Vision problems is point of attention
MYOPIA — the fear of opinions of others that he is not indifferent.
More children's feature — the child is not inclined to judge — HE has no ideas to condemn (condemning, those who depend on his well-being, he would feel GUILTY — and this is really not a nice feeling)
Short-sighted and poor strategy to criticize. — they have a bias in KINDNESS.
THEY have a deep understanding of INTERNAL.
Oriented with in the PRESENT.
They are well often well in the HERE and NOW.
Dangerous and unpredictable FUTURE date which may depend on clear-fuzzy images of loved ones.
At far — SIGHTED- but inquisitive, critical mind of the scholar. It is a feature of "life experience" and ideas about "how" it should be THERE.
And fear to see their neighbors are selfish shortcomings — and the mind of a pedant will find them always -he was imprisoned under it.
But FARSIGHTED are able to plan and act strategically.
Orientirovanny on EXTERNAL RESULTS. And in the FUTURE.
Far-SIGHTED dangerous NOW.
It is HERE and NOW... it is still not absolutely
And it upsets them
However, any disease it's folded wings.
The disease — protection from the fears of the individual.
A little bit to go to meet fear
And You will be doomed to greater HEALTH.
Source: www.facebook.com/liogrita?fref=nf