In Germany have created a "pocket" of hydro - Blue Freedom

For most of us, hydropower is a giant engineering system, the construction of which requires installation of a huge tent structures, and their work – many skilled professionals from a variety of industries. But a group of engineers from Germany looked at the question of energy generation from water from a different angle and showed a very interesting device that is directly linked to renewable energy sources, intended primarily for tourists.
Micro-hydro, created by German developers, no problem, you can put in your pocket. It weighs less than a pound, but it is able to charge the battery at 5000 mAh, which has, in turn, gives the stored energy to recharge mobile devices.Structural micro-hydro consists of a small turbine with a diameter of 12 inches, which on the three-meter reinforced cable is lowered into the river. Even at low currents, the device is able to operate at full capacity, transmitting the generated power to the battery.The developers are confident that in the near future he has the prerequisites to gain popularity among tourists, travel connected with long-term lack of energy sources. At the same time, the mountain stream is the main factor in the choice of a place to sleep, and the ability to recharge over night their smartphones and navigators, will appeal to many.
Serial perspectives of micro-hydro Blue Freedom yet remain unclear. Its creators stated that the sample design is fully functional and ready for commercial production, but the output device on the market refused to comment.
At the same time, investors under such project will be easy to find and by the summer an unusual device to generate electricity may well be in stores. And if price manage to put in reasonable limits and it is 70-100 dollars, along with gas burners, navigators and drinking systems, micro-hydro will be the most popular modern design for travelers .published
Source: zeleneet.com