Folk methods of determining the sex of the child

Photo: www.livestrong.com
What gender will the long-awaited baby be? For most parents, it doesn’t matter who the boy or the girl is. At about the 20th week, the doctor predicts the sex of the baby by ultrasound. But there are folk methods. Maybe not so reliable, but what exciting and fun.
The latest diagnostic technologies, such as ultrasound, amniocentesis, appeared relatively recently. But in the old days, the sex of the baby affected even the standard of living of the family. If a boy is born, then a helper, a ploughman or a shepherd will grow. And if the girl - then go to another family, and you need to prepare a dowry. Here people tried to somehow predict their future and folk methods determined the sex of the unborn baby.
What are the signs of centuries? You’ve probably heard of many of them too.
For example, the fact that the heart rate in boys and girls is different. If you have a girl, your heartbeat will be more than 140 beats per minute, and if you have a boy, then less.
If the belly of the future mother is sharp - to the boy, and the waist-sprayed - to the girl. Mothers of daughters face during pregnancy round and rosy.
If the baby pushes the mother more often with legs on the left, then it is the daughter.
If a pregnant woman is given a key in her hands and she takes it by the upper part, then a boy is in her stomach. If the bottom is a girl.
If the expectant mother suddenly says: “Where did you get your hands dirty?” and she looks at the palm of her hand – a tomboy in her stomach.
Ring method. Take a wedding ring, hang it on a rope, hold it over your palm. If the ring moves back and forth, wait for the boy. If it's a girl in a circle.
Remember the day when you conceived your heir. Who was most active in the process? If you're a dad, wait for your daughter. If a mother is a son.
Ask yourself. - Who lives in your tummy? Studies say that in 71% of cases, the mother’s inner sense does not fail. But that's not all.
You're expecting a girl. If:
- Do not think of a day without chocolate and other sweets.
- There was severe toxicosis in the early stages.
- There's pigmentation on the belly.
- Left breast larger than right breast
- You put on a lot of weight.
- Pimples - a companion of your pregnancy
- You lean on fruit and juice.
- Your stomach is very high.
- You don’t look as beautiful as you did before you were pregnant.
- Your mood is very changeable. You are capricious and take experiences very close to your heart.
- Your breasts... It just became aah!
- You don't eat humps of bread.
- Your urine is dull yellow.
- Your face flashes more often than usual
- When you sleep, you turn your head south.
- You often freeze.
- Carapouse more often knocks on your liver
- Your tummy is interested in the young son of your friends
- You didn't vomit early on.
- Your tummy is low.
- He eats meat, meat, and meat.
- Your feet are often cold.
- You like sour and salty.
- Hair on the legs grows faster than usual
- Your sense of smell is sharpened.
- Pregnancy is easy, in a good mood.
- When you sleep, the pillow is turned north.
- The right breast is larger than the left.
- Often headaches.
- You are clumsy and stumble often.
- Your legs are swelling.
- Your urine is bright yellow.
- Sometimes it suddenly gets hot.
- Your tummy is interesting for the little daughter of your friends or acquaintances
- The skin of your hands became dry and cracked.
- Eat more and more often than before pregnancy (well, man inside)
- Baby often knocks on your bladder
- You look better.
- Your future dad is gaining weight with you.
In procreation, the most important thing is a healthy baby. And what kind of gender it will be is secondary.
Source: www.babyplan.ru/biblioteka/_/beremennost/narodnye-metody-opredeleniya-pola-rebenka