Awakening. About life and death
If you feel bad and you want to awaken his desire to live and help someone even worse.When I first started to crawl out from the bottom of his pit, my desire to live burned very poorly. I was just doing what a regular person to live on. It's kind of weird that the first impetus of change I received from the man whose life was fading in his eyes.
This person was a friend's mom, which after many surveys, errors in diagnosis and medical treatment of nonexistent diseases found cancer.
I wouldn't want to write a tragic story. Moreover, I see it as life-affirming. In any case, the lessons learned from her participants, including Nina Ivanovna, lead to life. I'm sure of it.
First spicycode I learned about came trouble, the first glance on usually steady boyfriend, I realized that the shit has hit the fan. I wanted to help and I asked for the guests.
As I was walking down the road, I thought, what can I help and how I behave that this assistance was effective. I came to the conclusion that the best tactic is to awaken the desire to live, attracting attention to the life-affirming processes and positive States. And that the only way to awaken this desire is to pass it, to becoming its carrier.
Then I realized how my motivation to "do more" is stronger than "do for themselves". For the first time lately, my life's the flame became bright spark inside.
The condition of Nina Ivanovna was very heavy. After chemotherapy and a large amount of absorbed drug, she lost a lot of weight, her hair turned quite rare, no appetite and weakness in the body chained her to her bed. To see her like this was in itself a daunting experience. And that it was especially difficult for her sons, used to see her a strong woman, actively helping all my friends.
I had vowed to ignore all the symptoms of her illness, replacing them with healthy projections.
We began to communicate.
Desire itpre my first visit to Nina mobilized and tried to stay on the level. As much as I could. And since then it has become a tradition. No matter what it may be a serious condition, since my arrival it took itself in hands and stayed a hero.
We talked about everything that just came to mind.I watched her condition and focused topics that are improved, simultaneously drawing her attention to all that awakens life.
For example, I talked about the fact that your appetite is one of the manifestations of the desire to live, and the word "belly" in old Slavonic means "life." And what in Sanskrit is cognate to the word "Jiva", which indicates the eternally living soul. And that the process of digestion is the manifestation of the life fire.
Then we moved on to chat about cooking, or about who prefers what dishes. And always with my coming, she ate more than usual.
On the wall hung a portrait of her young, to which I often turned the attention, asking about the days of his youth. So we dedicated several meetings to the family album and stories about the past. When I saw that in the next story, her eyes were lit, I asked more questions about it and we were immersed in it the positive moments of life. I weaved in between their stories, which she listened with pleasure. And every time I noticed her sensitivity to the moments of sincerity. She felt the lack of these moments and I saw how they warmed her.
We talked about goals. I understand that this is the main problem that needs to be solved. The purpose of give rise to the desire for them to move. After all, when there is a goal – appear and the strength to overcome the way to it. And this problem I could not solve for her, I was only able to awaken her questions to herself:
Into her life came the boredom.
With retirement, she lost her usual ability to be active, to help others and to constantly communicate with a large number of people. It was her lifestyle that she loved and where she felt alive and needed.
Alternative treatment rakaw the time my friend and I dug out information on alternative cancer treatments.
We were ordered in Mexico vitamin B17 (amygdalin), which in many developed countries quickly closed as soon as it became clear that there is a massive results. Now its production is concentrated in Mexico.
I have already made conclusions about modern medicine and pharmaceutics: healthy people are not profitable. Healthy not earn much.
In General, official sources little useful information on the topic of cancer. Solid "scientific" pessimism and skepticism.
Another area, which we used – this treatment is baking soda. Yes, Yes. So easy. Back in the nineties, an Italian doctor (Tullio Simoncini) was treated with soda many cancer patients by giving a new interpretation of cancer and claiming that cancer is fungal in nature. So, with the help of baking soda restores the normal acid-alkaline balance when the fungus ceases to grow and dies.
He was banged up for a few years in jail, but the method began to spread and be tested by many doctors and ordinary people. In addition, baking soda has proven useful in the treatment of a whole list of diseases, with virtually no side effects.
I don't teleprimary everything in the Arsenal, after some time, the condition improved markedly. Nina became active, and her mood joyful. And in one of the conversations I indicated the need for a little contact with sunlight and see in the street spring nature awakens from hibernation.
And for my next time it was out for a walk. We walked around the house and in conversation Nina only once for all our communication was weak, saying, "I was strong". Then I immediately retorted: "You stayed strong. Weak only the body".
I felt how her condition has changed at this moment, though outwardly she did not show. Apparently when she has understood deeper myself. For all sick, suffering from a severe condition of pain, discomfort and weakness, she never complained. Neither I nor his sons, who were always there.
About smartcatalog that she is doing better and it was noticeable. Even the doctors said stop tumor growth. I began to go less often, by switching to work, which in time became more.
At some point, once my visit, I noticed that there have been some internal change. And external too. She decided on his future. If already knew what awaits her.
The body again began to slowly weaken. The body has ceased to produce the desired amount of hemoglobin. Blood transfusions were given short-term positive effect. It turned out that has long been spread metastases.
I tried not to look, but I knew what was coming. In our last meeting, I wanted to talk to her about death, but I somehow never managed to be alone with her. I would've regretted it not held a conversation, if not then felt that she went through death more than worthy.
She left the body, when I was in another country. I found out about it the day of the funeral. At first I was upset, but then called in the image of Nina Ivanovna and felt light and easy as. Some kind of subtle joy came with each memory of her. And it's an amazing experience.
Upon arrival, I asked a friend how she died and he only confirmed my suspicions and feelings. She died at the hands of his son. And just as this happened her body seemed younger by 20 years. Some of the ancient teachings say that the light feelings when remembering the deceased and rejuvenated body after death is a sign of a care in the higher worlds.
Whenever we visited her grave, we left in high spirits. Grieve not at it. Even the weather changed dramatically – from the gloomy overcast clouds to a clear blue sky.
Lessons learnedIn this period, parallel to the events in the foregoing history of my life was the following:
1. Trying to awaken the desire to live in Nina Ivanovna, I pulled it out himself.
2. Appealing to her life goals, I have highlighted these issues in their lives.
3. Turning to her past, I realized that my past is in need of major revision.
4. I stopped complaining about life, and began deliberately to clean out all the slightest expression of discontent.
5. I agreed that my illness is my doing. Thanked him for this life and took to deserve the opposite.
6. I decided to go to Nepal and bought a ticket for 5 months before departure, while still not financially ready for it. Now I'm ready. And to do it alone.
7. Every day I add in my routine more and more conscious action, increasing physical and mental load.
8. I understand the importance of conscious limitations and spiritual austerity.
9. I Wake up before dawn.
10. Contrast showers, meditation, yoga and volitional physical activity is required daily actions.
11. I understand, no – feel: life has no meaning.
Source: alter-world.net/2013/09/11/probuzhdenie-o-zhizni-i-smerti/#more-842
This person was a friend's mom, which after many surveys, errors in diagnosis and medical treatment of nonexistent diseases found cancer.
I wouldn't want to write a tragic story. Moreover, I see it as life-affirming. In any case, the lessons learned from her participants, including Nina Ivanovna, lead to life. I'm sure of it.

First spicycode I learned about came trouble, the first glance on usually steady boyfriend, I realized that the shit has hit the fan. I wanted to help and I asked for the guests.
As I was walking down the road, I thought, what can I help and how I behave that this assistance was effective. I came to the conclusion that the best tactic is to awaken the desire to live, attracting attention to the life-affirming processes and positive States. And that the only way to awaken this desire is to pass it, to becoming its carrier.
Then I realized how my motivation to "do more" is stronger than "do for themselves". For the first time lately, my life's the flame became bright spark inside.
The condition of Nina Ivanovna was very heavy. After chemotherapy and a large amount of absorbed drug, she lost a lot of weight, her hair turned quite rare, no appetite and weakness in the body chained her to her bed. To see her like this was in itself a daunting experience. And that it was especially difficult for her sons, used to see her a strong woman, actively helping all my friends.
I had vowed to ignore all the symptoms of her illness, replacing them with healthy projections.
We began to communicate.
Desire itpre my first visit to Nina mobilized and tried to stay on the level. As much as I could. And since then it has become a tradition. No matter what it may be a serious condition, since my arrival it took itself in hands and stayed a hero.
We talked about everything that just came to mind.I watched her condition and focused topics that are improved, simultaneously drawing her attention to all that awakens life.
For example, I talked about the fact that your appetite is one of the manifestations of the desire to live, and the word "belly" in old Slavonic means "life." And what in Sanskrit is cognate to the word "Jiva", which indicates the eternally living soul. And that the process of digestion is the manifestation of the life fire.
Then we moved on to chat about cooking, or about who prefers what dishes. And always with my coming, she ate more than usual.
On the wall hung a portrait of her young, to which I often turned the attention, asking about the days of his youth. So we dedicated several meetings to the family album and stories about the past. When I saw that in the next story, her eyes were lit, I asked more questions about it and we were immersed in it the positive moments of life. I weaved in between their stories, which she listened with pleasure. And every time I noticed her sensitivity to the moments of sincerity. She felt the lack of these moments and I saw how they warmed her.
We talked about goals. I understand that this is the main problem that needs to be solved. The purpose of give rise to the desire for them to move. After all, when there is a goal – appear and the strength to overcome the way to it. And this problem I could not solve for her, I was only able to awaken her questions to herself:
- What do I want?
- What inspires me?
- What I can do well?
- For what I should live?
Into her life came the boredom.
With retirement, she lost her usual ability to be active, to help others and to constantly communicate with a large number of people. It was her lifestyle that she loved and where she felt alive and needed.
Alternative treatment rakaw the time my friend and I dug out information on alternative cancer treatments.
We were ordered in Mexico vitamin B17 (amygdalin), which in many developed countries quickly closed as soon as it became clear that there is a massive results. Now its production is concentrated in Mexico.
I have already made conclusions about modern medicine and pharmaceutics: healthy people are not profitable. Healthy not earn much.
In General, official sources little useful information on the topic of cancer. Solid "scientific" pessimism and skepticism.
Another area, which we used – this treatment is baking soda. Yes, Yes. So easy. Back in the nineties, an Italian doctor (Tullio Simoncini) was treated with soda many cancer patients by giving a new interpretation of cancer and claiming that cancer is fungal in nature. So, with the help of baking soda restores the normal acid-alkaline balance when the fungus ceases to grow and dies.
He was banged up for a few years in jail, but the method began to spread and be tested by many doctors and ordinary people. In addition, baking soda has proven useful in the treatment of a whole list of diseases, with virtually no side effects.
I don't teleprimary everything in the Arsenal, after some time, the condition improved markedly. Nina became active, and her mood joyful. And in one of the conversations I indicated the need for a little contact with sunlight and see in the street spring nature awakens from hibernation.
And for my next time it was out for a walk. We walked around the house and in conversation Nina only once for all our communication was weak, saying, "I was strong". Then I immediately retorted: "You stayed strong. Weak only the body".
I felt how her condition has changed at this moment, though outwardly she did not show. Apparently when she has understood deeper myself. For all sick, suffering from a severe condition of pain, discomfort and weakness, she never complained. Neither I nor his sons, who were always there.
About smartcatalog that she is doing better and it was noticeable. Even the doctors said stop tumor growth. I began to go less often, by switching to work, which in time became more.
At some point, once my visit, I noticed that there have been some internal change. And external too. She decided on his future. If already knew what awaits her.
The body again began to slowly weaken. The body has ceased to produce the desired amount of hemoglobin. Blood transfusions were given short-term positive effect. It turned out that has long been spread metastases.
I tried not to look, but I knew what was coming. In our last meeting, I wanted to talk to her about death, but I somehow never managed to be alone with her. I would've regretted it not held a conversation, if not then felt that she went through death more than worthy.
She left the body, when I was in another country. I found out about it the day of the funeral. At first I was upset, but then called in the image of Nina Ivanovna and felt light and easy as. Some kind of subtle joy came with each memory of her. And it's an amazing experience.
Upon arrival, I asked a friend how she died and he only confirmed my suspicions and feelings. She died at the hands of his son. And just as this happened her body seemed younger by 20 years. Some of the ancient teachings say that the light feelings when remembering the deceased and rejuvenated body after death is a sign of a care in the higher worlds.
Whenever we visited her grave, we left in high spirits. Grieve not at it. Even the weather changed dramatically – from the gloomy overcast clouds to a clear blue sky.
Lessons learnedIn this period, parallel to the events in the foregoing history of my life was the following:
1. Trying to awaken the desire to live in Nina Ivanovna, I pulled it out himself.
2. Appealing to her life goals, I have highlighted these issues in their lives.
3. Turning to her past, I realized that my past is in need of major revision.
4. I stopped complaining about life, and began deliberately to clean out all the slightest expression of discontent.
5. I agreed that my illness is my doing. Thanked him for this life and took to deserve the opposite.
6. I decided to go to Nepal and bought a ticket for 5 months before departure, while still not financially ready for it. Now I'm ready. And to do it alone.
7. Every day I add in my routine more and more conscious action, increasing physical and mental load.
8. I understand the importance of conscious limitations and spiritual austerity.
9. I Wake up before dawn.
10. Contrast showers, meditation, yoga and volitional physical activity is required daily actions.
11. I understand, no – feel: life has no meaning.
Source: alter-world.net/2013/09/11/probuzhdenie-o-zhizni-i-smerti/#more-842