come back to you a sense of cheerfulness, as in his younger years! It is important not to overwork and to increase the amount of tension gradually, not more than 1 mm per day. And the most important thing is to correctly perform the exercises.
If you, moreover, want to be slimmer, lose weight in Japanese lying on the cushion, and apply the Japanese diet.
Japanese rules of the gym:do Not overexert.
When bending to do exhale when lifting and inhale.
Keep your back straight, loins forward. This is the position of "Makko" — the situation is straight forward. Bend is necessary so that the center of the movement was hip.
All movements done slowly and be sure to return to the original position.
Leaning forward, do not use the power of the hands, and literally "reach the stomach".
Before training it is preferable to take a warm shower. It warms muscles and ligaments and increases their elasticity.
The implementation of Makko-Ho.

If the first three exercises are not very difficult to comply with them can each, the fourth requires a bit of practice. Yet I have been unable to do it.
If you decide to do recreational gymnastics, Makko-Ho, I suggest you to view the video, as does Japanese. At the end of the video you will see that those who have not obtained the fourth exercise, just rest in the supine position.
I wish you health and long life!
Source: bud-molod.com