The right care of strawberries after a winter the key to a good harvest
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Strawberry fruit — are a dietary staple, quench thirst, stimulate appetite, improve digestion. Fresh berries, helpful in hypertensive disease, and indeed, one of the most delicious berries.
Strawberry is a delicate plant, it is very demanding to the soil and began the seedlings of strawberries literally suck for 2-4 years from the soil all its useful components.
Therefore, suggest the strawberries after planting to transplant in 3-4 years to a new location, and the basis on which You want to transplant the strawberries, it is necessary during this time intensively to fertilize. Special care strawberries in winter does not require strawberry plants tolerate low winter temperatures in the presence of snow cover. Snow cover exceeding 20 cm protects strawberries from frost -20, -25 degrees.
If the snow is missing at the temperature of -12, -15 degrees strawberry freezes partially or completely die.
In the case where the winters are not snow, a patch of strawberries should be covered with straw.In the spring, after the snow melted, a patch of strawberries should paraglide and on the roots of strawberries should shovel of the earth. If the strawberry beds were covered with straw, the straw to be shifted and to enable the growth of berry bushes.
The spring should be fed strawberries fertilizers, the best is a humus. You also need to make sure that the root system does not dry up. Strawberry beds should be watered regularly, to remove the weeds that would weed was less than a bed of strawberries can be planted under black film.
Proper care and watering of strawberries is the key to success! published
Source: ogorodsadovod.com/entry/286-ukhod-za-klubnikoi-posle-zimy
Strawberry fruit — are a dietary staple, quench thirst, stimulate appetite, improve digestion. Fresh berries, helpful in hypertensive disease, and indeed, one of the most delicious berries.
Strawberry is a delicate plant, it is very demanding to the soil and began the seedlings of strawberries literally suck for 2-4 years from the soil all its useful components.
Therefore, suggest the strawberries after planting to transplant in 3-4 years to a new location, and the basis on which You want to transplant the strawberries, it is necessary during this time intensively to fertilize. Special care strawberries in winter does not require strawberry plants tolerate low winter temperatures in the presence of snow cover. Snow cover exceeding 20 cm protects strawberries from frost -20, -25 degrees.
If the snow is missing at the temperature of -12, -15 degrees strawberry freezes partially or completely die.
In the case where the winters are not snow, a patch of strawberries should be covered with straw.In the spring, after the snow melted, a patch of strawberries should paraglide and on the roots of strawberries should shovel of the earth. If the strawberry beds were covered with straw, the straw to be shifted and to enable the growth of berry bushes.
The spring should be fed strawberries fertilizers, the best is a humus. You also need to make sure that the root system does not dry up. Strawberry beds should be watered regularly, to remove the weeds that would weed was less than a bed of strawberries can be planted under black film.
Proper care and watering of strawberries is the key to success! published
Source: ogorodsadovod.com/entry/286-ukhod-za-klubnikoi-posle-zimy