What can tell the color of our eyes?

The iridology is the science that studies the iris of the eye. Scientists believe that eye color can determine predisposition to certain diseases.
Iridology, respectively, called the doctors who conduct thorough examination of their patients, namely, their eyes, to detect all signals and characteristics, but one color of the iris, you can confirm your suspicions about some illness or, conversely, to refute them. And perhaps, our eyes will alert us to certain health problems. Surprised?
The iridology asserts that the color of the iris of the eye from birth determines a predisposition to a particular condition, which in the future, of course, will depend on how we take care of ourselves, how to eat, etc. in Other words, the iris is not final "verdict", just nice to know its color to take better care of their health given their weak and vulnerable. So if you suspect the presence of any disease, you can consult also the iridologist, he will diagnose.
In our today's article we will talk about the General characteristics of each of the colors of the eyes, distinguish them, usually three:
Blue and grey eyes

People with the iris gray and blue colors can have the following weak points: the throat, nose and ears, that is, they are prone to colds and various respiratory diseases, as well as, the researchers note, to the irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and problems with the kidneys and joints.
If the iris of the eye, you notice a large number of whitish lines, it is a sign that the nervous system there are some changes. Such people, therefore, are prone to nervousness and increased anxiety, muscle spasms and avoiding these States (that is, the formation of bodily symptoms, otherwise known as "flight into illness"). In this case, the best solution to the problem of the drugs based on herbs that have sedative properties, Bach flowers, for example, or other homeopathic remedies. Equally important will be regular physical activity and exercise.
Brown and black eyes

Here the color of the iris of the eyes may vary from light brown (walnut) to dark brown, almost black.
If you generalize, brown and dark eyes indicate that men are prone to imbalance associated with blood and metabolic processes (metabolism), minerals such as calcium, iron and iodine. Therefore, the owners of brown eyes should be to take care of the condition of the cardiovascular system, liver, spleen and bone marrow.
In addition, over time, these people may receive the tendency to overweight and even obesity, to the emergence of problems with the thyroid gland and endocrine system. In this case you can also noted that preventive measures are the regulation and maintenance of good status of the liver.
It may be true that young people do not have any health problems, but after 25 or 30 years may suddenly begin to notice the following negative changes: high cholesterol, anemia, etc.
Therefore, the owners of brown eyes it is best to learn to take care of your health since childhood, not to neglect proper nutrition, in order to avoid different problems.
It is also recommended to perform regular physical exercises to maintain balance in the bloodstream.
If eye rather light shade (walnut), it may be a predisposition to problems in the digestive and respiratory systems of the body. So you need time to help your body get rid of accumulated toxins and try to eat right.
Green eyes (or mixed type)

This category refers to the whole range of the above color combinations (when there are two or more colors), brown and green or pure green. To correctly determine your predisposition to some diseases, people with green eyes need to understand what shade color is still closer to light or dark. Then for the first option, the answer would be that it refers to gray and blue eyes, and the second for brown and dark, respectively.
Check a Good way to test how accurate this diagnostic eye color is poravnati andlook at their older relatives with the same color eyes. Although, as mentioned earlier, it is only a predisposition, and the presence or, conversely, the absence of disease, more depends on how people cared about their health.
Over time we can also start to notice that the eye color is changing, becoming darker (usually), due to the fact that the whole body "contaminated".
In any case, this guide is somewhat amusing at first glance, can be very useful, if we do consult to the doctor, suspecting at itself any disease.published http://
Source: steptohealth.ru/
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