Tips on how to distinguish the real Lacoste Polo from fakes

The problem of fakes is always extremely acute in the clothing market. After all, the more popular and more prestigious the brand, producing clothes, the more are those who want to cash in on it. Was no exception and the world's most popular brand t-shirts Lacoste. In recent years, increasingly on the Internet and in the Internet-shops began to receive customer reviews about Lacoste that they are, to put it mildly, inflated. So the current will be tips on how not to be deceived, buying a Lacoste Polo. And you should pay attention.
The main argument why around this brand there is a problem with spoofing is environmentally friendly and natural materials. As a rule, Lacoste is a high – quality knit with a large weaving thread. Itself weaving resembles a grid. Polo of these materials are good for the body because the skin at the time of wearing of breathing, and the fabric itself does not cause irritation. Moreover, natural fabric (made of viscose, wool blend, wool or cotton threads) over time does not wear out or lose its environmental friendliness.
First and foremost, clothing should be sold in branded stores. But to this rule there is an exception. There are a number of chain stores that have contracts with branded trademarks for the implementation of clothes. However, it is understood that the real Lacoste never buy at a flea market.
Lovers of fashionable clothes it is recommended to prosterilizovat to emphasize that distinguish an original from a fake can only be a specialist. Such people are familiar with the technology of tailoring, its production, and that means all the little nuances.
However, there are small rules that you should pay attention to the buyer, if he doubts in decency of the seller, trying to sell him Lacoste:
Signature Lacoste emblem in the form of a crocodile needs to be embroidered and placed above the level of the seam fasteners. The crocodile needs to look to the right. His mouth is red, the animal itself is green. Buttons should contrast in color with the Polo. Often it is either dark or bright buttons. As for their size, they are always small. Considering all the situations, the manufacturer on the side the label offers a spare button. You should always pay attention to the line. Of course, the quality should match the brand, not to be on the look like a t-shirt yesterday came down with a sewing machine under the guidance of first-year College. Important point – labels. Must be two of them. One of the collar indicating the brand of the brand Lacoste. It must also be embroidered with a crocodile. The second label is located on the second seam. It provides all the information on the material and rule care for the thing. It is written and the country-manufacturer. As to the country of the manufacturer, Lacoste t-shirts can be manufactured in different Asian countries. Another factory is in Turkey.
It is hoped that these tips will be useful to all lovers of branded clothes, which will not admit error when it is selected.
Source: polo-lacoste.biz