8 thoughts causing panic and 8 ways to neutralize them
©Ice age
Although people suffering from panic attacks often feel like the only one in the World, faced with a similar problem, the thoughts that accompany the course of a panic attack are usually very similar.
I have identified 8 major Intrusive thoughts that feed anxiety and panic attacks.
Panic thought number one — I'm dying of a heart attack!
... I was plagued by the PA, a constant sense of fear, panic, heart stops and I die...
Although at the time of the attack it may be perceived differently, but...
Our heart is created, including for work in conditions of strong physical and mental stress. Remember our ancestors that chased a wild beast; athletes running the 100-meters, or herself, danced at the disco; the moment when your beloved gives you a first bunch of soldiers running to attack, or vzhavshis in the ground under a hail of bullets. Many of these people died of a heart attack? And you yourself have experienced many times a panic attack, now alive or dead? I bet you measured the heart rate and blood pressure at the time of the PA, what are the numbers? Probably, your heart rate goes 100 and 120 beats per minute, and the pressure is 160 and above.
A "behavior" of the heart felt in normal circumstances, like unnatural.
— I'm not under a hail of bullets, not running the 100-meters, and it beats in my chest like mad, then something is wrong! You say to yourself. And this thought makes you feel even worse.
In the process of vigorous activity, a person's attention is focused on a purpose, and not on the pulse and pressure. We just don't notice them, and that's OK.
If you visited the cardiologist, he underwent the required studies (ECG, ECHO-CG), and in the opinion of the doctor in black and white: your heart is normal, organic violations were found, in a moment of panic, no threat for him there.
Panic thought number two — I'm dying from suffocation!
I feel the lack of air, I don't know how to be. I'm afraid to choke. It is unbearable for me. Feel like you cannot breathe the air, and on the throat the air passes. Feel the weight on the sternum, breath some depression, a feeling of stuffiness in the nose, throat and sternum.
Made a deep breath brings no relief.
not often, 13 breaths per minute, deep breaths often do not, although I did. May for no reason begin. Three days began somewhere in the 8-9 PM. If you do not get enough sleep, the morning begins and all day choking. That is not going to suffocate, everything will be okay in the moment of suffocation is not valid. Strangling and that's it.
The feeling that you can't breathe, that your chest is constrained by the shell in her throat that you'll choke, very unpleasant, but...
They are not the harbingers of death! The chance of dying from suffocation during a panic attack is nothing more than any other time. The cause of these unpleasant feelings in hyperventilation syndrome, which will be discussed in another article.
Panic thought number three — I'm having a stroke!
PA retreated. A month ago they returned to me. Torturing nights of my life. They started not just. I work in a hospital and we have opened the division of vascular neurology. Seeing a lot of young people I began to focus on the stroke. And away we go. Every night now I'm dying from a stroke. And today I was informed about the death of classmates and a family friend. And everyone is crying and scared. A woman, 46 years old. Examined from head to toe.
Dizzy, dark eyes, you outside of reality, you don't understand what's going on with you?
The natural and normal reaction to explain what is happening by using what you already know, when I heard and saw frightened faces of the narrator and listeners that uncle S. has been shaken, turned red, began to suffice a mouth air, fell, he suffered a stroke. Everything that happened with S. tragic. People are sick and dying is a natural course of life, but...
The strokes have nothing to do with panic attacks, so you can totally relax! If you have a stroke, you will not be able to come home, to call an ambulance, to call all relatives to rush around the house and look out the window waiting for the ambulance! However, if this bothers you, consult with a neurologist.
Panic idea number four — I am afraid to faint!
The feeling that something on me pushing waves over the body, feeling that my eyes will close and I'll faint or die, a sense of unreality.
You often faint?
When you go past the garage and POPs up a pack of stray dogs, is to faint. When a wild beast was chasing the ancient man, he fainted? If that were the case, would humanity survive? Faint — not the best way in a stressful situation.
Fight or flight is the body's response to stress.
The probability that the panic will provoke a faint, negligible, but what if this happened? How bad would it have been? The end of the world? Worse than death? Probably not.
Fear of fainting terrible the faint!
Fear of fainting often appears in connection with dizziness which accompanies hyperventilation, which, in turn, is often part of a panic reaction.
— I will fall, I will lie in the street, like a bum or a drunk. What will people think?
— What think you, if I see a man like you, fallen in a swoon?
Panic idea number five — I'm losing my mind!
TERRIBLE fear to go crazy (started derealization and depersonalization "verwendet" from the world, a feeling that it's all a dream, if not my hands, not my voice and nasty face like someone else's filthy)...
Scary to read these lines?
If you really were mad, if you knew, or were worried you would be that crazy?
You already know that anxiety, panic or a reaction fight or flight is a natural mechanism! And if you do not drive the thought away, but to live it, to your surprise, she each time will you "torturing" less and less.
Remember to Carlson: "... I zhuzh-W-tains in both ears! A-La-La-La-La-La-La, La-La-La-La-La-La... La, and I went crazy, but... What a shame."
Panic idea number six — I lose control!
Fear of losing control of your condition and sudden turn for the worse!
When you have a anxiety attack, it can feel like loss of control.
All that happened is the transition of control from your conscious mind to the unconscious, so that everything remains under control, but differently.
Panic idea number seven — I'm so weak that I can't move or can fall!
Out of the blue, there are attacks of fear, sometimes it seems that it is just faint, dizzy, shaking hands, causing weakness, heart pounding, you want to jump up and run, but I'm afraid to move...
©Ice age
The feeling of weakness caused by the shaking and dizziness that often accompany panic attacks. In fact, in a moment of panic you become physically weaker, and stronger than at any other time, as to messam rushing blood, they are saturated with oxygen. Thus there is a preparation of the body for execution of the reaction "fight or flight".
Panic idea number eight — I'm sure you'll get in an awkward position!
"... he began to watch his every movement not shameful if it is... Not beyond... began to extinguish in himself the spontaneity of the alleged patrudu me... I need to be smart careful... tricky where it is not given will simplicity your loud laughter... their reactions began to be ashamed of... at once dashed all and hung himself on the plate was not true..."
"Sralau panic attacks about 3 years. The attacks mostly do not come, because I extinguish them at the beginning of advent, but wildly afraid that the attack on the people, especially in a public speech, as in the will work and study I constantly have to deal with new people and speak publicly, which keeps me in a constant nervous tension. Have a characteristic, afraid to look people in the eye, feel insecure, like a little girl, wild sadness, lack of confidence, I forget words, get lost, sometimes it is terrible that the emotions in the eyes can see. It got to the point that I was shaking on the performance and even had a small tremor in the head. Scary when a whole room is watching you and waiting for something, afraid to become confused and to forget, condemnation perhaps afraid not to justify hopes, and I can't cope with the feeling of fear."
How often do you actually ever experience the humiliation or embarrassment as the result of a panic attack? If this happens, do that was so terrible as you imagine?
Panic — a short-term natural reaction. If you have a panic attack, you can be sure that your reaction is "fight or flight" is in good working condition! published
Author: Oksana Litvinova
Source: www.b17.ru/article/8_mysley_vyzyvajyschih_paniky_8_sposobov/
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