Little-known ways to use lemons in the home
In ancient China the method practiced magic at home with the purpose of establishing power over him. It was as follows: nine skins of lemon or orange were soaked in the pot of water. Citrus water was sprayed all over the floor, and the carpet was sprinkled from the sprinkler. In this way have purified the house from bad Qi energy and evil spirits.
To quickly whip egg whites into a thick foam, you need to add a few drops of lemon juice.
Chopped salad apples, pears and some other fruit does not darken, if you sprinkle them with lemon juice.
If you bake orange or lemon crust, unpleasant smell in the kitchen will disappear.
During prolonged cooking or extinguishing beet loses its dark red color and becomes brown-yellow. Citric acid, added to boiling water will help retain the original color of the vegetable.
To glassware and Shine, put in water for washing lemon rind.
To make Christmas tree longer crumbled, put it in a wide-mouthed vessel in which to pour 3 liters of water and put 5 g of citric acid, 6 g of gelatin and 16 g of crushed chalk. Before you put the tree in the solution, cut the stem with a sharp knife (opens fresh pores). As the wood will absorb the solution, add in a vessel of water.
To restore the acidic pH of the skin after washing, take a warm bath with lemon juice or wash hands with sour milk.
The stain of brandy rinse first with warm water, and then citric acid. The stain of liquor on colored fabrics first, wipe with alcohol and rinse with water, and then the remaining stain lightly dampen citric acid.
For removing rust stains use organic acids: citric, oxalic, acetic.
If the rust spot is weak, you can remove it this way: the lemon juice several times wet the spot and then attach to this place a hot iron or a kettle (to incomplete drying), and then rinse with water.
Can help the following simple way: moisten stain with lemon juice, sprinkle a thin layer of table salt and leave for a day, then rinse with water.
Ink stains, especially fresh, go after rubbing dirty spots with lemon juice or citric acid. Then rinse the cloth in warm water.
Source: zigun.eu/drugi-statii/o-polyze-limonov-2ch.htm
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