Signs of quality perfume
Good perfume performs the same function as beautiful clothes. It makes a woman attractive and interesting.
It is very important to learn how to choose an original perfume, not a fake, so that the smell was rich, volatile and persistent, and the money for it was not thrown away.
How to tell if the perfume you are going to buy is real? How to distinguish fake perfume from the original?
How to learn correctly perfume? Perfume should be applied to a paper blotter, not sprayed in the air or on clothes. Smell the blotter, if you do not smell any alcohol notes and you like the smell, then apply it to the wrist.
After that, you can leave the store. Walk the day with this aroma, check its persistence, understand how it unfolds. And the next day, go back to the store with the intention of making a purchase.
It is very important to learn how to choose an original perfume, not a fake, so that the smell was rich, volatile and persistent, and the money for it was not thrown away.

How to tell if the perfume you are going to buy is real? How to distinguish fake perfume from the original?
- Pay attention to how the perfume box is packaged. It's usually covered by cellophane. Branded perfume is distinguished by a good cellophane wrapper, sufficiently dense, covering the box without bloating, irregularities and other defects. The lines of the seams of the cellophane wrapper may not be curved or uneven. Counterfeit manufacturers don’t care about it because it’s an unnecessary expense.
DepositPhotos - Next, check the box. Expensive brands will never pack their products in poor, poor quality or unsalted packaging. Paper should be white and dense. The fake will be packaged in a greyish inside box because grey paper is cheaper. Inside the box must be a design that keeps the bottle in a stable position and protects it from possible damage.
DepositPhotos - Study the vial design. Manufacturers of fakes copy the design of famous brands, slightly modifying it to avoid liability before the law. It's routine manipulation.
An inattentive buyer will not notice the difference. But it is enough to carefully study how the bottle with the desired smell looks on the manufacturer's website - and it will be easy to notice the difference between the forged and the original. For example, fraudsters can swap letters in the title or slightly change the logo pattern.
DepositPhotos - Show a little scrupulousness and check the serial number on the bottle and on the package. It should be applied to the vial, not pasted, and also printed on the packaging, and these numbers should match. If they do not match, the product is a fake.
DepositPhotos - Examine the glass the bottle is made of. Counterfeit manufacturers will not buy expensive equipment in order to make glass quality. Otherwise, the product won't pay off. The glass bottle of a fake perfume contains air bubbles inside, the joints are not always symmetrically connected. Take a closer look and you'll see it.
DepositPhotos - Study the color of the perfume. Famous brands rarely resort to abundant use of coloring substances. The bright yellow, blue, pink liquid is probably not original. The real perfume looks translucent.
How to learn correctly perfume? Perfume should be applied to a paper blotter, not sprayed in the air or on clothes. Smell the blotter, if you do not smell any alcohol notes and you like the smell, then apply it to the wrist.
After that, you can leave the store. Walk the day with this aroma, check its persistence, understand how it unfolds. And the next day, go back to the store with the intention of making a purchase.
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