Great success little effort: 6 tips for parents
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In today's world we are often looking for quick solutions that would be achieved less effort. Despite the fact that no ready-made recipes parenting and create a harmonious relationship in the family, there are a few simple daily actions that give excellent results.
We know a simple rule that States: "20% of your actions deliver 80% of the result." According to this concept, if we define the 20% you can focus on them and become more efficient. This applies in parenting.
The following 6 simple steps just in those 20% who can help us significantly enhance our influence and make relationships with children more meaningful and harmonious:
1. Read along with them.
Read a variety of books, fiction and nonfiction. Time for reading – the most favorite in our house. Our children beg for more and more books, as in many other families I little longer to watch TV or play video games. This gives us the opportunity to spend pleasant and helpful time together to learn new things and unforgettable moments of togetherness, when we lay pressed against each other. It encourages the creativity and enhances the ability to understand other people, times and places. Reading together with your children is a time of mutual enjoyment and learning!
2. Talk to them.
Listen to them in the first place. Let them tell you about their lumps and bruises, the victories and defeats. Listen with intent to understand, rather than react, to criticize or correct. If you listen to all the little things now, then eventually they will trust you and more important secrets. In addition, share your life with them. Tell stories from your life. Share your stories about how you met their mom or dad, about work, about play, about friends, about funny moments, and even about the struggle and difficulties. A recent article in the magazine The Atlantic, talks about the study that showed that such communication not only provides the opportunity to strengthen the attachment, but also develops a sense of empathy in children. My wife and I use the time of placing children as the perfect time to tell such stories. The kids just love it.
3. Play with them.
It doesn't have to be a long game, a very time-consuming. Even not so important what you are doing to play with them: mad, build something, fantasize, or just running and jumping. The game for our children is the primary language, as well as the most profound way to learn and Express emotions. It is valuable for children, and for your heart!
4. Show them your love.
Say, "I love you." Make it your habit to greet and to say goodbye to the children, saying these words. Or think of another time to say them. The need to be accepted and loved is one of the most profound human needs. We all want this, and parents should give our children a sense of acceptance and love. They must be confident that they are loved and important. I know you feel it, but be sure to tell them about it. It is possible to strengthen the attachment through touching, hugging and kissing. Create your own family traditions that are special to you and your children. Perhaps it will be a butterfly kiss, or the kids will dance along with you, standing on your feet. In any case, different people understand love in different ways, so it is important to show it and tell about it.
5. Eat with them.
Family dinners are a thing of the past. However, there are scientific studies that have shown that family dinners are one of the best and most effective ways to strengthen the attachment, to communicate with the family. In families that gather for family dinners, as a rule, the smaller the percentage of "difficult" teenagers and criminals. Sit together. Use this time to talk. I know that with young children it can be difficult. The noise of plates and conversations may seem unrealistic, but if we decided that dinner together is important to us, the fruits of spending time together will be priceless.
6. Lay them.
Often parents want the kids quickly fell asleep, but laying may be such that it will all look forward to. Make time to be together before going to bed, do not think about business. Many tips from the previous paragraphs of this can include in the evening ritual and give us unforgettable moments of warmth and closeness with children.published
Source: alpha-parenting.ru/2015/02/16/bolshie-uspehi-malyimi-usiliyami-6-sovetov-roditelyam/
In today's world we are often looking for quick solutions that would be achieved less effort. Despite the fact that no ready-made recipes parenting and create a harmonious relationship in the family, there are a few simple daily actions that give excellent results.
We know a simple rule that States: "20% of your actions deliver 80% of the result." According to this concept, if we define the 20% you can focus on them and become more efficient. This applies in parenting.
The following 6 simple steps just in those 20% who can help us significantly enhance our influence and make relationships with children more meaningful and harmonious:
1. Read along with them.
Read a variety of books, fiction and nonfiction. Time for reading – the most favorite in our house. Our children beg for more and more books, as in many other families I little longer to watch TV or play video games. This gives us the opportunity to spend pleasant and helpful time together to learn new things and unforgettable moments of togetherness, when we lay pressed against each other. It encourages the creativity and enhances the ability to understand other people, times and places. Reading together with your children is a time of mutual enjoyment and learning!
2. Talk to them.
Listen to them in the first place. Let them tell you about their lumps and bruises, the victories and defeats. Listen with intent to understand, rather than react, to criticize or correct. If you listen to all the little things now, then eventually they will trust you and more important secrets. In addition, share your life with them. Tell stories from your life. Share your stories about how you met their mom or dad, about work, about play, about friends, about funny moments, and even about the struggle and difficulties. A recent article in the magazine The Atlantic, talks about the study that showed that such communication not only provides the opportunity to strengthen the attachment, but also develops a sense of empathy in children. My wife and I use the time of placing children as the perfect time to tell such stories. The kids just love it.
3. Play with them.
It doesn't have to be a long game, a very time-consuming. Even not so important what you are doing to play with them: mad, build something, fantasize, or just running and jumping. The game for our children is the primary language, as well as the most profound way to learn and Express emotions. It is valuable for children, and for your heart!
4. Show them your love.
Say, "I love you." Make it your habit to greet and to say goodbye to the children, saying these words. Or think of another time to say them. The need to be accepted and loved is one of the most profound human needs. We all want this, and parents should give our children a sense of acceptance and love. They must be confident that they are loved and important. I know you feel it, but be sure to tell them about it. It is possible to strengthen the attachment through touching, hugging and kissing. Create your own family traditions that are special to you and your children. Perhaps it will be a butterfly kiss, or the kids will dance along with you, standing on your feet. In any case, different people understand love in different ways, so it is important to show it and tell about it.
5. Eat with them.
Family dinners are a thing of the past. However, there are scientific studies that have shown that family dinners are one of the best and most effective ways to strengthen the attachment, to communicate with the family. In families that gather for family dinners, as a rule, the smaller the percentage of "difficult" teenagers and criminals. Sit together. Use this time to talk. I know that with young children it can be difficult. The noise of plates and conversations may seem unrealistic, but if we decided that dinner together is important to us, the fruits of spending time together will be priceless.
6. Lay them.
Often parents want the kids quickly fell asleep, but laying may be such that it will all look forward to. Make time to be together before going to bed, do not think about business. Many tips from the previous paragraphs of this can include in the evening ritual and give us unforgettable moments of warmth and closeness with children.published
Source: alpha-parenting.ru/2015/02/16/bolshie-uspehi-malyimi-usiliyami-6-sovetov-roditelyam/
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